her hair

  • 网络她的头发;她的秀发;他的头发

her hairher hair

her hair


牛津小学英语4B词组归纳_百度文库 ... 几岁 how old 她的头发 her hair (复数) 多少(不可数),多少钱 how much ...


迈克尔杰克逊的earth song歌词_百度知道 ... The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 ...


yam 天空部落-影音分享-Dangerous-麦克杰克森 ... The Way She Moved 他的步调 Her Hair 他的头发 Her Face 他的容颜 ...


长眠图片 the big sleep 2 - 图蛙 ImageWa.com ... 斯坦利图片 Stanley 她的头发图片 Her hair 刷子图片 brush ...


牛津版七年级英... ... 1)她的头发是长的Her hair ________ long. 2)我们每天打扫教室。 We ________ the classroom ever…


艾略特... ... Under the firelight,under the brush,her hair 火光下,发刷下,她的长发 Spread out in fiery points 散成点点火星 ...


Voice of Freedom: Just The... ... Her hair,her hair 她的发,她的发 Falls perfectly without her trying 垂落得象小瀑布一样 ...

or : He met her in Nanjing in 1949 and again forty years later. Her hair, which had been black at their first meeting, was now white. 他一九八九年在南京见到了她。他上一次见到她是四十年前,当时她的头发是黑的,而这一次全白了。
Her golden hair was done up on the top of her head, and a blue bowknot was in her hair. 她金色的头发向上梳着,头上戴着蓝色的蝴蝶结。
She sounded breathless and kept patting her hair. "We'll be able to see him in a minute. . . . " 她呼吸急促,不停地拍着头发。“我们一会儿就能见到他了……”
Pulling her hair away from her eyes. 撩起遮住她眼的秀发。
When he entered there, however, he found his wife brushing her hair and musing to herself the while. 但是当他走进去时,他发现他妻子正在用刷子梳理头发,一边刷,一边在沉思。
At last, her hair grew into a natural Gray. Increasing wrinkles about her mouth and eyes added character to her cherub face. 最后,她的头发变成了很自然的灰白色。嘴角和眼角不断增多的皱纹给她那张娃娃脸上增添了个性。
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. 但女人有长头发,乃是她的荣耀,因为这头发是给她作盖头的。
A woman smiles, raises her eyebrows, opens her eyes wide, holds a gaze, fidgets with her hair, lowers and tilts her head, and laughs. 女人可能会微笑,扬起眉毛,睁大眼睛,长久注视,摆弄头发,降低或倾斜脑袋。
She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. 她穿着一身又脏又旧的衣服,没穿长统袜,披头散发,满脸灰尘,显得又脏又累。
When they sat down together, the man would lean forward, thrusting out his chest, while the woman would start twirling her hair. 当他们比肩而坐时,男士可能会向前倾,挺直胸膛,而女士则开始捻弄她们的头发。
"It might work, " says Brown, as she spritzed some on her hair, just in case. "It needs to be tested in a double-blind test. " “可能会有效果,”布朗说,一边还向自己的头发喷洒“不过需要在双盲实验中进行检测。”
Bill: She thought we'd better get out of her hair. Donna freaked out when she saw us. That's all that about. 比尔:她希望我们不要去烦她。唐娜看见我们时吓了一跳。
There was a fine, handsome girl among them, with a red ribbon in her hair. 其中有一位纤秀好看的姑娘,头戴红色的发带。
She was a quiet, plain-looking woman, with her hair in a bun, pulled severely back from her face. 她是个少言寡语,长相一般的女人。她的头发平贴地向后紧梳着,在头后面梳成一个髻。
Once upon a time, a blonde became so sick of hearing blonde jokes that she had her hair cut and dyed brown. 从前,一位金发女郎因为厌倦了关于金发女郎的笑话,因此她剪掉自己的长发并染成了棕色。
When I met Lie Na, she was combing her hair and ready to go to down stairs, but she still made some time to fill our form. 见到列娜的时候她正在化妆间打理头发,马上就准备下楼去了,但她还是抽出了几分钟为我们留下了她的联系方式。
The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. 水顺着从她的头发和衣服,它跑下去到脚趾鞋子再次在紧随其后。
No one seems to have any problems when a woman of a certain age cuts her hair off. 当女人到了一定的年龄剪掉他们的头发是很正常的。
She had not troubled to dress herself, but wore a dirty dressing-gown, and her hair was tied in a sluttish knot. 她压根儿没有梳洗,只穿着一身肮脏的梳装袍子,头发胡乱地束成一团。
Her hair is usually styled with lots of body and lush volume built in around the crown and throughout the sides. 她的头发通常是样式与量体和茂密的地段建造皇冠和周围的整个方面。
So she put lanugo also cut off, but her mother did not lose her hair. 于是妈妈就把胎毛也剪掉了,不过妈妈没把头发丢掉。
She let her hair down in "The Merry Widow" , and squeezed herself into a too-tight uniform to sing Marie in "La Fille du Regiment" . 她在唱“风流寡妇”的时候不拘小节,在唱“战场上的女孩”玛丽的时候,把自己丰满的身体塞进一个紧绷的制服里。
You see: the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. 你明白了?女人的美不是她穿的衣服,不是她的身材,也不是她梳头发的方法。
After an impatient oath or two, she got her hair away from her eyes, sufficiently to obtain a sight of him. 她不耐烦的咒骂了一两声,把头发从眼睛上拨开,才看到了他。
If you think she's ready for the kiss test, lean over to her and play with her hair a little bit. 如果你觉得她已经准备好了,那么靠向她,拨弄她的头发。
The water ran down from her hair and clothes; and she was in a very bad condition. 水从头发上流到衣服上,现在的状况很差。
And her hair wasn't your hair, it was blond, and I have to admit I liked how it contrasted with the dark tan of her skin. 她的头发也不像你的,是棕色的。而且我不得不承认这与她深褐色的皮肤呈鲜明对比。
Her hair was a hallow of light around her. Her eyes the bluest blue of the ocean. 她的头发是一圈光环,她的眼睛是海洋般最深的蓝。
I would rather have a smell of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without any feeling. 我宁愿只闻一次她的发香,只亲一次她的嘴唇,只摸一下她的手,也不愿意要没有任何感觉的永生。
She hastened to wipe the soap bubbles off her hands with her apron, tidied up her hair, and greeted him with a beaming smile. 秀嫂赶忙用围裙擦了擦手上的肥皂泡,把散落在额头上的碎发弄巴实,满面笑容上前迎客。