above all

  • na.最主要的;最重要的是
  • 网络首先;尤其是;特别是

above allabove all

above all


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be about to 即将(做) above all 首先,首要,尤其是 be absorbed in 专心致力于… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,究竟 ...


above all的用法_百度知道 ... above all 基本释义 同近义词首先;尤其是 above all 最重要的是 High above it all 上述这一切高 ...


高考常考词组汇总_百度文库 ... all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是 after all 到底,毕竟 ...


舞蹈教学 基督教舞蹈网 ... 你爱的大能( The Power Of Your Love) 超乎一切( Above All) 我的心献给你( I Give You My Heart) ...


外研版九年级英语下册短语、重点句子和语法 ... make a gesture 做个手势 above all 首要的是, 尤其是 in the forest 在森林里 ...

Above all, he was a horseman and there was no need for Jed to tell him how he captured it. 他毕竟是一个马主,没有必要让杰德告诉他是怎么逮住马的。
but we held on and came out of it in great shape , above all thanks to the strength of this squad and everyone ' s willingness to help out. 但是我们挺住了,用最佳状态作出回应,这一切都要感谢球队的力量,大家都自愿帮忙摆脱困难。
Over and above all that had happened, impalpable but real, there remained to him a queer sense of power. 超越已发生的一切之上,虽不可捉摸却很真实,是一种流连在他心头的奇特的权力感。
And, above all, this is the only one of the potential source sites close to a pig farm. 特别要说的是,该村是几个疑似病毒来源地中,唯一一个接近养猪场的。
If only they would realize above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only an insignificant part of the world. 要是人们能认识到最重要的是一个艺术家的必要的作品,艺术家本人只是世界无关紧要的一部分。
Mr Clinton, no doubt asked to do nothing to help Mr Kim's cause, was determined above all, well, not to smile. 毫无疑问,没人要求克林顿去推动金正日的事业,于是克林顿决定先不给笑脸。
By all accounts he was a man of large and joyful appetites who loved to drink and smoke and, above all, to talk. 所有都说他是一个快乐的胃口很大的人,他喜欢喝酒抽烟,但是他最最喜欢高谈阔论。
And Eddie found a certain love with Marguerite, a grateful love, a deep but quiet love, one that he knew, above all else, was irreplaceable. 爱迪找到的是某种与玛格丽特相守的爱,一种感激的爱,一种深切而无言的爱,一种他知道无论如何都无法代替的爱。
The king had a beautiful and willful daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he loved her above all humanity. 国王有个美丽而任性的女儿,她是他的掌上明珠,他爱她胜过一切。
Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U. S. society. Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men. 大多数人都认同,妇女目前的地位已经影响了美国社会,尤其影响了男子的传统地位。
Education had been a lucky break for her, in a time of uncertainty, and she valued it above all things. 这一段教育经历对我阿嫲来说,是在那几年社会动荡的日子里一段幸运的小插曲,她无比珍惜这段经历。
And, above all, I looked upon her then as mine and did not doubt of my power. 最重要的是,我当时已经把她看成是·我·的了,而且并不怀疑我的强大力量。
Above all things, I'm very pleased that I had a good time with my fans just as I dance with them in the club. 最重要的是,我能与歌迷们一起度过一段快乐的时光感到非常开心,这种感觉就像是我与她们在俱乐部里跳舞似的。
Let me describe the nature of a [stock market] bubble: First a real bubble needs above all to get rid of the old fogies. 让我们首先观察下(股票)市场泡沫的本质:首先一个真正的泡沫需要摆脱上一个时代的记忆。
Above all, they were still trying to solve the biggest problems of all: what caused the very start of the Big Bang, the Singularity? 总之,他们仍然在努力解决这些最重要的问题:什么引起了宇宙大爆炸的最开端,“奇点”?
Above all, Alex is always a darling little boy to us, and a loving companion to his little brother Brian. 这一切之上,艾利克斯永远是我们可爱的小男孩,也是他弟弟充满爱心的伙伴。
She's the president of her sorority, a Hawaiian Tropic girl, Miss June in her campus calendar, and, above all, a natural blonde. 她是一个来自热带夏威夷的女孩,女大学生联谊会会长,在她大学的日历上她是“六月小姐”,但首先她是一个天生丽质的金发碧眼美女。
They needed a certain picture of the world; there was one way of living they preferred above all others. 他们需要关于世界的某种图景;他们选择某一种生活方式,把它凌驾于其他生活方式之上。
In this situation, it would be wise for a re-elected Mr Erdogan to reach out to his opponents, above all over the presidency. 在这种情况下,埃尔多安先生以总统之尊,向其对手伸出橄榄枝实是明智之选。
Above all, however important you know this interview is, try not to make your child feel too burdened with expectation. 总之,无论多么重要,你知道这次面试是尽量不要让你的孩子抱有太大的期望。
Above all, don't try to go into denial, for you won't be able to use logic to outmaneuver your feelings. 由上,由于你还不能够控制你的思维,不要试着拒绝进入。
above all the children of her close friend, Dorothy Burlingham. 分析她的密友多萝西所有的孩子。
that no doubt were of benefit to me, above all when I began to draw comic strips before I learned to write. 这些早期的,关于生动艺术的指点无疑让我获益匪浅,尤其是当我开始画连环画时——那时我还没学会写字呢。
Without such an event, there was no chance of obtaining the resources needed to resolve the crisis, above all from the US Congress. 如果没有这一事件,就没有机会获得应对此次危机所需的资源——其中最重要的是来自美国国会的资源。
Above all, help us see how much you love us in the gift of your son, Jesus. 更求祢帮助我们明白,祢借着祢的儿子耶稣赐给我们的,是何等的大爱。
Don't make a player whose gifts were created for this team above all, waste the final years of his career somewhere else. 他的天赋就是为这支球队而生的,不要让他把职业生涯的最后几年浪费在别的地方了。
The two became crazy to open all the goods at all, bamboo basket -- each of two thousand tea above all is the same kind of jinhua! 俩人近乎于疯狂地翻开全部货物、剥开全部篾篓——每个千两茶上面都是一样的醉人金花!
What we marvel at him, above all, is the ease with which he adjusts himself to new concepts and draws all possible deductions from them. 最使我们敬佩不已的是他能够很容易地使他自己适应新的观念,并尽可能从中得出所有的推论。
There's no doubt about it. I confirmed the bite mark. The fact that the barrier responded is proof above all else. 没别的可能,脖子上的牙印已经确认了,结界的被触动更是最好的佐证。
Above all he had a profound love for a sister who died in 1718, and for his mother, who died in 1730. 他深爱的姐姐于1718年去世,他的母亲于1730年逝世。