
美 [ˈkʌp(ə)l]英 ['kʌp(ə)l]
  • n.情侣;两人;两件事物;几个人
  • v.结合;性交;交配
  • 网络夫妇;一对;力偶

复数:couples 现在分词:coupling 过去式:coupled

young couple,past couple,royal couple,marry couple,elderly couple
kill couple


n. v.

1.[singspv]~ (of sth)两人;两件事物two people or things

2.[singspv]~ (of sth)几个人;几件事物a small number of people or things

3.[cspv](人)一对;(尤指)夫妻,情侣two people who are seen together, especially if they are married or in a romantic or sexual relationship


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... countryside n. 乡下,农村 couple n. 夫妇,一对 courage n. 勇气; 胆略 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... countryside n. 乡下,农村 couple n. 夫妇,一对 courage n. 勇气; 胆略 ...


力_互动百科 ... 力量〖 physicalstrength〗 力偶couple〗 力排众议〖 prevailoveralldissentingviews;standone'sground〗 ...


初中英语词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... countryside n. 农村 couple n. 夫妻 courage n. 勇气 ...


网络票选最佳情侣(couple)赏: 金善雅VS玄彬 网络票选最受欢迎 男演员:玄彬 女演员:金善雅 最优秀男主角 玄彬 - 《我的名 …


新概念英语第三册单词总汇  - 豆丁网 ... grapple 抓住 couple 两三个,几个 couple 夫妻 ...


ansys名词全译_百度文库 ... count 总数 couple 耦合 coupled 耦合 ...

With school out for the summer and only a couple of days before we were to leave, I began to give up hope of finding my great orange tip. 学校正在放暑假,再有几天我们也要离开了,我开始对找到硕大的橙色尖翅粉蝶不抱希望。
"In the last couple of years, financial activity became less related than we've seen before to real economic developments, " he said. “在过去几年,较之以前,金融活动已变得不再与实体经济发展那么相关了,”维廷说。
A couple of years ago, the sea ice did not form at all until December and was gone again in March. 冰面的形成在二三年前已经推迟到十二月,而到来年三月却又融化的无影无踪。
It's a target but I said a couple of weeks ago if he gets over 30 I'll be delighted and I'll stick to that. 这是个目标,但我几周前我说如果他能进30球的话我就很高兴了,现在也是一样。
There was a sharp yelp, a flirt of the poodle's head, and the beetle fell a couple of yards away, and lit on its back once more. 狮子狗尖叫一声,猛然摇了一下头,于是甲虫被它摔出了有一两码,摔得仰面朝天。
One marriage expert says parents' behavior should depend on the age of their kids, and also on a tougher criterion: how the couple argue. 一位婚姻专家说,父母的行为应当取决于孩子的年龄,也取决于一个更严格的标准:两口子吵架的方式是什么样的。
A couple semesters later my section started to grow, and I soon had to turn people away because my section was full. 两个学期之后,我的班上出现了越来越多的学生,很快地,我不得不因为选课人数的限制而拒绝一些同学。
Professor Kwak Dae-kyung of Seoul's Dongguk University told the Yonhap news agency that the couple appeared to have lost track of reality. 首尔东国大学的郭达坤(KwakDae-kyung)教授告诉韩联社,这对夫妻似乎已经游离于现实生活之外了。
"I grew up with all this back in Pittsburgh, so I've been looking for it here for a couple years, and now I've found it, " he says. 他说:“我从小在匹茨堡生活,一直吃这种饺子。我找了两三年,终于找到了。”
After a couple of times of studying the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. 在若干次学习了正确的方法之后,大多数人会很惊讶,他们实际上是多么享受学习。
A It's just a couple of hours to walk through it. There's so much to see. A从头到尾走一趟也要两三个小时。有太多的东西值得看。
Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had lived apart for two years. 法官休•本尼特说,鉴于麦卡特尼和米尔斯已分居两年的事实,米尔斯提出的离婚诉讼请求获准。
For a couple of months, I waited until she contacted me to tell me about life as an illegally employed adolescent in the big city. 有几个月的时间,我一直等她的消息,直到她联系我并告诉我她在大城市身为非法移民童工的生活。
In the past couple of years, to try to keep the economy out of a tailspin, it has more than doubled the size of the so-called monetary base. 过去几年中,为了保持经济不失控,美联储将所谓的基础货币规模增加了一倍多。
Oh, and I had a few pretzels and a couple of bags of peanuts and maybe a few more pinks of beer. 哦,我还吃了些脆饼干和几袋花生可能还多喝了几扎啤酒。
His wife, Lai Yamei has also joined him as a volunteer, and for the past seven years the couple have been inseparable. 他的太太赖亚梅也一同投入志工行列,七年来,夫妻俩总是同进同出。
There was a news that a couple finally got to meet and married since the day they broke up due to the World War II. 最近有新闻报道一对在二次世界大战中分手的男女终于再次相遇并且结婚。
Just as a train is about to go, a young couple rush in and they're just about to close the pneumatic doors. 就在火车要开的时候,一对年轻恋人冲了进来这时候气动门马上就要关闭了。
"You know what I'm talking about, " Mrs. Claus told the Obamas, referring to the couple's nights out on the town together. 圣诞夫人对奥巴马总统一家说:“你们明白我的意思。”她指的是奥巴马夫妇的浪漫夜游。
But for the past couple of years, my wife and I have radically changed our diet and try to eat meat or fish only a couple of times a week. 在过去几年中,我和妻子已经完全改变了日常食谱,尽量每周只吃一两次肉或鱼。
And until proven otherwise, we believe that the market is in for a period of sideways trading for the next couple of months. 因此如果不出意外,我们相信市场已经进入一个区间震荡的时期,而且还将持续几个月的时间。
One day, Valentine heard a young couple arguing there. he gave them a beautiful rose and prayed that their love would be eternal. 一天,情人节听到一对年轻夫妇争论。他给了他们美丽的玫瑰,并祈祷他们的爱情会永恒。
Yes, I'm a bit tired. I'm very bad with a jet-lag. But I'll be all right in a couple of days. 是的,我是有点累了。我倒时差很慢,但是两天之后自然就恢复了。
Over the last couple of months, he spoke some to her, as she mentioned to him how she wondered if anyone would ever love her. . . 过了好几个月,在她给抱怨她不知道是否会有人爱她,他就给姐姐传了一些福音。
Although I agree that there may be a couple of disadvantages in doing like this, I feel that the advantages are more obvious. 虽然我承认这样做可能有许多不足之处,但是,我觉得其优势更明显。
He is not exaggerating: in August BMS lost 75% of the market for Plavix in just a couple of weeks to its generic rival. 他并非夸大其辞:BMS相比其仿制品对手,在八月仅仅几周内便丧失了75%的Plavix市场。
But a couple of weeks ago, I made a series of choices that led to me, a heterosexual man, waking up in a man's bed, trapped underneath him. 然而几个礼拜之前,我做的一系列的选择,最终导致我被困在一个男人的身下,在他床上醒来——被强暴了。
He was offered a couple of jobs but stayed adamant about his salary demands and about a title that would befit a man of his stature. 他有若干个职位可以选择,但是他固执地坚持其薪水要求以及一个与其地位相称的头衔。
We expect him to be back in full training in a couple of weeks and available for selection before Christmas. 我们期待他将会在两周内恢复完整训练,在圣诞节之前能够上场。
There's going to be a couple more distressing slides for those of you -- I'll let you know when you can look again. 我接下来还要给你看几张可怕的图片-对于那些敏感的人,我会告诉你们什么时候可以再抬头看屏幕的。