
美 [ɑrk]英 [ɑː(r)k]
  • n.弧;弧形;弓形;【数】弧
  • abbr.(=American Radio Corporation)美国无线电公司
  • v.作弧形运动;【科技】形成电弧
  • 网络圆弧;弧光;弧线

复数:arcs 现在分词:arcing 过去式:arced



n. v.

2.弧形a curved shape

长卿学堂(163牛棚分馆) - 长卿 - 网易博客 ... 62 = 颜色号码( Color Number) ( ARC) 圆( CIRCLE) ...


CAD快捷命令大全 ... XL,*XLINE 构造线(创建无限长的线) A,*ARC 圆弧 C,*CIRCLE 圆 ...


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... angel welding 角焊 arc 电弧 argon arc welding 氩弧焊接 ...


彼得·费辛利_百度百科 ... 莉莉 Lily 弧形 Arc 不伦之恋 Enfants terribles ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... apt a. 恰当的;聪明的 a.空气的;航空的 arc n. 弧,弓形物;弧光 arch n. 拱门 ...


利用弧线(Arc)命令绘制环境边界绘制环境绘制配景绘制标注绘制文字标注绘制尺寸标注绘制标高绘制图签绘制说明栏绘制图框 …

自动引用计数(Automatic Reference Counting)

ARCAutomatic Reference Counting )技术概述目录(?)[-]ARCAutomatic Reference Counting 技术概述概述ARC提供自动内 …

Nick walked up the dark street to the corner under the arc-light, and then along the car-tracks to Henry's eating-house. 尼克从暗淡的街上走到弧光灯照看的街角,然后沿着电车轨道回到亨利的餐馆去。
The arc was used just to make the piece of revolved surface. The center of the surface is at the ball center. 这圆弧刚好可以用来制作一片旋转曲面,曲面的中心点在足球的中心的。
The Christian Church ruled that she was out of her mind. On this date in 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. 基督教会判定她的精神有问题,并于1431年的今天将她绑在火刑柱上活活烧死。
Besson said Aung San Suu Kyi was "more of a heroine than Joan of Arc" and he hoped the film would get her ongoing fight better known. 贝松表示,昂山素季是一个“比圣女贞德还要伟大的女英雄”,他希望这部电影能让昂山素季的不懈斗争变得更广为人知。
He straightened his back and made as if to throw something in a gentle arc far into the distance. 他伸直腰,好像要沿着一条长长的弧线,把什么东西抛向远方;
Within a couple of years of its founding, Federal had crafted for the Navy a chain of arc transmitters linking San Francisco with Hawaii. 在公司创建后的两年里,联邦电报公司为美国海军建立了一系列连接旧金山和夏威夷的电弧发射机。
Suddenly, a beam of reddish light formed an arc from the ditch, and the horse, as if treading on air, leaped out of the pit. 张郃挺枪来刺,忽然一道红光,从土坑中滚起,那匹马平空一跃,跳出坑外。
a sealing top cap is further provided at the front part of the outer tube, wherein the front end of the handspike is in an arc shape. 在外管的前部进一步套合有密封顶帽;所述推杆的前端呈圆弧状。
strike the arc, then lift the electrode up for a moment or two, allowing a few drops of electrode to fall from the tip. 罢工的弧,然后解除电极了一会儿或两个,让几滴电极下降的秘诀。
Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height. 绘制一段弧线,它表示由一对坐标、宽度和高度指定的椭圆部分。
The observers did not see the paladin move, only the bright afterimage as the crystal sword traced a lightning-like arc through the fiend. 两个观察者都没有看清那个圣骑士的动作,只看到了水晶剑划出的穿透那个恶魔的闪电般的美丽弧线。
When skiers learn this ability they tend and are much more likely to allow the body to move freely into the next arc, in balance. 当滑雪者学习这种能力,而且他们往往更容易让身体进入下一个弧线自由的平衡。
Recent developments over these years on the surface treatment for aluminum and its alloys by micro -arc oxidation (MAO) were reviewed. 综述了近年来利用微弧氧化技术对铝及其合金进行表面处理的研究进展;
His supporters, he said, had "put their hands on the arc of history and [bent] it once more toward the hope of a better day. " 同时,他还赞扬他的支持者们是“再一次朝更美好的明天拉开了历史的大弓”。
So the first thing you've got to do -- the overall, you know, arc of your presentation -- it's got to start like a rocket. 你第一件要做的事情--就是要让你的演讲快速升温--你要像个火箭一样开始。
With a shriek of victory, Jim swung out over the water and up, to the very top of the arc. 在胜利者的欢呼声中,吉姆在水面上荡到了最高点。
The spirit of neoclassical economics would say that people act "as if" swiftly calculating the parabolic arc of the ball. 新古典主义经济学派会说,人们表现得“宛若”飞速计算出了球飞行的抛物线。
Just as iron filings arc from one end of a magnet to another, the plasma is sliding in an arc along magnetic field lines. 等离子体在弧形内沿着磁力线滑动,和铁屑在磁体两极之间呈现的弧形一样。
When operating , skill action should be spreaded out with arc, tighten up the belly, harbour chest and action should be consistent . 操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。
If she has one regret, she said, it is that the Journal excerpt, and particularly the headline, did not reflect the full arc of her story. 如果要说她对什么有一点后悔的话,她说,那就是华尔街日报的那篇节选,尤其是那个标题,它并没有表达出她整本书的意思。
At the start of the movie, an arc of plasma arises close to the surface and balloons outward into space. 影片开始时,等离子体的弧线上升接近太阳表面并向太空膨胀。
Joan of Arc: Yes, he gave me a few, but I never had time to wear them. 是的,他给了我一些,但是我根本就没有时间穿它们。
This originally is piece very common matter, the pendant lamp is like a clock to put one rock and in the sky row an unseen arc. 这本来是件很平常的事,吊灯像钟摆一样晃动,在空中划出看不见的圆弧。
The arc is often the same: a period of calm, a growing crisis, a satisfying triumph against overwhelming odds, a kiss. 套路都是差不多这样:一段时间的平静,逐渐发展的危机,面对巨大的困难取得令人满意的胜利,一个吻。
Attendance at the Screenings is up but what buyers now expect is not just a good pilot but a series whose entire story arc is compelling. 出席筛选会的买家们不只是要一个好的试映集,他们要的是有吸引力的故事。
Flat shoulder characteristics: commonly known as the General shoulder. Shoulder arc smaller, more obvious shoulder and elbow bone. 平肩特点:俗称将军肩。肩膀弧度较小,肩肘骨比较明显。
The ARC said that booking well in advance is best advised for busy routes or long haul flights, as the price only tends to go up. 航空公司报告委员会说,在航线繁忙或长途飞行的情况下,最好是提前一大段时间订票,价格越往后只会一直往上涨。
the outer ends of the two rulers are processed into arc shapes, and also can be used for measuring the distance between the curved surfaces. 将两个直尺的外端加工成为圆弧状,也可以用于测量曲面间的距离。
"I've got to get more arc on the ball, " he said. 我外线拿球太多了,就是这样。
Instead of merely bouncing up and down, it turns out that breasts arc through a complicated figure-8 pattern when a woman runs or walks. 除了仅仅上蹿下跳,当女性跑动或行走时,还发现,乳房以数字“8”的形状走着弧线。