
美 [ˈiðər]英 [ˈaɪðə(r)]
  • adv.(两者中的)任何一个;各方;(用于否定词组后)也;(补充时说)而且
  • adj.两者之一的;(两者之中)随便哪一个的;两者中任何一方的
  • conj.…呢还是…
  • pron.两者中的任何一个
  • 网络任一;二者之一;或者



1.(两者中的)任何一个one or the other of two; it does not matter which

2.(两者中的)每个,各方each of two

四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... dollar 元 either forget 忘记 六字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? ...


《新概念英语》第一册词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... Egypt 埃及 either (两者中的) 任何一个 / electric 带电的, 可通电的 ...


neither 和 either的用法。。。_百度知道 ... neither 两者都不 either 两者之一 neither... nor... 不是。。。也不是。。。 ...


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... surprise n. 惊奇; either a. 任一,两方的; bake v. 烘焙,烤 94 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... eighty num. 八十 either a. 两方任一方的;二者之一 elder n. 长者;前辈 ...


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... quickly ayv 很快的 either adv 或者;也 lot pron 大量;许多 ...


2010年高考英语必备词汇详解 - 豆丁网 ... both 两者都 either 两者中任何一个 neither 两者中一个也不 ...


元音字母组合及其发音(课程标准) - 豆丁网 ... climb( 爬) either( 也不) neither( 两者多不) ...

If you know of, or have done, additional data visualization on this material, please let us know, either in the comments or via email. 如果您知道,或已经做过这类素材的额外数据可视化,您可以发表评论或发邮件让我们知道。
Justin doesn't feel ready to leave Taiwan! Someone else doesn't want him to leave either. . . 贾斯汀还没准备好要离开台湾!某人也不希望他离开……
The U. S. government is unlikely to do either of these things and therefore, in conventional parlance, is not insolvent. 美国政府不大可能做这些事情,因此用传统的说法,它没有资不抵债。
If 'The Hurt Locker' is in the number one slot, it may be placed in either the 'Hey, Did You Know This Was Directed By A Woman? 如果‘拆弹部队’得到第一名,这部影片可能会被问到‘喂,你知道这是一个女人导演的吗?
There was a time when westerners assumed the Indians and Chinese in the head office were either accountants or computer experts. 曾几何时,西方人理所应当地认为在总部工作的印度人和中国人要么是会计师,要么是电脑专家。
Either way you look at it, this author really wants women to be in a subordinate role, silent in church. 不论怎样理解,这位作者极力宣扬女人扮演从属角色,在教会里保持安静。
Landfill leachate contained high concentration of pollutants and great variation is often observed in either composition or flow rate. 垃圾渗滤液污染物浓度高,水质水量变化大,是国内外污水处理的难题。
As you know, for different activities we rely more heavily on either our left or right brain hemispheres. 正如你知道的,我们不同的行为活动主要依靠我们的左右脑半球。
As he was about to leave after the second visit, I put my hand his shoulder. He didn't shrink back, but he didn't look at me either. 他第二次来后,在他将要离开的时候,我将手放在他的肩上,他没有退缩着躲开,也没有看我一眼。
Pull out the thorn on the tire. If is unable to pull out, do not influence the result of use either. 拔除轮胎上的刺物,若无法拔掉,也不影响使用效果。
Neither of the above examples truly shows off the true power of either Perl or Python, nor was that my intent in a short article. 上面的实例没有真正地表现出Perl或Python的真正实力,这也不是我在这篇短文中的意图。
Do not be surprised, however, if she begins to charge you for "services" provided either during her stay or on your holiday. 不要惊讶,如果她开始要你为“服务”付钱,在她居住期间或在你们的假期期间提供这个合同。
I told her if she was able to get a print either paw or nose, I would be able to make the piece and cast it for her. 我告诉她如果能给我个狗鼻子印或者爪子印的模板,我就可以帮她制作。
The company makes the experience easy to stumble upon or search something out, then either rent or purchase it. 亚马逊用户可以很方便地找到或搜索内容,随后就能向亚马逊租用或购买了。
Do not be afraid to ask for assistance from others either. You need time to heal and getting some form of support is always a good idea. 不要羞于向别人求助,你需要时间来疗伤,而他人的支持是个一剂很好的药。
The fact that you cannot unmount a file system in either of these cases is one of the basic rules of computer systems. 在这两种情况下,都无法卸载文件系统,这是计算机系统的基本规则之一。
There is nothing natural about that either, but the recent increases should be at least in part understood as making up for this. 这同样与自然毫无关系,但最近的加薪至少在一定程度上应理解为对冻薪的补偿。
It is either pumped up to a cooling tower or it gravitates into a cooling pond , and is stored for later use in the condenser. 它要么就被抽到冷却塔或是排到冷却池里留待下次作为冷却液来使用
The Congress and others have to ask themselves whether it is possible to maintain an agreement without either sanctions or incentives. 国务诸公及其他人士务请自问:没有奖励,也无惩罚,一项协议如何能得以维持。
And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering. 我可以跟你用你想要的任何东西打赌,《蜉蝣》头一次或第二次投出去就会被采用的。
In too many countries, the health systems to do that either do not exist or are on the point of collapse. 在太多的国家,开展这项工作的卫生系统不存在,或者面临崩溃。
Alloy: Metallic substance composed of two or more elements, as either a mixture, compound, or solid solution. 合金:由两种或多种元素组成的金属材料,以化合物或固溶体形式存在。
I don't like busy cities, the fast cities either. It seems to me that the freedom on the grassland of Inner-Mongolia is what I desire. 我不太喜欢生活一个繁忙的,生活节奏比较快的城市,我喜欢到内蒙古啊,草原上生活,我感觉那样的生活很自由。
Either her mother or her sisters call for her every afternoon. 她的母亲或者她的姐妹们每天下午打电话来找她。
She had a husband and a daughter, but they didn't seem to be important--not either of 'em. 她有一个丈夫和一个女儿,但他们好象对她不重要,他们都不重要。
There was an armchair at either end of the long table. 在那张桌子两端各有一把扶手椅。
She did not reply to this, either because she misunderstood, or because she was thinking it over. 'So. . . Stay with me? ' I repeated. 她没有回答我,也许是因为她误会了,也许是因为她要仔细考虑。我又问:“那么…留下来和我一起?”
Sure. And not the black-and-white kind either. We'll probably be grown-ups by then, but I'll get us two. One for you and one for me. 当然,还不是黑白的那种。到时我们也许都是大人了,不过我会给我们买两个。一个给你,一个给我。
Don't say to is him, be his son Ji Yu's showing is not know either is what he mom regal concubine will to river after week so good? 别说是他,就是他的儿子姬毓秀也不明白为啥他母妃会对江继周那么好呢?
The flame of measurement leads either to satiety, indifference and neglect, or to a wider and deeper enquiry. 度量之火要么导致厌腻、冷漠和疏忽,要么导致一种更加广阔深入的探寻。