
美 [epi'aɪ]
  • n.应用编程接口;美国石油学会
  • 网络应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface);美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute);应用程序接口



应用程序编程接口(Application Programming Interface)

电脑常用英语单词 ... allocation layer 应用层 API 应用程序编程接口 applications 应用程序 ...

美国石油学会(American Petroleum Institute)

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XML 用户界面语言(XUL)开发简介 ... XML: 可扩展标记语言 API应用编程接口 CSS: 层叠样式表 ...

You can write scripts with Dojo, and can include as little or as much of the available APIs as you want to suit your needs. 可以用Dojo编写脚本,并根据您的需要包括任意多个可用的API。
Shiro is a framework implemented in the Java language that provides both authentication and authorization in an easy-to-use API. Shiro是一个用Java语言实现的框架,通过一个简单易用的API提供身份验证和授权。
Here you can see that the content for an API description is actually much more restricted than the content of a general reference topic. 在这您会看到API描述的内容实际上比常规引用主题受更多的限制。
The security settings affect the ability to call the Microsoft Win32 API or other APIs that cannot be verified by the security system. 安全性设置会影响对安全系统无法验证的MicrosoftWin32API或其他API进行调用的能力。
He describes how one might document a web application like the Sun Cloud API using WADL and goes on to illustrate his idea with an example. 他描述了一种对Web应用进行文档化的可能方式,如Sun云计算API使用WADL,并通过例子解释了其想法。
This library has a number of helper functions to make it easy to access the lower-level APIs. 这个库提供许多辅助函数,可以简化对低层API的访问。
Every time a new Cloud API is announced, its "RESTfulness" is heralded as if it was a MUST HAVE feature. 每次新的云API都会宣布它的“RESTfulness”特性,好象这是必须具备的特征。
As IT infrastructure moves to the cloud, openness is not just a priority for source code but for standards and APIs as well. 随着IT的基础设施移向了“云端”,开放不仅仅针对代码而言,还针对标准以及API。
So now you're ready to dive in and take a look at the Web service API that provides access to subscriptions. 因此,您已经准备好深入研究并查看提供对订阅访问的Web服务API。
It has shown that the length measurement system can meet the demands of the process completely and come up to API international standards. 实践证明,该测长系统可完全满足生产工艺过程的要求,达到API国际标准。
Make sure that you use an encryption API that does not require the key to be stored somewhere and is not derived from the users password. 确保使用的加密API不需要在其他位置存储密钥,并且不是由用户的密码派生而来。
At the end of the article I'll offer a few tips and a hands-on example to help you integrate your current applications with the new API. 在本文的结束部分,我将提供一些技巧和一个亲身实践的示例来帮助您将当前的应用程序和新的API相集成。
This easy-to-understand API reduces the learning curve for developers, which also makes it a very tempting option. 易于理解的API降低了开发人员的学习难度,也使其成为非常诱人的选择。
In these cases, the host system has a defined API to which the plugin must conform, and a way of injecting that plugin in. 在这种情况下,宿主系统定义了一套plugin必须遵循的API及plugin注入方式。
Is the API Free of Side Effects? Hard to say, but an implementation of the API could do practically anything due to its lack of cohesion. 这个API没有任何副作用吗?很难说没有,由于缺乏内聚形这个API实际上可以做一些别的事情。
It's actually quite easy to put our data through the regression model using the WEKA API, far easier than actually loading the data. 实际上使用WEKAAPI让数据通过回归模型得到处理非常简单,远简单于实际加载数据。
At any given time, the client of any REST API is going to be programmed with some assumptions about what the system can do. 每次在编写RESTAPI客户端时,都会对系统能做什么进行一些假设。
With the REST API in place, you're now ready to use it in an application. RESTAPI就绪后,现在可以在应用程序中使用它。
The network faults framework provides developers with an API that categorizes network exceptions passed to it by an application. 网络故障框架提供给开发人员一个API,此API可以分类由应用程序传递给它的网络异常。
To be clear, an API is only the documents and processes for the usage of a certain cloud API, without these there is no API. 明白的说,API是针对特定云API用法的文档和工艺流程。
Conclusion The wind speed and API may affect the air population as a risk factor for birth defects. 结论气象因素风速和API为可能影响人群出生缺陷发生的危险因素。
Freezable inheritors should call this method at the beginning of any API that writes to data members that are not dependency properties. Freezable继承者应在任何API一开始写入不属于依赖属性的数据成员时调用此方法。
As Roy points out, HTTP is our API, so maybe a bald statement would be to say that there should be no other standard api built using it. 就像Roy指出的,HTTP是我们的API,所以也许一个直白的说法是,除了使用它,就不应该有其他标准api的存在。
As you might expect, the Subject API allows you to perform role and permission checks very easily. 如你期望的,SubjectAPI让你可以很容易的执行角色和权限检查。
I'll leave it up to you to improve this code by setting up variables or property files for the server name, API name, and so on. 通过为服务器名称、API名称等设置变量或属性文件可以改进此代码,我将把这项任务留给您去做。
The rest can be used in any sort of application, though the Workspace APIs work better when hosted. 其它层都可以在任何一种应用程序中使用,但是工作空间API在VisualStudio中会更有效地工作。
The Criteria API is also a mechanism for building queries programmatically and so is often referred to as a dynamic query API. CriteriaAPI还是以编程的方式构建查询的机制,因此通常被称为动态查询API。
I believe the SimpleXML API, with its support for querying XML documents using XPath, is one of the easiest XML-parsing APIs to use. 我认为由于支持使用XPath查询XML文档,因此SimpleXMLAPI是最易于使用的XML解析API之一。
The common language runtime (CLR) debugging API was designed to be used as if it were part of the operating system kernel. 公共语言运行时(CLR)调试API专门用作操作系统内核的一部分。
However, it tends to be a heavyweight API, with many instances of many different classes often needed to represent an XML document. 但是,它更倾向于是一个重量级的API,需要使用许多不同类的实例来表示XML文档。