
美 [ˌrezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l]英 [.rezɪ'denʃ(ə)l]
  • adj.适合居住的;住宅的;需要在某地居住的;提供住宿的

residential district,residential quarter,residential construction,residential property,residential suburb


1.适合居住的;住宅的suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

2.需要在某地居住的;提供住宿的requiring a person to live at a particular place; offering living accommodation

At least 2 years of sales experience in construction material related sector, preferably in residential door market. 至少2年以上建材或相关行业销售经验,熟悉民用门市场者为佳。
The bank created and sold Hudson Mezzanine, which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet, in late 2006. 高盛于2006年末创设并出售了HudsonMezzanine,其中包含了来自其自身资产负债表的住房抵押贷款证券。
Before 1998 China did not have a residential real estate market to speak of and there was no need for such exotic financial products. 1998年之前,中国还没有建立现在所说的住宅地产市场,因而也不需要这种舶来的金融产品。
When Kanlou car into a residential door, she was deeply attracted by the eyeful of green, and that the goldfish pond. 当看楼车一进楼盘门口,就被她那满眼的绿色深深地吸引住了,还有那池里的金鱼。
Residential stored on the surface understanding of the culture is bound to promote the residential areas and will continue to develop. 对地表所存民居的了解,必将使民居的文化弘扬并发展下去。
Several factors will likely play into this drop, including the company's focus on lower-cost residential properties, he said. 他说,利润率下滑可能有多方面的原因,该公司关注于低成本住宅项目也是其中一个因素。
Before going to bed every night, and the city's residential quarters Friends of the next day chat This is our daily habits. 每晚睡前,都会和宿舍的宿友聊下天这是我们每天的习惯。
Goldman now says losses in other areas left the company with less than $500 million in net revenue from residential- mortgage products. 高盛近日表示,其他业务带来的损失让公司在住宅抵押产品上获得的收益只剩下不足5亿美元。
"residential staff can only advise : " currently not received any notice, do not know. 楼盘办事人员只能告知:“目前未接到任何通知,不知道。”
It was a good decision as Kensington is a quiet, residential area and the hotel itself is small and clean with a helpful, friendly staff. 这是一个令人满意的选择,因为肯辛顿是一个安静、适于作住宅的区域,酒店本身小小的,不过干净,职员友好、乐于助人。
He said that 'within a year or so residential housing problems should be largely behind us. ' 他说,在一年左右的时间里,大部分住宅地产的问题将成为过去。
Yes, the fall in residential investment has whacked the GDP figures, but the market seems to be settling down again. 住房投资的下降也的确沉重地打击了GDP数字,不过市场似乎再次安定下来。
He drove into a residential area and stopped in the driveway of a fine, old house. 他开车子进入住宅区,然后在一栋雅观而古老的房子的车道上停下。
And specifically, in the short term, demand for residential property seems to be quite sensitive to price expectations. 短期而言,住宅物业需求似乎对价格预期相当敏感。
Slate from India is being used for a wide variety of flooring applications, from retail interiors to residential patios . 印度板岩越来越广泛地运用于地板装饰上,从内部装饰到住宅阳台。
Our granite kitchen tops have also widely been used in residential and commercial jobs in USA . Sizes can be customized or standard . 我们的花岗岩厨房台板也广泛应用于美国的家居和商业工程。产品尺寸可定做或按标准制造。
Yet focusing so much money on residential mortgages, and thus homeowners, seems to do just that. 不过将那么多资金集中用在住房抵押贷款(和房屋所有者)上,看起来就是在这样做。
Already, in the British residential market at least, estate agents are talking as if the crisis is over. 至少在英国住宅市场,地产中介侃侃而谈,似乎危机依然过去。
He operates his own warehouses a few miles from the school, in the basements of a pair of residential buildings. 他在离学校几英里的地方有着一间自己的仓库,这个仓库位于两栋住宅楼的地下室里。
Beijing Hutong was the only form of residential areas, Beijing's Hutong as densely vascular title page in every corner of the city. 胡同曾经是北京唯一的民居形式,北京的胡同就象密密麻麻的血管扉页在城市的每个角落。
In these circumstances, contact the department who may be able to help you seeking an order from the Residential Tenancies Tribunal. 在这种情况下,你可以联系住房部,他们也许可以帮助你向住宅租赁法庭申请强制令。
State rebates, combined with federal tax credits, can cover up to half the cost of a residential solar system. 州补贴,联邦政府课税扣除,就相当于居民太阳能系统的一半。
Many residential areas or is not the owner or owners of the Committee is to exist in name only, unable to effectively exercise its mandate. 很多住宅区要么就是没有业主委员会,要么就是业主委员会形同虚设,无法切实行使自己的职权。
From this point of view that in the next few years, Light Rail along the lower low-density residential definitely marketable. 从这个角度上说,在未来几年里,轻轨沿线低层低密度住宅肯定抢手。
Istanbul's governor has said there's no doubt this was a terror attack, the target, a pedestrian street in a residential area of the city. 伊斯坦布尔市长说毫无疑问这是一次恐怖袭击,目标就是该市居民区的一条步行街。
found a residential address but listed four "relatives" that I never knew I had. 在PublicInfoGuide.com上找到了我的一个居住地址,但却列出了4个我从未知道的“亲戚”。
In recent years, the landscape planning of residential quarter seems to be more influential in every corner of the surroundings. 近几年来,小区景观规划似乎更加渗透到居住环境区的各个角落。
Creosote is a wood preservative used for commercial purposes only; it has no registered residential uses. 木馏油是一种仅用于商业的木材防腐剂,它没有用于住宅的许可登记。
"We tend to still like residential as an asset class, it's just a matter of time, " said an industry source who invests in property in Asia. 一名负责亚洲房地产投资的业内人士称:“我们仍倾向将居民住宅作为投资类别,这只是时间早晚的问题。”
And as you can see from the wasteland behind me which used to be residential apartment housing, the old is going very, very rapidly. 正如您所看到的我身后这片曾是住宅楼的废墟,旧楼消失得非常非常快。