as i am

  • 网络平凡如我;深琴流露;我真实的一面

as i amas i am

as i am


平凡如我As I Am),是美国节奏蓝调及灵魂乐歌手艾莉西亚·凯斯的第三张录音室专辑,于2007年11月13日由J唱片公司在美 …


  台湾媒体报道,艾莉西亚去年推出的专辑《深琴流露》(As I Am)曾抢下告示牌流行榜冠军,今年让她风光入围全美音乐奖。“酷 …


星空*蓝:... ... You are the music in me 你是我心中最美的旋律 As I am 我真实的一面, You understand 你了解 ...


坑爹的译名阿·~! ... love today——》【 爱日】 as I am——》【 我就这糙性】 don't think twice,It's all right——》【 享受裆 …


列出孟汉娜的歌~ - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... Right Here 就在这里 As I Am 我行我素 Start All Over 重来 ...


真琴流露》(As I Am)-艾莉西亚·凯斯葛斯·布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks) 肯尼·薛士尼(Kenny Chesney) 布莱德·派斯里(B…

I'd like to tell him that he was not the only survivor to come out of that day, as I am living proof. 我想告诉他,他不是那天唯一的幸存者,正如我现在是活着的证明一样。
The thirty-five-yea-old: "If father was as wise as I am now, he would have become a millionaire. " 三十五岁的时候:“如果爸爸当年有我现在这么聪明,他早就成为百万富翁了。”
His parents must be very proud of him, as I am of Roger following that final ". " 他的父母一定为他感到十分的骄傲,就像我看了决赛后为罗杰而骄傲一样。
But now as I am able to understand more - its only me feels bad what I hear about myself . 不过现在我已经能明白——呃,对于发生在我身上的事,我感觉很不好。
I heard your dis- course on meditation a few days ago, but as I am new to your teachings, I was not quite able to follow it. 几天前我听了你关于禅修的演讲,但是因为我刚刚接触你的教导,我还不能完全理解。
I think to myself, but as I am in a hurry to make an appointment, I forget to look the word up in my haste to leave the apartment. 我想了一下,不过由于当时正要见人,我匆忙离开的时候忘了查字典。
i shall be rendered suspected , by my own sister . just as i am getting on. 我正是一帆风顺,我的嫡亲姐姐却要想害得人家来怀疑我。
I find its very easy to relax, as I am very easygoing, and find many things therapeutic, but mainly massages, reading and going to the gym. 我觉得放松很容易,我发现很多有治疗性的方法。基本上是按摩,读书以及健身。
But I am sure you will not mind doing without them, as I am sure your father and I shall not, when you know the reason. 不过,我想在你知道了理由以后,你不会在乎吃饭没有血肠吧?我想你的父亲和我都是不在乎的。
True or False: If I were to stand on high ground in Key West with a good pair of binoculars, I would be as informed as I am right now. 如果我拿一副性能好的望远镜站在KeyWest高地了望,知道的也是这么多。
You had better reckon without me, as I am not sure whether I shall be able to come. 你最好别把我计算在内,因为我是否能来还说不定。
I told him that I come from Sweden to which he replied that I must be very unhappy as I am so far away from home. 我告诉他我来自瑞典,他回答说,那你在这里一定很不开心,因为离家太远了。
I trust my prayers will not be fruitless, as I am asking for their ss happiness and yours, have to it be at the cost of my own life. 我相信我的祈祷不会得不到回音,因该我不惜用生命换得您的亲人还有您本人的开心。
Thinking it was going to touch the princess, he took out his sword and said, "As long as I am alive you shall not harm her. " 认为它将要碰公主,他抽出他的刀剑而且说,“只要我活着你将不伤害她”。
I cannot talk with you on the phone due to my health situation, as I am using my Laptop Computer to communicate with you. 由于我偶的健康状况,我不能跟你通电话,我只能用我的笔记本电脑和你交流。
But as tempted as I am to be a coward and escape by crawling back home, I have resolved to give it a good month's trial. 然而,虽然我很想当一个懦夫,悄悄地溜回家,但我还是决心尝试着干一个月。
But I am still in regret, as I am about to leave you, thus I try to cherish the current time. 只不过我还在惋惜,因为我快要离开你了,所以我努力的珍惜着现在是非。
Thank you for standing behind me in all that I do I hope you're as happy whit me As I am with you! 谢谢你的支持和帮助,希望我能给你带来快乐就象你给我带来快乐一样!
I put my picture in my dog's house. Just as I am leaving, my dog runs up to me. He has my picture in his mouth. 我把我的照片放在我家狗狗的狗舍里。正当我要离开的时候,我的狗狗向我跑来,他的嘴里吊着我的照片。
Just as I am about to get out of the car and pretend to look in the trunk, the passenger door opens. 就在我刚要下车假装要看一下后备箱的时候,车门开了。
Sympathetic as I am to those who wish to follow this course, I do not believe that it is possible to liberate a single section of humanity. 我同情从事这项活动的人们,但是我认为将人类中特定的一群人从歧视和偏见中解放出来是不可能的。
Don't you think? At the moment I am studying very hard as I am about to graduate and enter my. 现在我快要毕业了。即将参加高考,现正努力读书。
I love teaching, and I am ready to go back to it as soon as I am convinced that this country no longer needs a woman's contribution. 我热爱教书,只要我确信这个国家再也不需要女人作贡献时,我就会去教书。
Finally, please let me know when is the best time to call you, as I am missing your sweet voice so much. 最后,请让我知道最好的时间是何时打电话给你,如同我正在想念你的甜蜜一样宣述这么多。
If I were to live a hundred years and write novels in each, I should never be so proud of any of them as I am of the novel. 如果我活一百岁而且每年写很多小说,我也不会象对这本小说感到骄傲那样对它们当中任何一本感到骄傲。
Thank you for standing behind me In all that I to I hope you are as happy with me As I am with you! 谢谢你的支持和帮助,希望我能给你带来快乐,就像你给我带来的快乐一样!
a: i am not as familiar with it as i am with some of the older systems. but i am a fast learner and i can master it in a short time. 我对它并不像对其他老系统那样熟悉,但我学得很快,我能短时间内掌握它。
I don't need the money as I am married to a lawyer, and I would like to spend more time with the children. 我不需要那份工资(我老公是律师),而且也想多陪陪孩子们。
You little thought when you were so ill you should live to have such a fine strapping son as I am, did you now? 你在病得很厉害的时候,决不会想到你还能有我这样一个高大强壮的儿子吧?你想到过吗?
Convinced me to please you, made me think that I need this too. I'm trying to let you hear me as I am. 说服我来取悦你,让我认为我也需要。我在试图让你听到真正的我。