better life

  • 网络让生活更美好;更好的生活;更美好的生活

better lifebetter life

better life


上海世博会的主题是什么?其意义何在?_百度知道 ... 主题:城市,让生活更美好( better city,better life) ...


...赛’(Better Game),上海世博会将展现‘更好的生活’(Better Life)。” ——国际信息发展网组织总干事长 丹尼尔·巴瑞奥


Keith Urban -《Be Here... ... 01. Days Go by 似水年华 02. Better Life 更美好的生活 03. Making Memories of Us 留下我们记忆 ...


阿拉侬:Bette... ... 我们要让河流变清。 BETTER CITY,BETTER LIFE 希望城市更加美好BETTER LIFE 要让生活更加快乐。 …


阿拉侬:Bette... ... 希望城市更加美好。 BETTER LIFE 要让生活更加快乐BETTER LIFE 我们要让河流变清。 BETTER CITY,…


YouTube ... 唯一的力量 唯一的力量 The Only Strength 唯一的力量 活出美好 Better Life 强辩乐团 - 转转转运歌 HQ ...


...举行中国首映。新作中,他将视线投向背井离乡、辛苦打拼的中国劳工群体,试图探讨人们为追求“美好生活”(Better Life) …


better什... ... better off adj. 经济状况好的,富裕的;状况好的 better life 更美好旳玍活 better quality 较好的质量;较好品质 ...

He no doubt wants to go down in history as the leader who brought peace and a better life to Russia. 他无疑想作为给俄国带来和平和较美好生活的领导人而名垂青史。
Must have been a few years, do not know how many kilometers away from home, for a better life. 想必过几年,又不知道离家多少公里,为着生活打拼。
China is trying to seize (take) every opportunity to help most people live a richer and better life. 中国正努力抓住每个机会,使大多数人的生活更加富裕美好。
The last four lines repeat the contents of the front, and show singer's desire to pursue a better life again. 最后四行重复前面的内容,再次表达了歌者追求美好生活的愿望。
Mr Houben said: 'All that time I just literally dreamed of a better life. Frustration is too small a word to describe what I felt. ' 胡本说:“那段时间我一直梦想着更好的生活,挫败两个字无法说尽我的感受。”
I promise that will guide her and lead her to a better life as she is now in the growth stage. 我答应在她这段成长期间正确地引导她,让她走向较好的未来。
So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better life of animals in captivity? Yes. 所以说,呃,我不是在干预自然。我是在设法提高圈养动物的生活水平。
A four-year college degree, seen for generations as ticket to a better life, is no longer enough to guarantee a steadily rising paycheck. 四年制本科学位在多少代人的眼中都被看做是通往美好生活的门票,而现在,它已不再能保证薪水的稳定增长了。
But living a better life now through a wedding of social science and religion appeared to be an ingenious idea. 而通过社会学和宗教的结合使人过上更好的生活看来像是聪明的主意。
Who hasn't looked at his or her paycheck and imagined how much better life would be with a lot more numbers after that dollar sign? 有谁在看自己的工资本的时候,不会想象如果后面再多几位数字的更加美好的生活?
Although I always wanted to have a new, better life, but never to proceed, as if mankind sleep can be pushed to the approach of death. 虽然我总是想要过一种新的、更好的生活,却从不着手行动,好像吃喝睡眠都可以推到死亡将至的时候。
Jiajia, I know how devoted you are to your mother and sister and how much you want to be able to help them have a better life. 朱丽叶,我知道你很愿意为你妈妈和妹妹做出你的努力,你也会帮助他们的。
Wide breadth of mind, and quiet, then on how much better life. 胸襟宽了,静了,那人生就多么美好。
You think they'll help you. After all, isn't the point of having goals to help you create a better life? 你觉得目标会帮你,但是,难道有目标就会帮你创造更美好的生活吗?
He said that military means alone would not be enough and that there has to be the promise of a better life for impoverished Afghans. 仅仅采取军事手段是远远不够的,同时也是对贫苦的阿富汗人提供一种美好生活的承诺。
Our ancestors experienced a number of things, experienced a number of disasters, how much hard enough, can we and better life! 我们的老祖先经历了多少事情,经历了多少灾难,受够了多少苦,才有我们今天辛福的,美好的生活!
Forgiving was more for me to make a better life and not so much to absolve the other person of what I perceived to be their wrongdoing. 宽恕对我来说,不仅仅是使生活更加美好,也并不是原谅我认为有不端行为的人。
Sunny was the only person to experience the reality of the sun, if even their own often suffer gravely, and that a better life? 只有心里有阳光的人,才能感受到现实的阳光,如果连自己都常苦着脸,那生活如何美好?
The only hope I had to live for a better life was the certificate of deposit and my late father? ? ? ? s Will. 唯一的希望已经住了一个更好的生活是存款单,我的父亲吗?不。
A factory job is no longer the means to a few extra yuan to send home but the pathway to a better life in the city. 在工厂打工不再是为了多挣些钱寄回家,而是成了在城市里过上更美好生活的途径。
He replied that he do it in order to give me a better life, also, he asked me to wait for him coming back to marry with him. 他回答,这样做是为了让我能过上更好的生活,并且,他让我等他回来,回来娶我。
Perhaps, I should give up earlier, and you can get a better life without me, for I don't match you and can give nothing to you. 也许我早就该放弃了,没有我,你会生活的更好,因为我配不上你,我什么也给不了你。
She would be willing to go through a thousand needle holes if it meant a better life for us. 如果能让我们过上好生活,穿一千根针她也愿意。
He does not want Miriam to have the life of a shoemaker's wife; he had dreamed of a better life for her. 他不想仪有一个鞋匠的妻子生活,他有一个更美好的生活对她的梦想。
Many citizens, especially the young, have been leaving Gonaives in search of a better life in other parts of Haiti or abroad. 许多公民,特别是年轻人,他们已经离开了在海地或国外其他地方寻求更好的生活戈纳伊夫。
us life, we do not like him on stage is a dream singer, but we have a desire for a better life, come on! 我们大家的人生,我们不一定像他一样在舞台上是个梦一般的歌手,但我们都有对美好人生的渴望,来吧!
Barely missing the opportunity for a new and better life, Anne died from illness two weeks short of her release from the concentration camp. 她与开始美好新生活的机会失之交臂,在解放集中营的两个星期前,她因病去世。
Reminds me of a better city better life. Let's embrace each other because if I don't embrace you, what will I embrace? 让我想起了,城市让生活更美好,让我们拥抱吧,不拥抱你能拥抱什么呢?
they were all struggling in times of hardship, hunger for freedom and a better life. 她们都在困境中不断挣扎,渴望获得自由和美好的生活。
Jane Eyre is not a beautiful little woman, but there is a strong self-esteem, and she steadfastly pursuing, bright, holy, and a better life. 简爱是一个不美的矮小的女人,但有着极强的自尊心,她坚定不移地追求着,光明的,圣洁的,美好的生活。