stock market

  • n.股市;证券交易(所);股票交易(所)
  • 网络股票市场;证券市场;牲畜市场

stock marketstock market

stock market


1.证券交易(所);股票交易(所);股市the business of buying and selling shares in companies and the place where this happens; a stock exchange


财会术语表 - MBA智库百科 ... Stock dividend 股利 Stock market 股票市场 Stock opinions 股票价格 ...


商务英文_百度知道 ... share 股票 stock market 股市 shareholder 股东 ...


会计词汇E ... stock list 存货表;存货单;股市行情表 stock market 证券市场;股票市场 stock option 股票期权 ...


free market ... stiff market 价格坚挺的市场 stock market 股票市场, 证券市场; 牲畜市场 street market (交易所)场外市场 ...


BBC Learning English-荆楚网 ... to list 上市 stock market 股票交易市场 commodities 商品 ...


英语微博掌中宝之财经纵横_百度百科 ... Financial Prospects 金融前景 Stock Market 股票行情 Investment Predictions 投资预测 ...

'China's stock market index is usually not a good leading indicator of economic growth, ' Wang Tao said in a research note. 她在一份研究报告中指出,中国股指通常不是一个好的经济增长领先指标。
Often as a result of insider dealing brings great harm to the stock market, an increasing number of countries have to follow the U. 由于内幕交易往往给证券市场带来极大的损害,越来越多的国家相继效仿美国禁止证券内幕交易。
The office became busier and busier. Orders to buy and sell came and went like birds flying. This was the stock market, the world of money. 办公室更加忙碌起来。买卖的订单就像鸟儿一样飞进飞出。这就是股市,钱的世界。
The stock market bubble has burst and, despite signs of economic recovery, Wall Street seems to be sunk in gloom. 股市的泡沫已经破裂。尽管出现了经济复苏的迹象,但华尔街似乎仍然陷于衰退之中。
This difference between net and operating profit means there can be no doubt: companies have been speculating in the stock market. 净利润与营业利润的差额,意味着有一点是无庸置疑的:中国公司一直在投机股市。
Three good will in the end into the stock market or how much the market is most concerned about. 三大利好到底能转化成股市多大的涨幅是市场最关心的问题。
In September, he said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal that despite his losses, he remained bullish on the stock market. 9月,鲍尔森在的一份声明中对《华尔街日报》说,尽管他的基金出现亏损,但他仍看涨股市。
Since China A-share stock market was establishment, there had been a number of huge shocks in the market. 我国A股市场自建立以来,出现了多次巨幅的市场动荡。
The fact that ICBC's massive capital-raising operation partly took place in Shanghai underlined the revival in the mainland stock market. 工行大规模筹资活动中的一部分选择在上海进行,突显出大陆股市的复苏。
Officials say that at least some of the Rmb2, 000bn that would not be repaid has been embezzled or punted in the stock market. 政府官员称,在2万亿可能无法得到偿还的贷款中,至少有一部分被挪用或投入了股市。
He said the stock market is enjoying a bear-market rally that could take the Dow to 9000, up nearly 38% from its March 9 low. 他说,股市正在享受熊市中的一轮上扬,有可能会把道琼斯指数推高至9,000点,较3月9日的低点上涨近38%。
New software interface, easy to operate, that you invest in the stock market a good assistant. 软件界面新颖,操作简便,是您投资证券市场的好助手。
Qi believes there has been a lack of a real supervision system under the current stock market and an immature credit system. 祁斌认为,在市场经济体制不完善、社会信用体系不完整的大背景下,我国资本市场尚未形成真正的资本约束机制。
It was a meeting of institutional investors hosted by the Bank in the early 1970s that called the bottom of the stock market crash. 正是该行在上世纪70年代初主办的一次机构投资者会议,使股市崩盘见底。
In another, that's the worry for the stock market, because much like the Euro Zone, the global economy is all interconnected too. 另一方面,这是股票市场的担忧,因为就像欧元区,全球的经济也都是相互关联的。
Retail interest in QDII funds is being driven by an overpriced domestic stock market and a lack of investment options at home. 散户投资者对QDII基金兴趣浓厚,原因在于内地股市估值过高,且投资者在国内缺乏投资选择。
Primary coverage: The China stock market is in a development market, not the mature market, generally speaking is not a standard market. 主要内容:中国证券市场是一个发展中的市场,不成熟的市场,总的来看是一个不规范的市场。
He said that at the time of the Soviet Union's invasion of Hungary in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968, there was no Russian stock market. 他表示,苏联1956年入侵匈牙利或1968年入侵捷克斯洛伐克时,俄罗斯还没有股市。
My advice: Stop trying to figure out the direction of the stock market, and worry more about the value of individual stocks. 我的提议:别去猜测市场的走势,考虑考虑个股的价值才是正经。
The appeal of chart reading to the stock-market trader is something like that of a patent medicine to an incurable invalid. 技术派在市场交易中对图形的利用,某种程度上就像用专利药治疗不治之症。
The stock market crash did not at once utterly destroy but it did severely shake the confidence of the business community. 证券市场的崩溃,虽未立即彻底摧毁,但却严重动摇企业界的信心。
A few weeks ago, they were all guns blazing to the AIA stock market listing and neither now wants to work for the company. 几周前,这两个人还在大力推介AIA(在香港)上市,而现在他们两个都不愿为公司工作了。
That will, if stock market action so far in 2010 is any guide, be enough to stall, at least, the rally that began in March 2009. 如果2010年股市目前的回升,至少是始于2009年的回升具有任何指导意义的话,这种情况就会发生。
The kind of wealth created by the stock-market boom is pretty much all that legitimizes Communist Party rule these days. 该种所创造的财富存量市场的繁荣是几乎所有合法化共产党统治的这些天。
He than set out his pace to tell us the stock market, but in a different angle -- the bubble of the stock. 他比阐述了他的步伐,告诉我们股市,但在不同的视角-以股市泡沫。
The stock market can be a good place to invest some of your money, but it is also risky, especially if you do not know much about stocks. 股票市场可以是很好的投资管道,但是风险也很大,尤其是当你对股票瞭解不深,就得负担更大的风险。
On any given day, the stock market is a voting machine, '' he said, and only ''in the long run is it a weighing machine. 他认为在某些时候,股票市场仅仅是投票机,而要想使其发挥衡量的作用,则需要长期的时间。
As if Tuesday's sell-off on the stock market weren't enough to be worried about, now comes some more ominous news. 好像周二股市的下跌还不足以让人着急似的,现在又有一些不祥消息接踵而至。
You know, he said, we've got only 80 years of good data on the stock market. 他说,你知道吧,股市只有80年的最好数值。
Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. 许多消费者看来已经被股票市场的震荡所影响,这在投资者看来是经济持续繁荣的必要成分。