
美 [stɔrm]英 [stɔː(r)m]
  • n.暴风雨;和风暴有关的恶劣天气;(群情迸发的)浪潮
  • v.闯;大发雷霆;突袭;攻占
  • 网络暴雨;暴风女;暴风雪

复数:storms 现在分词:storming 过去式:stormed

weather storm,brave storm,face storm,storm forecast,avoid storm
heavy storm,terrible storm,violent storm,severe storm,furious storm


n. v.

1.暴风雨very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunder and lightning

2.和风暴有关的恶劣天气very bad weather of the type mentioned

3.~ (of sth)(群情迸发的)浪潮a situation in which a lot of people suddenly express very strong feelings about sth

4.~ of sth(因激动或兴奋而爆发出的)暴风雨般的声音,轰鸣a sudden loud noise that is caused by emotion or excitement


a storm in a teacup

大惊小怪,小题大做,茶杯里的风暴(小事引起的大风波)a lot of anger or worry about sth that is not important

take sth/sb by storm

在某处大获成功;使观众等倾动to be extremely successful very quickly in a particular place or among particular people




Welcome to Shanghai - 豆丁网 ... 陈雨 ● shower 暴风雨storm 台风 ● typhoon ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... store n. 商店 storm n. 风暴,暴(风)雨 story n. 故事,小说 ...


法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen ... 魔形女( Mystique) 暴风女( Storm) 凤凰女( Phoenix) ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... go off (灯)熄灭,停(电) storm n. 暴风雨;暴风雪 outside adv. 在外面 ...


环境保护类英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 雨季 rainy?season 狂风 storm 湿润气候 humid?climate ...


...视”组件,其中集成了多达2000多万部视频,将最新暴风影音(Storm)5.19.1217.1111下载-新浪网欢迎下载暴风影音(Storm)1.8 …

And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, our gracious Savior would shelter us from the storm. 并祈祷当那浑沌黑暗的一天再度降临时,慈悲的救主会再次拯救我等脱离风暴。
But in that hour of trial he gave thanks -- because he believed America would weather the storm and emerge into a new era of liberty. 但是他感激磨难,因为他相信美国一定能渡过难关,并走进新自由时代。
A great trick is, when a champion is in range of your Frostbite, to just fire and immediately pop Glacial Storm on his position. 有一个重要的技巧是,当一个英雄在你的冰锥射程内,你可以直接冰锥之,然后再他脚下使用冰河风暴,这样依旧可以造成双倍伤害。
The astronomical observatories of all over the world recently observed violent solar storm at the surface of the sun. 最近,全球天文观测站观测到在太阳表面发生了一次剧烈的太阳风暴。
It is as if the insanity of the bubble years had never happened. So when will the storm finally break? 表面上看,就好像泡沫时代的疯狂从未发生过。那么,暴风雨到底将于何时到来?
And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm, There's a golden sky, And the sweet silver song of a lark. 在一阵风暴的末端,有金色的天空,以及一只云雀的悦耳的银歌。
Like the birds, they go on singing, like a storm full of wind, rain and thunder and great beauty of light. 就像鸟儿,它们会继续歌唱,就像充满着风、雨和巨大的光之美的暴风雨。
JUDGING artistic styles, and the similarities between them, might be thought one bastion of human skill that machines could never storm. 人们也许认为评价艺术风格和不同风格之间的相似点是机器永远不能攻克的由人类技能把守的堡垒。
I am ready to withstand any storm no matter how the weather is in the sky. 无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。
"Tell him to quell the storm, " said the voice of the doctor in my ear. “叫他平息暴风,”医生的声音在我耳边响起。
They were trying to climb to the top of the mountain but when a storm came they had to make a full retreat and get back to the camp. 他们试图爬到山的顶峰,但是由于暴风雪他们不得不全面退回了营地。
Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of lightning startle the sky from end to end. 如果你愿意,请降下你的死黑的盛怒的风雨,以闪电震慑诸天吧。
IT was a human storm, made up of a thunder of cries, and a hail of sweetmeats, flowers, eggs, oranges, and nosegays. 这是一场人为的风暴,如雷般的叫喊,千万人的欢呼,鲜花,蛋壳,种子和花球所组成。
The head of PR for Business Week asked if I wanted to be put up in a hotel until the storm had died down. 《商业周刊》的公关主管问我要不要住到酒店,直到风暴平息。
and I swear as soon as I sang the words "With you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless" . . . I felt a drop of rain hit me. 我发誓这是真的,就在我唱着那句:“我穿着我最美的裙子,在雨中与你共舞”时,我感觉到一滴雨打在了我的身上。
We find in the diaries of Samuel Pepys the account of a storm which made him worry that it might mean the death of the queen. 17世纪英国作家、政治家佩皮斯在《佩皮斯日记》中提到一场令他心忧的暴风雨,他认为这可能代表女王之死。
"You seem to have taken the town by storm, " he wrote. "This is delightful. I am as glad for your sake as for my own. " “你就像风暴一样席卷了全城,”他写道,“这很可喜。我为你,也为我自己感到高兴。”
All at once sky was covered with dark clouds and less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. 突然天空乌云笼罩,不到一分钟,我们就被卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。
And just like the example in the question, Stalkers with blink ability and High Templars with psionic storm can be counter Banshees as well. 并且如你问题中所说,有闪烁技能的蹑踪者和有灵能风暴的高阶圣堂武士都可以很好的反击女妖。
he said cheerfully. He was in a very good mood. Obviously he thought nobody stood a chance of reaching them here in a storm to deliver mail. 他兴奋地说,弗农姨父看上去心情好极了,很显然他认为没有人有可能在暴风雨中把信送到一个孤岛上来。
I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has. Think you'll ever get out of here? 我只是没有想到会这么久。想过你有一天能出去吗?
The violence of the storm had in a great measure abated, but as rain was still falling he decided not to attempt to resume work that day. 大风暴的势头虽然过去了,雨还在下,所以他决定那天不再继续工作。
The storm had been building for many months. It really began with the death of the Bank of the United States more than a year before. 这金融风暴已蕴酿多月,实际上,应从美国银行的“死亡”(瘫痪)前的一年多开始。
I did not realize then what dreadful events were soon to happen, and that this happy and peaceful year was to be the calm before the storm. 但我并不知道可怕事情快要发生了,而这些幸福快乐日子不过是风暴前夕的平静而已。
Sometimes it takes a storm to realize which plants just weren't going to make it or which were able to stick it out. 有时,他们反而需要一场这样的风暴来确定哪些植物不适合或者没法坚持下去。
The sun will appear again after storm, the blue sky is always on the top of your head. 太阳总会在暴风雨过后再一次出现,蔚蓝的天空一直在你头顶。
Without a good sense of direction, the boat will get lost in the storm at last. He and she have to abandon the boat. 如果没有方向感,小船终会就会淹没在暴风雨之中,那时只能弃船而逃。
Neglect, dilapidation, storm and fire have gradually reduced it to a rusting hulk, like the rib-cage of a whale. 忽略掉它的破旧,还有暴风雨和大火慢慢地将它侵蚀成一座生锈的船一般,就像境遇的肋龙骨一样。
He said he believes fewer people will name their children "Irene" after this storm. 他说,他相信的人少,将其命名自己的孩子“艾琳”这场风波后。
one evening there was a dreadful storm : it thundered and lightened and the rain poured down in torrents--it was really quite frightening! 一天晚上,下起了一场可怕的暴风雨:暴雨夹杂着雷鸣与闪电像洪水一样倾泻--真的非常可怕!