
美 [ˈklaʊdi]英 ['klaʊdi]
  • adj.被云遮住的;阴云密布的;阴天的;多云的
  • n.多云天
  • 网络模糊不清的;混浊的

比较级:cloudier 最高级:cloudiest

cloudy sky,cloudy night


1.被云遮住的;阴云密布的;阴天的;多云的covered with clouds; with a lot of clouds


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... windy 多风的 cloudy 多云的 sunny 晴朗的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... windy 有风的;多风的 cloudy 多云的;阴天的 sunny 阳光充足的 ...


大学英语六级考试大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... closet n. 小房间;壁碗橱 cloudy a. 混浊的;模糊不清的 clown n. (马戏的)小丑,丑角 ...


大学英语六级考试大纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... closet n. 小房间;壁碗橱 cloudy a. 混浊的;模糊不清的 clown n. (马戏的)小丑,丑角 ...

My baby's clothes are so colorful and bright that you look like the only beautiful blooming flower on this cloudy Spring day. 宝贝的衣饰好鲜丽,像这个春阴的日子里唯一绽开的一朵娇媚的花蕾。
It started out to be a beautiful day. Then, all of a sudden, it became cloudy and began to rain. 开始,天气晴朗。后来,突然多云而且开始下雨。
Connect the cloudy day of a few days, today finally out of the sun, just like my feeling. 连接了几天的阴天,今天终于出太阳了,就像我的心情一样。
One day the family went to see a baseball game of an older brother. It was cloudy and by the time they got to the field it started raining. 一天,一家人去看一个兄长的棒球比赛,天气阴沉,当他们到达赛场的时候开始下雨了。
Snowflakes One day in winter holidays, it was cloudy. After a while, white snowflakes began to fall quietly. (112words)雪花寒假的一天,天空阴云密布,不一会儿,白色的雪花悄悄地落了下来。
There is nothing to gain from getting a speechwriter to wrap all this up in some cloudy and unconvincing "vision" . 让一位演讲撰稿人将所有这些包装进某种模糊且不令人信服的“远景”,没有什么好处。
If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. 如果是阴天,当他离开房子时,他将不得不采穿雨衣或带把雨伞离开家。
The full power of the clear heaven was not equal to that of a cloudy sky at noon, when Boldwood arose and dressed himself. 当博尔德伍德起来穿上衣服的时候,那澄澈万里的天穹中的亮度竟还不及阴霾的中午时分的天空。
Take A caffeine nap - If you are on the edge of the zone, but sort of cloudy in the head, try a caffeine nap. 服用些咖啡因小睡一会儿---如果你感觉自己马上要进入状态,但脑袋总是闷闷的,试试这个方法。
Her reputation of reading a great deal hung about her like the cloudy envelope of a goddess in an epic. 她博览群书的名声,象云雾一样包围着她,使她变成了史诗中的女神。
Late one cloudy afternoon, when Huan Zang, a young man in his late teens, was passing by the foot of a mountain, he heard a girl's giggling. 是一个阴暗的午后﹐黄章﹐一个十八﹑九岁的年轻男子﹐于经过一座山脉的山脚下时﹐他听到了一个女孩子的傻笑声。
When we fly in an airplane above the clouds, we realize that the sun is always shining even when it is cloudy and rainy below. 坚不可摧的存在当我们乘坐飞机、翱翔于云层之上时,我们了解到,即使是云层之下阴霾雨霏,而太阳却总在明亮地照耀着。
And I have to agree with him; I've had terrible luck spotting shooting stars in the light polluted LA skies, let alone cloudy British skies. 这一点,我表示同意。即使在洛杉矶轻微污染的天空观看流星雨就够倒霉了,更别提在多云的英国了。
like the cloudy day, like lying on the grass, looked up at the sky without the sun. 喜欢阴天,喜欢躺在草地上,仰脸望着没有阳光的天空。
It was dark, like dusk on a cloudy day, with only enough light to see that there was nothing to see. 周围一片漆黑,就好像是乌云密布的夜晚,光线只足够让你看清周围没有任何会动的活物。
And there it is. . . the sun, even when it's cloudy; somehow I still see it. And it smiles at me and I say, "Thank you, " and I smile back. 它在那里……太阳,虽然还是云雾重重,但我还是看到它了。它朝我微笑,我道了声“谢谢”,回以一笑。
When the sky was cloudy and visibility low (blue lines), the walkers (labeled KS, PS and RF) were unable to stay straight and began to turn. 当多云和低可见度(蓝线)的天气里,几个人(标记为KSPSRF)无法走直线并开始绕圈。
Han seemed to redden slightly, like the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day . 韩学愈似乎脸色微红,像阴天忽透太阳。
Second, my aspirations were still cloudy, so if I transferred out of the engineering faculty. 其次,我的理想仍然很模糊,所以即使我转出了工程学院,我仍然没有方向。
Although aerogel is classed as a solid, 99% of the substance is made up of gas, which gives it a cloudy appearance. 虽然气凝胶被归入固体类物质,但它99%的成分是气体,这使得气凝胶拥有云雾状的外观。
So even though its cloudy and rainy outside in my eyes the sun is shining and I am ready to dance. 尽管现在外面乌云密布,阴雨绵绵,但是在我眼里,阳光照射着大地,我要去跳舞了。
The whole effect was, for Danielle, faintly cloudy, as if she had walked into someone else's dream. 眼前这一切给丹尼尔一种模糊的感觉,仿佛是走进了别人的梦境。
Near the bottom of the scene, an even more distant Pleiades star cluster and bright planet Jupiter shine on this cloudy northern night. 图中接近底部的位置,更加遥远的昴宿星团和明亮的木星也正在云层中闪耀。
Cloudy day as the sun does not always come, the sun just after the storm, life is good. 那样阳光不阴霾的日子,总会到来的,阳光总在风雨后,生活是好的。
The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through. 天阴多云,但是太阳还是想冲出来。
Cloudy is an easy-to-set-up LAMP benchmark that measures virtualization scalability and shows the effects of resource overcommitment. Cloudy是很容易设置的LAMP基准,它可以衡量虚拟化扩展性,并可以显示资源环境的效果。
England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy and rainy, so the people there don't get much sunlight in the year. 英国的天气向来很糟,常常是阴雨天,所以那儿的人们一年到头见不到多少阳光。
I remember that it was a cloudy, stuffy morning at the beginning of the rains. 我记得那是个要下雨的早晨,天空乌云密布,空气沉闷。
However, on a cloudy day, looking around, one can only see boundless land disappearing into a sea of clouds. 但遇阴天时,环顾四周,苍茫大地,尽入云海。
Patients whose vision had been cloudy could see well afterwards, and the "new corneas" remained clear more than a year after the operation. 患者的视力已经从云翳状态恢复到后来能看到东西,手术一年多后“新眼角膜”仍然很清晰透明。