
美 [əˈplaɪ]英 [ə'plaɪ]
  • v.适用;申请;运用;专心
  • 网络应用;适用於;你可以使用

第三人称单数:applies 现在分词:applying 过去式:applied

apply policy,apply knowledge,apply method,means apply,apply technology
carefully apply,gently apply



《Friends》词汇表B ... apply vt. 申请, 应用 applies vt. 申请, 应用 amounts n. 数量 ...


March 20, 2013 - CNN Student News with... ... allowed 允许 applies 适用於 arrived 抵达 ...


人力资源管理咨询建议书 - 免费文档下载 ... Advises 建议 Applies 运用 Attends 参加 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... apply vt. 申请, 应用 applies vt. 申请, 应用 amounts n. 数量 ...


Ember.js - 中文文档 by JiGuang @... ... You can assign class names similarly: 类似地,也可以指定类名: applies: 你可以使用 ...

In many areas, you re likely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid! " This applies just as well to security as anywhere else. 在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。
Jezebel is about to die, and she knows it. Like an impossible scene from a horror movie, she hums to herself and applies her makeup. 耶洗别知道她的末日已到,她竟一面哼歌一面化妆,就像恐怖影片中不可思议的一幕。
This criterion, like the others, applies to the modules of a system description at any level: analysis, design, implementation. 和其它的一样,这个标准适用于任何层次的系统描述模块:分析,设计,实现。
The bondage of being a living being no longer applies to you and the suffering that you experience as a human being can no longer happen. 作为人类的束缚不再限制你,而在人间所受的疾苦也不再在你身上发生。
Only you can decide what to do if this applies to you, but you seem to have to make some sort of compromise. 当它发生在你身上时,只有你自己的力量可以决定如何去做,但是,看起来你从某种程度上做了妥协。
I told him that this not only applies to fitness but owning a business or leading a company as well. 我告诉他,这点不仅适用于健身,而且对于商业或企业管理也同样适用。
In which one sentence applies to me---you touch me with your smile. 里面有一句适用于我--你的微笑溶化了我。
Individual candidates are limited by law on how much they may spend but no such restriction applies to the parties. 英国有法律规定候选人在竞选过程中只能花多少钱,但是对政党没有规定。
A design pattern provides a formal definition of a solution and of the problems to which it applies . 设计模式提供了一种解决方案,以及其适用问题的正式定义。
That also applies to you but rest assured that any soul that rises up will be of the Light, otherwise it would not be able to ascend. 这也将适用于你们,那就是任何的灵魂都将确认无疑的提升成为【光】,否则是不可能继续提升的。
It applies to the larger temperature difference between the two substances, used for high temperature and low turbidity measurements. 它适用于两种物质之间的温差较大,高温和低浊度测量。
The product features easy to use, low maintenance cost and long usage life, it mainly applies in different civil construction applications. 设备操作简便,维修费用低,使用寿命长,主要应用于各种市政工程中。
This rule applies to any group that spends more than $500 in any given month trying to influence the legislature. 这项规定适用于任何在任一指定月份花费500美元以上以试图影响立法的团体。
But as I said earlier, this kind of logic applies across the board for infectious diseases, and it ought to. 但如我之前所说,这类的逻辑应用贯穿整个传染病领域,应该这样。
The year 2008 may go down in history as the one in which rich countries discovered that this applies to macroeconomic policies, too. 2008年也许会作为这样的一年记入历史:富裕国家发现,这种说法也适用于宏观经济政策。
The increase in storage depends on the size of the buffers and the number of queues to which it applies. 存储方面的增长将依赖于缓冲区的大小和其应用到的队列的数量。
We are also trying to encourage a community that applies the best principles and practices of engineering to biotechnology . 我们也想要促成一个社群,能够采用最好的工程学原理和做法,来发展生物科技。
While it will not be on Earth, the law of karma still applies to all in the long run and it will catch up with you sooner or later. 尽管将不在地球发生,但长远看来业力法则仍为所有事物运作,它迟早会赶上你。
Particularly applies to any smooth surface and burn granite, can be used for bricks, tiles and plastics. 特别适用于任何光面及烧面花岗岩,亦可用于砖、瓦塑料等。
An easy way to reduce the impact of a data serialization requirement is to see if it applies to a logical subset of the data. 减少数据序列化要求影响的一个简单方法是确定其是否应用于数据的一个逻辑子集。
Clicking a thumbnail applies the theme either to the current page or to all pages in your drawing, depending on what you did last. 单击缩略图会将主题应用于绘图中的当前页或者所有页,具体取决于您上次执行的操作。
If there's one genuine critique of this book, it's that the author over-emphasizes the degree to which his material applies to "producers. " 假如真的要对这本书作出批评的话,那或许是作者在材料中过份地强调制作人的层级。
The company applies the insights gleaned from space renters to its own next-generation furniture designs. 该公司收集了空间租用者的想法应用到其新一代产品的设计中。
Identifies whether the attribute applies to only a method, class, or to an entire assembly. 标识属性是只应用于方法和类,还是应用于整个程序集。
The app, which costs 99 cents, applies a live filter over the camera, allowing you to see what you get before taking the photo. 这款价格为99美分的应用软件在相机上使用了即时滤镜,因此你能在拍照之前就看到效果。
The same applies to unruly Albania, which after years of progress is in danger of turning once more into a basket-case. 难以驾驭的阿尔巴尼亚经过多年的发展却重新让其欧盟成员国身份陷入危险境地,当然也应受到同等对待。
In fact that applies all round as you do not normally go through such a period of testing, without making remarkable spiritual progress. 在事实中是围绕在你周围的所有回应是因为你不会简单的就通过这个测试的周期,而是要取得卓越的灵性进程。
This applies to a query duplicated in a batch, or to a query in a stored procedure that is called multiple times. 这适用于批处理中的重复查询,也适用于存储过程中调用多次的查询。
In this book, the author describes the mathematical concept of the inflection point and applies it to business strategy. 在这本书里,作者描述了拐点的数学概念,并将其用于商业策略。
Note that this setting can only be applied one time in the file, and applies to all the search patterns in the file. 请注意,此设置在该文件中只能应用一次,并应用于该文件中的所有搜索模式。