a lot of

  • det.许多
  • 网络大量;很多;大量的

a lot ofa lot of

a lot of


初中英语短语大全 ... 8.think of 认为 9.a lot of 许多 10.enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... 5. hobby n. 业余爱好 7. a lot of 许多;大量 8. life n. 生活 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 48 grandpa n. (口语)爷爷,外公 49 a lot of 许多;很多 56 have a cold 患感冒 ...


of_百度百科 ... a handful of 少量的 a lot of 许多,大量的 lots of 许许多多的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be lost on 对…不起作用 a lot of 大量,许多;非常 lots of 大量,许多 ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... eating habits 饮食习惯 a lot of 许多的 of course 当然 ...


走遍美国-----必须掌握的词汇 - 豆丁网 ... a great deal 很多 26. a lot of 很多的 27. air-conditioning units 空调设备 28. ...


英语常用词组表_百度文库 ... a little 一些,一点点 8. a lot of 许多,大量的 9. a number of 若干,许多 10. ...

It's worth emphasizing this point, because there's been a lot of nonsense written about the issue. 这一点值得强调,因为就这一问题有太多的胡说八道。
Every bit of space in the space, as well as the independence of each space, there is space for each combination of a lot of space. 每个空间有下位的空间,还有每个空间有独立性,还有每个空间结合起来做一个很大的空间。
You know, and within a very short amount of time be able to do a lot of things that that person may never be able to do. 在短时间内,可以做很多,那些只有丰富经验的人做不到的事。
A lot of men are totally blunt, and will say 'I like bigger tits than you've got', or 'How much for a blowjob? ' 许多男人简直粗鲁到家了,他们会说‘我喜欢比你咪咪大的妞’,或‘来个口交要多少钱?’
There has been a lot of effort, a lot of MOUs [memoranda of understanding], and a lot of failures that people do not know about. 有许多努力、许多谅解备忘录和许多失败都不为人所知。
But we think this is nothing but a smoke screen for his plan to divorce her for a younger woman and save paying her a lot of alimony. 但是,我们认为这是他使用的烟幕,以掩盖他为了一个年轻女人而跟太太离婚的计划。说他太太有外遇就可以使他不用付他太太大笔抚养费。
Dan explains that he enjoyed filming that scene with Rupert as they rarely got to film with just the two of them and a lot of dialogue. 丹解释说,他喜欢拍那场戏的场景和鲁伯作为他们很少得电影只有他们两个人,有很多对话。
From my understanding, the stuff in the book was not entirely true, and was just a fictional story about a lot of true facts. 就我的理解,书里的那些并不是完全真的,只是一个关于很多事实的虚构故事。
I think I enjoyed writing her a bit more than I would have done if I hadn't met a lot of journalists, though! 虽然我觉得如果没有遇见这么多新闻人士,我可能不会像现在这么喜欢写她。
Jake: I've read about him in the newspaper. He's bought a lot of other stations. 杰克:我在报上读到过他的报道,他买了好几家电视台,他有很多钱。
Like a lot of young people, I was eager to get out of the rural community where I was raised and move to the city. 和许多年轻人也一样,我渴望走出抚养了我的农村地区,搬到城市。
Been cheated once so I know a lot of love, is silly to be all right, or, your broken heart to understand, and thank you for your deception. 已被骗过一次,所以我知道有很多爱,是愚蠢的所有权利,或者,你的心都碎了理解,并感谢你的欺骗。
He's going to be a bonafide rebounder , night in and night out, and a lot of his scoring is through sheer effort. 他会是一个十分可靠的篮板手,是的,每个晚上都是如此。他的得分中,有很大一部分纯粹是来自他的拼劲。
Cashman said he has had "a lot of dialogue" with Williams' agent, Scott Boras, over the last few months. 现金男说他曾和威廉斯的经纪人ScottBoras在过去几个月有很多会谈。
We had a nice morning, much warmer than we might have expected for the end of October, and the race itself was a lot of fun. 那天早上天气很好,十月底的天气难得这么暖和,而且赛跑本身也是非常有趣的。
Such a method, which assigns a definite meaning once and for all to a particular symbol, allows a lot of problems to go by unnoticed. 这样一个方法,一劳永逸地指定一个明确的意义给一个特别的符号,产生许多大家没有注意到的问题。
We're getting a lot of those right now because it has been a year since the earthquake, and you get these aggregate numbers. 现在我们得到不少这样的报告,毕竟地震已过去了一年了,你再加总一下数据就能得出个大概。
Quite a few of foreign investors said that a lot of changes have taken place in Hefei over the last several years. 不少在肥投资的外商纷纷表示,合肥短短几年间,城市的面貌发生了很大的变化。
FLATOW: Yeah because, you know, a lot of times, people say, well, I've been a coach potato my whole life. 主持人F:很多时候人们会说,我已经窝在沙发上一辈子了,我现在能干什么?
Since the UK is not an Arab country sitting next to Egypt we are going to hear a lot of complaining about social media. 既然英国不是毗邻埃及的阿拉伯国家,那我们将听到很多对社交媒体的抱怨声。
Kristen was always one of the young actors who had a lot of potential but lacked that big break that turns an actor into a star. 克里斯汀总是一个年轻演员谁有很大的潜力,但缺乏大突破,把一个演员变成明星。
A lot of awesome food can be found, of course, in high-rent districts, but it tends to come at awesomely high prices as well. 当然,在高租金去也能发现许多美食,但是往往价格也很贵。
He put a lot of work into a big speech in Cairo but a visit to the Saudi king was underprepared and he never visited Israel at all. 他花了大把的力气在开罗的演讲上但对出访沙特王室却准备不足甚至从没访问过以色列。
Over the next 12 months we're going to get a lot of bad news and towards the end, we'll start getting a bit of good economic news. 在接下来的12个月里,我们将会听到很多坏消息,但接近尾声时,将开始看到一些好的经济新闻。
Q. But isn't a lot of this simply China's size and low wages, giving it a strong manufacturing and cost advantage? 但中国强大的生产和成本优势很大一部分不就是中国的劳动力多和工资低吗?
And I've got to erase the trial software that came on my hard drive. . . -Sweet! -. . . and I've got a lot of manuals to read. 而且我需要删除硬盘上带的试用软件…-真棒!-…而且我要读很多手册。
We -- you and I have had a lot of meetings together, and I always appreciate the candid discussions on a variety of issues. 我们--您和我一起有很多会议,并且我总赞赏磊落的讨论关于各种各样的问题。
And I believe that mountain biking is going to be an outlet for a lot of people my age. 我相信骑山地车对于许多和我差不多年纪的人来说是一条发泄的途径。
"We have a lot of talent on this team, " Bynum said. "The big focus this year is going to be on the defensive end. " “我们的队伍有很多才华横溢的球员,”拜纳姆说。“今年我们将把我们的重点放在防守上。”
She had a lot of friends and was usually asked out in the evenings, so she seldom spent an evening at home. 她有很多朋友,晚上常被邀请外出,因此她晚上很少在家里呆着。