
美 [ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪt]英 [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]
  • v.预料;预期;预见;期望
  • 网络期待;提前使用;预感

第三人称单数:anticipates 现在分词:anticipating 过去式:anticipated

anticipate trouble,anticipate growth



1.预料;预期to expect sth

2.预见,预计(并做准备)to see what might happen in the future and take action to prepare for it

3.~ (doing) sth.~ (sth doing) sth期盼;期望to think with pleasure and excitement about sth that is going to happen

4.~ sb (doing sth)先于…做;早于…行动to do sth before it can be done by sb else


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... anthropology n. 人类学 anticipate vt. 预料,预期 apartment n. 公寓住宅, …


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... anthropology n. 人类学 anticipate vt. 预料,预期 apartment n. 公寓住宅, …


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... ant n. 蚂蚁 anticipate vt. 预料,预期,期望 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 ...


期冀_百度百科 ... 极,限度〖 limit〗 期待anticipate;await;expect〗 期会〖 gatheringappointedatime〗 ...


MBA英语词汇(含音标) - 豆丁网 ... ant 蚂蚁 anticipate 预料, 期望; 提前使用 anxiety 挂念, 忧虑; 渴望, 热望 ...


GMAT词汇精选 手机阅读整理版_百度文库 ... antibody n. 抗体(身体中的抗病物质) anticipate v. 预见,预期 antifreeze n. 抗 …


新东方四级乱序_bigearlistening_新浪博客 ... plural 复数 anticipate 预感,期望 teenager 青少年 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... label n. 标签 anticipate v. 预测,预计 stepladder n. 梯子 ...

I anticipate there might be a situation where other big clubs will try and sign Steven, but he gave no indication that he wanted to leave. 我能预计到可能会有其他大的俱乐部会争取签下杰拉德,但他没有要离开的迹象。
You, my darling, are the wind that I did not anticipate, the wind that has gusted more strongly than I ever imagined possible. 亲爱的,你是我没有预料的那种风,那种甚至比我能够想象到的还要强烈的风。
Gates also said he did not anticipate situations in which U. S. forces would pursue Iranians up to the border with Iran. 盖茨还说,他预计不会出现美军追剿伊朗行动人员直至伊朗边界的局面。
Without it we would be unable to maintain large social hierarchies and alliances or anticipate what an unseen enemy might be planning. 缺少了这种能力,我们就无法维系广泛的社会等级制度和社会联盟,或者不能预测看不见的敌人可能在策划些什么。
"The drug could be used prophylactically and I would anticipate it would be highly efficacious, " he said. 他强调:“这种药物可以预防性应用,我认为它会非常有效。”
"He is going to have bipartisan support in the Senate, and I would anticipate he will be confirmed, " he said. 他说:“他将得到来自参议院两党的支持。我预计他将得到连任。”
HELEN: Ah, I’ m forrest I won’ t be in the office on Monday, and I anticipate Gregg has affairs all day. 海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。
Investment will also be made to help the firm anticipate the next stages of health and safety compliance. 投资也将帮助公司预测健康和安全规定的下一阶段。
The Swiss made an early mistake when he failed to anticipate a through ball from Peixoto for Meyong whose shot went into the side netting. 瑞士人在比赛早些时候没有预料到梅永给佩克索托的直传球,后者的射门击中了边网。
Investors are trying to anticipate something they usually take for granted: the ability of the financial system to function normally. 投资者正努力预测金融体系何时能恢复正常运作,而他们以往都认为这种正常运作是自然而然的事。
'I gave up a long time ago trying to anticipate the U. S. policy on wind, ' he said. 他说,很早以前我就放弃了对美国风能政策的预测。
The assumption underlying this experiment was that the receiver would hear the sound, anticipate the shock, and show fear on its face. 进行这项实验的假定理论是,接受者会听见声音,预料到电击的到来,脸上会显露出害怕。
Republicans will probably claim that private employers got their mojo back as they began to anticipate a more business-friendly Congress. 共和党人很可能会声称私人雇主重新找回了运气是因为他们将要促成一个更有利于商业的国会。
Partnership with you and hoped will help you to eagerly anticipate the fashion tidal current, the creation glorious future. 期待与您建立良好的伙伴关系并希望帮助您引领时常潮流,创造美好未来。
It were well, he said, to be there early, and anticipate certain indistinct but wholly unjust claims on the score of ground rent and fuel. 他说,赶早来最好,趁别人还来不及在地租和燃料上,提出某种数目不定,但是完全不公道的要求。
The children in this film are abused, both mentally and physically, in ways I did not anticipate. 孩子在影片中是受虐待的,精神上和身体上的。
He also did not anticipate running into a landmass before he reached the East Indies. 在自己真的到达印度之前,他也没有意识到自己到达了一个新大陆。
We have to anticipate and be prepared for things he might try to do to flout the will of the international community. 我们必须提前做好准备来应对他可能做出的任何对国际社会的意愿所表现出的轻蔑行为。
That way, even if you did not anticipate a problem, at least users will not see an exception page. 这样,即使您没有预料到某个问题,至少用户不会看到异常页。
My purpose this morning is to help you anticipate what you will hear over the next few days or weeks as you listen to the evidence. 我今早的任务是要帮助您在接下来几天或几周内为所听到的证词预作准备。
Essentially, the best guesses of divisional leaders, who are trying to anticipate future demand and future performance. 基本上都是试图预期未来需求和业绩的部门领导的最佳猜测。
It does mean that your application needs to anticipate that it may not be able to write the data and then respond to such a possibility. 但这并不一定意味着应用程序需通过其他途径写入数据,而是需要预见可能无法写入数据的情况,并对这种可能性加以响应。
As you gather requirements, try to anticipate what information the team might need when you start to design the system and write code. 当你搜集需求时,试着预计一下当你着手设计系统和编码时整个团队可能需要什么信息。
I knew that even if the case was one in which it was impossible to anticipate the problem in advance, I could handle whatever I found. 我知道,即使情形在哪一个预先预期问题是不可能的是一,我可以处理无论什么我发现。
Maybe it was the simple decision to call an old friend once a month, which has resulted in all sorts of pluses you didn't even anticipate. 也许就是每月给一位老朋友打了一次电话,这样简单的决定,结果就是完全出乎你意料之外的。
This would anticipate the changing interests and concerns of all the big trading nations in a way that the Doha agenda did not. 这种计划应预见到多哈回合谈判没有预见到的东西——各贸易大国不断变化的利益和关切。
Mr Tyau said he did not anticipate problems from the acquisition as TPV and Philips have worked together for about six years. 刁申表示,他预计收购交易不会出现问题,因为冠捷与飞利浦的合作已经有6年了。
Increasing the breadth of your experiences provides richer information for your brain to draw on as it helps you anticipate new situations. 增加你经历的宽度能够让你的大脑提取更丰富的信息,从而帮助你对新的情况进行预测。
Such explorations have motivated me to think about ways in which my code base might be organized to anticipate future growth. 此类研究推动我思考如何组织我的代码库以及使其预期在未来能不断增长。
I anticipate nothing but growth for our companies over the next few years. 我深信我们两家公司在未来几年一定能够不断成长。