a one

  • adj.〈口〉第一流的
  • 网络昆虫组合;阿一私房饺子;大胆有趣的人

a onea one

a one


昆虫组合(A ONE),百度百科里没有年龄的~仙后 这几个年纪也不小了吧姐姐 ?

这样存在的“二”(a two)和“”(a one)又有什么区别呢?父母、夫妻、情人、兄妹无不如是。


食肆餐厅外卖电话食店地址信用卡优惠搜寻饮... ... 海天堂 Hoi Tin Tong 阿一私房饺子 A One 椰林阁餐厅 Yeh Lam Kok Restaur…


英语解释_百度知道 ... take ten 休息十分钟,小憩 a one 第一流的;身体健康的;了不起的人物 in twos 两人一组,结伴 ...


one的意思_百度知道 ... Individually in succession. 一个接一个 a one 大胆有趣的人 Oh,you are a one! 噢,你真大胆! ...


香港 筲箕湾 茶餐厅/冰室... ... 孖宝小厨 Marble Kitchen 阿一猪扒酸辣米綫 A One 太兴烧味餐厅 Tai Hing Roast Restaurant ...

The building where I stayed in Qinghai was a four-story concrete box that I had no doubt would be a one-story tomb in a temblor . 青海那座我曾经住过的四层混凝土建筑,如果遇到地震的话,无疑会成为一座一层高的坟墓。
Decide whether you feel you need an extensive contract to enter into work, or whether just a one-page Letter of Agreement will work for you. 当你觉得需要时,做出决定:是用一个统一的合同来签订工作,还是仅仅用一页纸的协议书来工作。
Both wooed real-estate tracker Zillow Inc. by offering a one-letter stock symbol, said people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士透露,两个交易所都向房地产数据跟踪商ZillowInc.提供了单字母的股票代码以增加吸引力。
Thousands of chunks of material from the comet would have rained down on Earth, each one releasing the energy of a one megaton nuclear bomb. 无数的大块彗星碎片雨点般落到地球上,每一个大块碎片的撞击都释放了一个百万吨级核弹所释放的能量。
For its lucky buyer, the dress isn't only a one-of-a-kind piece of history, but will also prove to be a solid and reliable investment. 对这位幸运的买主来说,这件礼服独一无二,还将证明是一份坚实的投资。
Although she only had a one night stand with him, she still thought about him often. 虽然他和她只是度过一个美好的晚上,她却常常想起对方。
You might have noticed that I don't use a one-to-one mapping between the pixels in the image and the cells in the CA. 您可能会发现我没有利用图像中的像素与CA中的细胞之间的一对一映射关系。
In a one-point victory, to say that this did not make the difference would be crazy. 在这种一分险胜的比赛里,说这并没有带来任何不同是疯狂的。
I wanted to see how this works first-hand, so I pulled a one dollar bill out of my pocket and scrolled over to Where's George. 我想看看WheresGeorge第一步是怎么工作的,于是我从口袋找出一美元,然后登录了网站。
Uh, mom, this wasn't a one night stand. He's been going out with Ms. Britt for a few months now. 嗯…妈妈,这不是一夜情。他跟Britt太太已经交往了几个月了。
It's reported Juve have provided him with a one-year contract and an option of a further season either as a player or in a directorial role. 据说斑马军团为卡纳瓦罗提供了一份为期一年并且可以续约一个赛季的合同,并准备让这名球员在退役后进入俱乐部管理层。
I told him I wanted discretion, that I didn't want to do anything risky, and that it would be a one-time thing. 我告诉他我想要谨慎行事,不愿意冒险,而且这只能是一次性的行为。
With good toughness, wear resistance, characterized by soft, easy to use, can be a one-time use and reusable. 具有韧性好,耐磨、柔软等特点,使用方便,可一次性使用,也可重复使用。
Constructor, where the name of each value is converted to a string, and the ordinal setting represents a one-up value for each setting. 构造函数中,在这里,每个值的名称都被转换成一个字符串,并且序数设置表示了每个设置的优先值。
He could then hire a coach, and brief him or her to change the mindset of his direct subordinates on a one-to-one basis. 那么他就有可能聘请一位教练,要求教练以一对一的形式改变直接下属的思维方式。
But Japan has always been a one-dimensional economic power and, to regain global clout, it needs a return to real world-leading growth. 但是日本已经成为了一个一维的经济力量,如果想要重获全球的地位,它需重新获得领先世界的增长。
"Just a one-eyed monkey" , said the Brahmin. “只有独眼猴一只”,婆罗门答道。
The champion has no real competition and the contest has turned into a one-horse race. 这个冠军没有真正的竞争对手,比赛谁是胜家早为人知。
Mr. Obama: Yeah, it was sort of a one bedroom. It had kind of the vintage, college dorm, pizza. . . 奥:是,算只有一个卧室那种吧。不过,里面也有葡萄架,像大学宿舍的地方,还能吃比萨。
He will also have plenty of opportunities to work on his public profile and strengthen his party, today something of a one-man band. 他也将拥有大量的机会服务于他个人的公众形象和巩固其政党的执政地位。现如今看起来颇有几分个人舞台表演的意味。
More than just a re-sculpted face, a pretty midriff, and a Bob Mackie dress, Cher has also become a one-woman cottage industry. 并不仅仅是重塑了脸蛋、漂亮的腹部以及一件鲍勃麦基服装,雪儿也已成为了一个产业。
This desire led me to carry on this work, I tried to to explain the concept of the East of the battle, and create a one-Tousen-style hero. 这个想法促使我将这项工作进行下去,我力图以东方化的概念去解释这场战斗,并塑造一个一骑当千式的英雄。
He could choose a fast-track, closed-door trial that would entitle him to a one-third reduction of his sentence if convicted. 其二,选择快速的关门审判,或许在判罪的时候减轻三分之一的判罚。
If news media people had an ounce of integrity, they would not report such a one-sided story from the local government. 如果这些新闻从业人员还有一点点良知的话,就不会仅仅报道来自地方政府的一面之词了。
"OK, Chelsea had a one hundred per cent record until last weekend, but I'm not really worried about them, " he said. “好吧,直到上周切尔西是不败金身,但是我真的不担心他们,”库伊特说道。
1, indicating that the Band has a one-to-many relationship with Song and that this relationship is called a catalog. 1,这说明Band具有与Song的一对多关系且这种关系被称作catalog。
CSL says the design of its Central store is a one-off but it does plan to rebrand the rest of its retail locations over the next two years. CSL说,中环店的设计是独一无二的,但公司确实计划在未来两年重新包装其他零售店。
There's been a lot of talk of me being a one-man show but that's simply not the case. 很多人都说我把比赛变成一个人的表演,但那不是真相。
"It could also be an attempt to stave off speculative capital inflows by showing that renminbi appreciation is not a one-way bet. " “此举也可能意在阻挡投机资金流入,其方式就是宣示:押注人民币升值并非稳赚不赔。”
Willie Stevenson used to scream at him for never giving a one-two! 史蒂文森那时候就经常因为他不进行二过一配合而对他大声嚷嚷。