
美 [əˈraɪv]英 [a'raɪvd]
  • v.到达;到…;发生;达到(结果)

过去式:arrived 现在分词:arriving 第三人称单数:arrives

safely arrive,finally arrive,duly arrive
arrive hour,arrive destination,arrive camp,arrive station,waiting arrive


The 22-year-old appeared to have a promising career at City ahead of him until Shay Given arrived from Newcastle in January. 这个22岁的年轻人看似有一个美好的职业前景,但ShayGiven从纽卡斯尔转会过来之后就不一样了。
When he arrived, there was Eli sitting on his chair by the side of the road, watching, because his heart feared for the ark of God. 到了的时候,以利正在道旁坐在自己的位上观望,为神的约柜心里担忧。
One of the houses got a bunch of cards, and the owner coincidentally opened the door as I arrived. 一家人收到一堆卡片,我到那家时主人正好开门出来。
Unfortunately, by the time Rudd had arrived at the train station, the poor forgetful man had forgotten the name of his destination himself. 很不幸,当他来到火车站的时候,可怜的健忘男自己已经忘记了目的地的名字。
Splashing water can be just arrived in the market, the auto-sweep in the Water "fire" , by whom I do not know from behind a splash of water. 可刚到泼水场,就中了自动扫水器的“扫射”,还不知被谁从身后泼了一身水。
I arrived at her house the next day where she handed me a piece of paper with her three pieces of wisdom written out. 第二天我又来到她的住处,她给了我一张纸,上面写着她的三条智慧。
The U. S. has arrived at the point where poverty could be abolished easily and simply by a stroke of the pen. 美国已经到达了如此的地位,以致可以非常容易地消除贫穷,而且只要用笔一挥就可以做到。
When the governess first arrived the children played tricks on her . 女家庭教师刚到的时候,孩子们都捉弄她。
When the boys arrived, they were housed in separate cabins and, for the first week, did not know about the existence of the other group. 当孩子们到达的时候,他们住进了单独的小屋里。而且在第一个星期中,他们并不知道还有另外一组人的存在。
If the bus had not been delayed , I might have arrived on time. 如果公车没有延迟,我也许早就可以准时到那儿了。
When the police and the psychiatrist arrived they sat down in chairs and looked at her, with great interest. 几位警察和那位接到电话的精神医生随即赶来,他们坐在椅子上,好奇地看着女人。
Mr. Musharraf appeared upbeat as he arrived . "I respect your emotions, " he said, as his supporters shouted, "Long live Musharraf! " 穆沙拉夫抵达时看上去情绪高昂。支持者们欢呼着,“穆沙拉夫万岁!”他说,“感谢诸位厚爱。”
The shoes, for the company's spring 2010 collection , had just arrived, and she had nowhere to put them. 这些来自周仰杰品牌2010年春季系列的鞋品刚刚运到,她找不到地方摆放这些鞋子。
He had just arrived when a 48-year-old man in the crowd starting lobbing eggs at him, police said. 据当地警方称,武尔夫到达不久,人群中一名48岁的男子就朝他身上投去数枚鸡蛋。
She had been waiting for about a month to hear back when Gadhafi arrived on his state visit to Ukraine. 她等待回音了约一个月,当时卡扎菲抵达乌克兰进行国事访问。
The twinkling of an eye one end of the last day has arrived, and Arthur did not find an answer, so go talk witch. 一转眼年末最后一天到了,亚瑟还是没有找到答案,只好去找巫婆谈。
Very shortly after we arrived at Mr Chen's place, unexpectedly he said to us, "you were supposed to congratulate on me today. " 到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。
Eleven ships was no wise enough, but if he waited any longer, the free folk at Hardhome would be dead by the time the rescue fleet arrived. 十一艘远远不够,可是再等下去,艰难堡的自由民很可能在救援舰队到达之前死去。
A Frenchman had arrived at a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. 一个法国人到了一个意大利镇和他的妻子住在那里最好的旅店。
I wanted to call at him the minute he arrived . 我刚要打电话给他,他就来了。
I had been practising since I arrived from my mother. But it takes a bit of getting used to. 自出娘胎后,我就一直在练习,但我还是需要一些时间去适应。
Ever since the puppy arrived, everything made of cloth at my home has to be washed many times . . . 6 free usage available. 自从狗狗来了以后,我家凡是布制的东西几乎全部洗了数次,尤其是沙发套。
A few minutes later three paramedics arrived and examined her. She did not need hospital treatment. 几分钟后,三名医护人员前来为她做检查,称其不需要住院治疗。
So I asked my two grandsons, Ned and Will, to watch out for the bottle and let me know if and when it arrived, even if it took a year. 所以我请我的两个外孙Ned和Will注意这个瓶子,如果看到它就告诉我它是什么时候到的,哪怕这段路要走上一年。
When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden. 进了家门,他一眼就看见在花园中戏耍的孩子们。
His wife is specially virtuous, discovered that each time delivers the food, arrived at there meal to be then cool. 他的妻子特别贤惠,发现每次送饭,走到那里饭菜便凉了。
Blacks began to grumble and feel threatened; they wondered if once again they were about to be passed over by those who'd just arrived. 黑人开始抱怨,并且感到受到威胁,他们想知道是否他们会又一次地被人所忽略,而且是被刚刚来美国的新移民。
"You've cut off your hair? " asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. 吉姆费了好大的劲才问道:“你将头发剪掉了?”就如同在经历了艰苦的脑力劳动之后却没有获得专利的感觉。
Yang arrived in London on Tuesday at the invitation of his British counterpart David Miliband for a three-day official visit. 杨洁篪应英国外交和联邦事务大臣米利班德的邀请于周二抵达伦敦,开始对英国进行为期3天的正式友好访问。
Once we've applied GQM and arrived at a measurement model that supports our needs, we are ready to set that model into motion. 一旦我们应用了GQM并到达了支持我们需要的度量模型,我们就要准备设置行动模型了。