in the morning

  • na.在早晨
  • 网络在早上;清晨;在上午

in the morningin the morning

in the morning


At与in 的区别?_爱问知识人 ... in a good humour 心情(情绪)好 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 ...


适合练习听力的英文歌曲 ... 33 玫瑰,玫瑰我爱你 Rose,Rose,I Love You 34 清晨 In The Morning 35 往日情怀 The Way We W…


初一英语上册测试题及答案精编12套5 ... (what time 询问“几点钟”) (in the morning 在上午) (get to 到达某地) ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... cut hair 剪头发 in the morning 在早晨 walk down 走下来 ...


笺无色 | ... 让我们跳完最后的华尔兹, The Last Waltz 在清晨In the Morning 去年圣诞, Last Chrisma…


网络日志--星际浪子 ... In the air tonight 今晚在 In the morning 清晨中 In the pines 在松林里 ...

"In the morning, I was left in the cold weather after they splashed me with water, " he said. “早上,他们用冷水泼湿我后就把我留在寒冷的天气里就不管了。”扎伊迪控诉道。
A few days later I woke in the morning to see my dad sitting on my bed. "Grandma died just a little while ago, " he whispered. 几天之后的一个早晨当我醒来时,我看见爸爸坐在我床上。他悄声说:“外婆刚刚去世。”
I was trying to make up for the time lost in the morning when the cross-country vehicles got stuck in the mud caused by the heavy rains. 我想尽量弥补早上失去的时间:由于暴雨连连,横跨该国的列车干线被卡在了泥泞中。
New Year's Eve activities, often until two or three o'clock in the morning the next day. 除夕活动,常常持续到次日凌晨两三点钟。
The search proved difficult, for the puma is often observed at a place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening. 搜寻活动被证明是艰难的,因为美洲豹常常早上在一个地方被发现,而晚上又在20英里以远的地方出现。
When he got up in the morning, it looked as though the fire was dying down, though he could still see it. 当他在早上起来,看起来好像是死火了,但他仍然可以看到它。
Howling serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt, or it may be part of waking up in the morning. 啸声服务,使包起来的信号是一个良好的开始捕猎,也可能被部分苏醒,在上午举行。
Turning to Bertelli: 'I'd like to see you get up in the morning and sit there and answer questions online. Why don't you do it? ' 她转向贝尔泰利:“我倒想看到你早早起床,坐在那里回答网络上的问题。你为什么不这么做?”
It was as If I was young again and the sun was resplendent in the morning sky. 我似乎又变年轻了,而那天清晨阳光灿烂。
In the morning she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother's Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs in the garden. 早上她给妈妈打电话祝她母亲节快乐,她妈妈告诉她花园里开满了美丽的丁香花。
John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework. 约翰早晨起床很早,他穿上夹克,就坐在桌旁开始做家庭作业。
And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 清早又回到殿里。众百姓都到他那里去,他就坐下教训他们。
A man was going to visit one of his friends early in the morning. It was quite far away and so he bought some cakes with him for his lunch. 一个人在大清早准备去拜访他的一个朋友,由于他的朋友家离他家很远,所以他买了些饼干准备做它的午餐。
He had got up in the morning with a longing for a piece of steak, and the longing had not abated. 这天早晨,金一起床就想吃一块炸牛排,这个心思,一直没散。
George was very happy today. Julie had thrown a smile at him in the morning. 乔治今天很开心。早上朱莉朝他微笑了一下。
He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun. 他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。
Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of the door bell early in the morning. 一大清等的大门铃声把吉米从沉睡中吵醒后,他整天都无精打采。
No sooner had I got up in the morning than Mr. Wu told me that he almost died of angry. 有一天早晨刚起床,吴先生就告诉我他昨天差点气死。
If you think you'll be tempted to skip, try to work out in the morning. 如果你认为自己可能会忽略,那就早上来做。
Wash your hair at least every other day (washing in the morning prevents going out with the grease of last night). 至少要每隔一天洗一次头发(早上洗头可以避免带着昨晚的油脂出门)。
Up in the morning to a large terrace stretching exercise together, the Luan River in the early morning watching certainly is fun. 早上起来到大露台上舒展舒展筋骨,看着清晨的滦河风光一定是别有一番情趣。
Dream of me as I will of you, and wake up in the morning with the happy thought, that we are one day closer to see each other again. 梦想,我为我的你,并唤醒在今天上午与快乐的思想,我们早一天看到对方再次。
At a very early hour in the morning twice or three times a week, Miss Briggs used to betake herself to a bathing-machine. 一星期里总有两三回,布立葛丝小姐早早起身到海里洗澡。
The woodcutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown. 伐木工和耕童也一路唱,无论是早上,午间休息还是日落时分。
"It's been just a blessing. I love not having to get up in the morning to have my daily regimen of medicine, " he says. 他称:“这简直是个福音。我喜欢不再需要早起服用每日必须的药物的生活。”
When Aziza first spotted Mariam in the morning, her eyes always sprang open, and she began mewling and squirming in her mother's grip. 每天早晨,当阿兹莎第一眼看到玛丽雅姆时,她总是眼前一亮,开始在她母亲的怀里扭动叫喊。
If I were a boy, Even just for a day, I'd roll outta bed in the morning, And throw on what I wanted then go. 假如我是男孩,即使只有一天也好,我会在早上翻滚着下床,然后穿上喜欢的衣服出去。
If you get a newspaper delivered to your door, think about whether you could walk to the shops in the morning and pick it up instead. 一份报纸送到你家门口时,你要考虑是否早上能走到商店而不是只去将它拾起来。
You'd better go to bed early or you won't be able to get up in the morning. 早点睡觉,要不然你明天就起不来了。
In fact, like dark chocolate, small chunks here and there can be good for you, or at least give you a reason to get of bed in the morning. 事实上,像黑巧克力,多多少少会有好处,至少可以给您一个睡懒觉的理由。