sit down

  • na.坐下;住定;占有;(坐下来)开始工作(谈判等)
  • 网络扎营;雪堂请侬坐;坐吧

第三人称单数:sits down 现在分词:sitting down 过去式:sat down

sit downsit down

sit down


初中英语短语大全 ... 1.near the fireplace 在火炉旁 2.sit down 坐下 3.jump up 跳起来 ...


台湾康轩书局的小学简易教室英文用语 ... Stand up. 站起来。 Sit down. 坐下来。 Put down. 放下。 ...


sit 的词组有哪些,中文各是什么?_百度知道 ... sit in on 列席;旁听 sit down 坐下;扎营 sit on 开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁 …


...  翘梯翘梯喝杯茶(HAVE TEA),   雪堂雪堂请侬坐SIT DOWN),   红头阿三开泼度(KEEP DOOR),   自家兄弟勃拉茶(…


中文:第一学期期末考试 ... ... classmates 同学们 sit down 坐吧 how are you feeling? 你怎么样? ...


sit的各种英语短语表达方式?_百度知道 ... sit back 向后靠着坐,不动,旁观 sit down 就座,扎营,降落 sit oneself down 自行就座 ...


初中英语短语翻译_爱问知识人 ... 5.系领带 -- wear tie 8.坐下;就坐 -- sit down 9.太...而不能... -- too... to ...

When and how would I be able to return home again, to sit down at the piano or to pick up my cello or the violin. 何时,我能以怎样的方式回报家庭呢,坐在钢琴前或者拿起我的大提琴或小提琴。
But if they are ready to sit down, respect the law, be fair and just, we're always prepared to talk. " Ahmadinejad said. " 但如果他们愿意坐下来,尊重法律,公平且公正,我们时刻准备着会谈。
She decided to use it as a warning before she got to the stage of shouting or crying and agreed to sit down and talk this through with them. 她决定坐下来和孩子们谈一谈,把它作为她大声斥责或哭泣前的一个警告。
When the puppy is tired from a good romp, sit down with him on your lap and began to pull out the long wispy hairs on his head. 当小狗,是从累了良好巅峰,坐下来跟他对你的圈,并开始拔出长头发要比对他的头部。
Although I do not stop people or welcome those who like me, I think I don't want to have them sit down in front of me. 尽管我对喜欢我的人既不阻止也不欢迎,但我并不强迫他们支持我。
We've got a bit of news for you, are you somewhere where you've got some company with you or can you sit down somewhere? 我们有消息告诉你,你现在身边有人陪着吗?呃,可以找个地方坐下来吗?
She tried once more. 'It looks as if it's set in for the evening. Would you like to sit down for a while? ' 她又试了一次。“这里看起来只是为夜晚准备的,您要不要也坐下来呢?”
Woman: Hello, James, do sit down. Right, as you know, our Nottingham centre has had a significant drop in income over the last few months. 女:你好,詹姆斯,请坐。就你所知,在过去的几个月,我们诺丁汉中心的收入有一个明显的下降。
Milo watched Doris sit down in front of the keyboard. Inside of a minute she began isolating data, separating the wheat from the chaff. 米洛看着多丽丝坐在键盘前,不到一分钟她已经开始剥离数据,试图从中找出有价值的部分。
'All right, thank you, 'I said. 'Let him sit down. I don't want to see any more. “好了,谢谢你,”我说,“让他坐下来,我不想再看什么了。”
We barely sit down in anger Ma Sheng, then the newspaper connected with the shop, then prepared to put the moon cake and eat moon cakes! 我们在愤骂声中勉强坐下后,便把报纸连接铺在一起,那时准备用来放月饼和吃月饼的!
But Mr. Barnett said the remaining monks held the equivalent of a sit-down strike and were joined by an additional 100 monks from Drepung. 巴涅特又说,余下的僧侣采取了相当于静坐示威的手段,同时有另外一百名来自哲蚌寺的僧侣加入其中。
From then on, whether or dark goddess of the dawn goddess, she has not been a moment to sit down and rest. 从那时起,无论黎明女神还是黑夜女神,都未见她坐下来休息片刻。
When we have a chance again to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk, my love is still as ever, only that I will not let you know. 当我们再有机会坐下来,好好地谈一谈的时候,我的爱依旧,只是不想在让你知道了。
I did not say hello to anyone, casually found a seat to sit down, but I have taken note of the window that special boy. 我没有与任何人打招呼,随便找了个座位坐下了,但我还是注意到了窗边那个特别的男孩。
No; you are less than a servant, for you do nothing for your keep. There, sit down, and think over your wickedness. 不,你连仆人都不如。你不干事,吃白食。喂,坐下来,好好想一想你有多坏。
Dobby: Offend Dobby! Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal. . . 多比:冒犯多比!多比听说过你的伟大,先生,但是从来没有一个魔法师让多比坐下来,把我当成是平等的一样……
She waited and waited. Before she could sit down in the hospital she stood up to run to the school. 她左等右等等不会来,回到医院还没坐稳就又跑到学校。
And I was coming over here, say, you know, sit down and then I would go, leave without that. 我正来这里,说,你知道,坐下来,然后我就走,离开这。
A man a pull her to sit down, he said good, you sit to eat. 男人一把拉她坐下,他说挺好啦,你快坐下吃吧。
I would like to sit down and talk to you about this of course but I will give a few suggestions that you can try first. 我很乐意能坐下来好好跟你谈谈这个问题,但只能给你一些意见,你可以试一试。
Teacher thinking for a while, he said, "everyone sit down in the classroom to find a corner. " 老师思考了一会儿,他说“每个人在教室找个墙角坐下”。
When it comes time to sit down and write the next book, you're deathly afraid that you're not up to the task. 每当坐下来写下本书的时候,你总会非常担心自己不能胜任这项工作。
Tom walked out of the room as he said it, and Edmund was left to sit down and stir the fire in thoughtful vexation. 汤姆没等他说完就走出屋去,埃德蒙只好坐下来,忧心忡忡地拨动炉火。
All during the sit-down dinner, the host's three-year-old girl stared at her father's boss sitting across from her. 在整个饭局当中,主人的三岁大的女儿一直盯着坐在她对面的人,即她父亲的老板。
Sitting at the diningroom table, I realized that this was the first time since I came home from work that I had been able to just sit down. 当我坐在餐厅的桌子旁的时候,我才意识到,从晚上下班到现在我才刚刚有机会坐下来。
Lu asked him to sit down and gave him a cup of tea, which made him feel as warm as the tea in heart. 卢老师叫刘备坐下,给刘备倒了一杯茶,弄得刘备心里也像这杯茶一样热乎乎的。
She wanted to sit down on the pauper's grave where the bitter fern grows; but for her there was neither peace nor rest. 她想要在长着苦涩羊齿蕨的穷人的坟头坐下来,但是她在那里找不到安宁与平静。
Bennet had so carefully provided for the entertainment of her brother and sister, that they did not once sit down to a family dinner. 班纳特太太小心周到地为她的弟弟和弟妇安排得十分热闹,以致他们夫妇不曾在她家里吃过一顿便饭。
She did not see whether he wanted her to sit down beside her Tingtajiang those old stories. 不论她有没有看见,他希望她坐到身旁听他讲那些古老的故事。