remember when

  • 网络记得当时;曾几何时;记得何时

remember whenremember when

remember when


Goodbye Lullaby_百度百科 ... 11. Darlin( 亲爱的) 12. Remember When记得当时) 13. Goodbye( 说再见) ...


经典英文歌曲下载_红菱艳_新浪博客 ... 70.skater boy (艾薇儿) 63.Remember When (曾几何时) 2.God is a girl: (上帝是 …


S.H.E《远方》英文版—... ... Backstreet Boys 后街男孩 Remember when 记得何时 we never needed each other 我们从来都不 …


后街男孩How Did I Fall... ... with you? 你 Remember when 记得那时 we never needed each other 我们没有像现在这般依赖彼 …


艾薇儿Remember when 歌词中文翻译_百度知道 ... Remember when 还记得那时候么,将其藏于心中即可 I remember when …


  《请记住那时》(Remember When) - Agustin Crespi / 西班牙   《贞观长歌》(Tang Dynasty) -吴子牛/ 中国  《卧薪尝胆》(The Gr…


”(《Everybody Hurts》)、“记得我哭了千万次的时候”(《Remember When》)的哀伤艾薇儿第一次为自己的两首歌曲担当 …


艾薇儿4real... ... I can’t pretend 我假装不了也掩饰不了 Remember when 那段感情真的真的刻骨铭心 I remember when 还记得 …

He noted that many Japanese still remember when Japan did not produce a lot of food after world war two. 他强调许多日本人仍然记得当在第二次世界大战后日本无法生产大量的食物。
Remember when you were young, how excited you were to be part of the action and how great it was when someone older helped you along? 还记得你小时候,你是多么兴奋的行动是多么伟大的一部分,它是一个年长的时候帮你一起去吗?
I remember when I was younger, my grandmother used to tell me many stories. Today I would like to share with you one of my favorites. 记得小时候,外婆经常讲有趣的故事给我听,今天就让我把最喜欢的一个故事讲给大家听。
Remember: when you hurt someone's feelings, no matter what you do to make up for it, there will always be a scar in their heart. 每当你伤害到他们,无论你做什么事去弥补你所做的伤害,他们的心中,永远都会留下一条深深的疤。
Maybe not. But it's still fun to think about. Remember when you had to sell some of your clothes in Germany because you ran out of money? 也许不能吧,但想想还是蛮有乐趣的,记得你在德国时把钱用光了而不得不卖掉你的一些衣服吗?
Remember when your mother told you to always tell the truth because you would not have to remember what you said? 记住,还记得当你的母亲告诉你永远说真话,因为你不必牢记说过的话吗?。
Remember when your father caught us in the barn, he said if I didn't marry you, he'd send me to jail for 50 years. 我们在谷仓里被你父亲抓到时,她说如果我不娶你,他就会把我送进监牢关上50年。
I remember when I told him the news. He fell off his chair, saying over and over in disbelief, "but I'm almost sixty. " 我记得当我告诉他这个消息,他从他的椅子上跌下来,用不可置信的声音一遍又一遍地说,“我都已经六十岁了啊!”
[I wrote the letter] a long time ago to say we are not ready to sell any of our players. I don't remember when but they did not write back. 在很久之前(我曾经给他们写过一封信),我告诉他们我们不准备卖走我们任何一个球员,我记不清楚具体是什么时候了,但他们却没有给我回信。
He did not remember when he had first started to talk aloud when he was by himself. When the boy had left. 他不记得是从什么时候开始,没人在旁边的时候自己会自言自语。大概是在那男孩离开他之后。
I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a "relationship killer. " 我记得当初MySpace受欢迎程度极高的时候,被称为“关系杀手”。
Remember when you were a kid and how excited you were when you got a new pair of shoes? 你记不记得当你还是个孩子的时候,如果穿上一双新鞋你会有多兴奋?
Remember when you were a little kid, I used to take you to the navy yard and show you the big ships? 记得小时候我常带你去海军军港看大船?
I remember when my sister was Lucia in our school she had to put a wet handkerchief on her hair to protect it from getting burnt. 我记得当年我姐姐作为“圣露西亚女孩”时,她将一条湿巾搁在头顶,防止头发被烧。
Nathan Eccleston made it a debut to remember when he netted the winner for Huddersfield Town against Yeovil Town on Saturday. 内森-埃斯克林顿上演难忘的处子秀,周六他为哈德斯菲尔德在面对耶奥维尔的比赛中打进制胜一球。
I can remember when it was a foot or two lower, and also when it was at least five feet higher, than when I lived by it. 我还记得,何时水退到比我住在那儿的时候低了一两英尺,何时又涨高了至少有五英尺。
I remember when he first came to try out for our Little League team. The coach took one look and shook his head. 我记得他第一次来到我们少年棒球联合会球队试打时的情景。教练瞅了他一眼,摇了摇头。
He'll get used to it. They always do. I still remember when my daughter started. Are you going with him on his first day? 他会适应的。孩子们都这样,我还记得我女儿当时的样子。第一天你和他一起去吗?
remember when life was simpler, and she was just a lesbian. 记得当生活变简单了,她也不过是个女同性恋了。
I remember when I started practicing Buddhism fourteen years ago, and I was told that the end of this practice was to be happy. 还记得14年前当我开始修习佛教的时候,他们告诉我修行的最终是得到幸福。
Remember when you were a kid and eating was as simple as "Open, chew, enjoy" ? You didn't count the grams of fiber and fat in your PB&J. 还记得你小时候吗?吃是那样的简单,“张嘴,咀嚼,享受”?你不会计算纤维和脂肪克数。
I remember when I said give up all over the world even if you do not want to give up, But you ask me what to leave? 我记得当我说放弃全世界时,即使您不想要放弃,但是您问我离开的什么?
I remember when he first came into the league thinking, 'How can this kid handle all this? ' 当他刚进联盟的时候,我就在想,“这个孩子是如何处理应对这一切的呢?”
Remember when eating out was a relaxing experience? Someone else cooked for you, served you and cleaned up after you. 还记得不记得过去外出吃饭是件宽心愉快的事情?有人为你掌勺、服务,你走后又为你收拾桌子。
I remember when we were at school, we would all clap when we saw him on television and he did great things with education, with healthcare. 我记得我们还在学校念书时,只要在电视上看到他,我们就会全都一起用力鼓掌,他为教育和医疗服务做了一些很棒的贡献。
Remember when you were a kid and you had a secret code you shared with your friends? 还记得儿时与伙伴们分享的秘密暗号吗?
I cannot remember when Merlin first found me here, but it is not so strange, given our birthing together so long ago. 我记不起梅林是什么时候第一次在这里找到我的,但这并不奇怪。很久以前我们就是一起出生的。
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. 年轻的时候,你像太阳一样发光。
We may remember, when Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital first opened, an ambulance delivered an old lady to the hospital She had a foul odor. 我们可还记得,过去在大林慈济医院启用的第一天义诊,有一位老婆婆,这位老婆婆被救护车送来时,就觉得一阵的恶臭。
I remember when Stanley first asked me to take a drive with him. 我还记的斯坦利第一次叫我和他去兜风