i phone

  • 网络手机;爱疯;苹果

i phonei phone

i phone


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No matter how you share it, your finished movie remains on your i Phone, ready to copy to your computer the next time you sync. 不管你如何分享它,你完成的影片仍然在你的iPhone,准备复制到您的计算机在您下一次同步。
She uses Apple earphones for the cheap Chinese mobile phone in her pocket, so it looks as if she owns an i Phone. 她口袋中的手机是便宜的中国货,却配着Apple耳机,所以看起来就好像她用的是iPhone一样。
' he said. Yang uses his i Phone on China Mobile's 2G network and says he has no plans to get a 3G plan with Unicom. 杨在他的iPhone手机上用的是中国移动(ChinaMobile)的2G网络,他表示没有使用联通3G套餐的计划。
Maushart says she was so attached to her i Phone that she slept with it under her pillow and started buying it 'little outfits and jewelry. 苏珊说,她对iPhone如此迷恋,以至于睡觉都要把它放在枕头底下,并开始给它买“小小的外套和镶嵌的珠宝”。
A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's i Phone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . 一年前,诺基亚公司向苹果公司砸下了一起讼案,宣称它的美国对手所生产的iphone苹果手机侵犯了自己多个“基本专利”。
And it tried to turn Symbian, its own operating system for smartphones, into a platform in the mould of the i Phone and Android. 它也在设法将自有的智能手机操作系统Symbian,转变为一个如同iPhone和Android模样的平台。
An employee at a Beijing Apple store told the Global Times that Apple has not made such legitimate i Phone covers for the moment. 一位北京苹果零售店的员工在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,苹果公司目前尚未开始正式生产这类iPhone外壳。
What'sister-in-law's sister-in-law'of I phone to round all, that eldest brother calls you a whistle son. 什么‘弟妹弟妹’的我叫着都绕口,那大哥就叫你一声笛儿了。
If you tap the space bar twice, i Phone inserts a period at the end of sentences, then capitalizes the next word for you. 如果你点击空格键两次,iPhone在插入一个句子的结束期限,则大写为你下一个单词。
Try to live in the moment, and leave your i phone or blackberry out of the picture for a bit. 试着珍惜约会的每一分钟,不你的苹果手机或黑莓手机牵扯进来。
On the alarm front, you can set as many alarms as you'll ever need with an interface that's very similar to the i Phone's. 在闹铃方面,你可以设置任意多个所需的闹铃,界面和iPhone的非常相似。
This revolution worried Nokia enough to run a survey about the potency of mobile gaming back in 2007 when the i Phone was released. 2007年iPhone发布之时,这场革命令Nokia焦虑不安,使得Nokia不得不对手机游戏的潜力展开一项调查。
If you want your i Phone to run faster, you've got to shrink it. 如果想让你的iPhone运行得更快,就得把它缩小。
And while much of what China imports is used to make goods that are then re-exported, like the Apple i Phone, Mr. 布拉舍先生称,中国进口的多数产品用于再次出口,如苹果手机。
Everyone's calling it ugly but it looks to me to have design cues from the original i Phone. 每个人都说它丑,但在我看来,它的设计来源于上几代的线索。
With a powerful device like the i Phone, it is finally possible to handle documents in multiple formats with gusto. 随着像iPhone强大的设备,它终于能够处理多种格式的文件津津有味。
The Compass app works with the built-in digital compass to tell you which direction your i Phone is facing. 罗盘应用程序适用于内置的数字罗盘,告诉你哪个方向,你的iPhone是面对的问题。
The firm realised its world was changing and was working on a touch-screen phone much like the i Phone as early as 2004. 它意识到原本属于自己的世界正在变化,早在04年就已经有人研究触屏手机了,很像现在的iPhone。
However, people now often use applications that are not Web-based, like on social networks and mobile devices like the i Phone. 然而,现在,人们通常使用不基于网线的应用程序,例如社交网络和iPhone等手机设备。
In the next 10 minutes, an executive could form her initial perceptions of your firm based on what she sees on her i Phone. 在接下来的10分钟,执行能形成你的公司的基础上初步认识她她在她的iPhone看到的。
If you think your going to get a genuine i phone, or ipod for $20. 00 bucks, your sadly mistaken. 如果你认为你的将会有真正的苹果ipod,或为$20.00美元,你犯了一个可悲的错误。
I would like an i Phone & iPad app with quality very similar to Talking Tom Cat and Talking Larry the Bird. 我想一个质量非常相似,谈起汤姆猫和Talking拉里伯德iPhone和IPAD应用程序。
His Sunday night stay at the hotel is his first getaway in two years, though he brought his i Phone and mail from home to keep busy. 他周日晚上入住酒店是他两年来的第一次,但他带来了他的iPhone和邮件。
The music fades and pauses when i Phone rings, and a pinch of the center button on your headset answers the call. 暂停的音乐渐暗,当iPhone戒指,以及在您的耳机中间的按键捏接听来电。
It resemble, as it was expected that the California graphic giant will supply for i Phone its processor applications. 它相似,因为它是预期美国加州图形公司将供应拥有其处理器的应用。
Jump, jump, jump to the top, top, top with Doodle Jump, the runaway i Phone platform hit now available for your mobile phone! 跳、跳、跳的更高,顶部,放上涂鸦跳,失控的网路平台目前可供你打手机!
Even Steven Jobs was fired from Apple, before he came back to transform the marketplace with the iPod and i Phone. 斯蒂夫。乔布斯曾被苹果公司解雇过,但他最终重返公司并且籍iPod和iPhone使全般市场洗手不干。
Wow. No sense of design. Though, I'd be laughing (mostly at myself) if the real i Phone 5 looked like this. 哇,完全没有设计感。显然,我会笑(主要是自己)如果真正的5看起来像这样。
The page should be accessible at least with IE and Firefox - if possible also via i Phone and other Mobil devices. 访问该网页应至少与IE和Firefox的-如果可能的话还可以通过iPhone和其他美孚设备。
The other joints allow you to turn the holder so the i Phone 4 is position so you can view it safely and legally. 其他关节允许您把持有人因此iPhone4的位置,以便您可以查看安全和合法的。