as long as

  • conj.只要
  • 网络长达;如果;既然

as long asas long as

as long as


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as if 好象,仿佛 as long as 只要 as to 至于,关于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... lock out 把…关在外面 as long as 达…之外,长达 at longest (把日期)至多,最晚 ...


中考英语必备短语_百度知道 ... 58、就我所知 as far as I know 59、只要,假如,如果 as long as 60、感到惭愧 be ashamed of ...


regards中文 ... anything but 根本不... as long as 只要,如果,既然,由于 as soon as 一 …… 就 ... ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... as/if though 好像,仿佛 as long as 只要,如果;既然,由于 as soon as 一…就,刚…便 ...


七年级下册英语复习_百度文库 ... on earth 在地球上 as long as 长达,达…之久 stop doing. 停止做某事 梦幻网络 ...


和as ... as有关的词组 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... as well as 和……一样 as long as 只要……就 Wolfgirl 13 级 2009-08-02 ...


请教几... ... 4 ask for 是固定搭配 父母对子女的爱是无私的,是不求回报的。 as long as 接普通时;表示条件 if 接过去时;表示 …

As long as the eldership have a serious talk with me, and then they would think I am mature in thought, they would look at me with new eyes. 有和我认真聊过天的大人们或是长辈们都会觉得我是个思想挺成熟的女孩子,都有一种刮目相看的感觉。
And my grandmother paused and she said, well, just as long as you're not a Democrat. 而我的祖母停顿了一下说,好,只要你不是民主党员就好。
As long as she held it in her hand, she would be completely safe. 只要她手里拿着这个美分,她就会很安全。
Izetbegovic assured me that he was committed to a peaceful settlement as long as it was fair to the Bosnian Muslims. 伊泽特贝戈维奇向我保证,他将致力于达成一个和平协议,只要这个协议对波斯尼亚穆斯林是公平的。
I can do nothing with him and he can do nothing with me, he thought. Not as long as he keeps this up. 我拿它一点没办法,它也拿我一点没办法,他想。只要它老是这样干下去,双方都一点没办法。
As long as you do not refuse one step at a time of extraordinary, brilliant attractive you would not refuse to have them. 只要你不拒绝一步一个脚印的平凡,诱人的光辉就不会拒绝你对他们的拥有。
He promised his boss he would work overtime for the company as long as he was needed. 他向老板许诺只要公司需要他就愿意加班。
pensioners ready to die firing a shotgun at the enemy "as long as I take one with me" . 退休的老人拿着鸟枪向敌人开火,「只要能杀一个陪葬」就死也甘心。
the tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant. the heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car. 蓝鲸的舌头与一头大象的舌头一样长,且它的心脏相当于一辆小型汽车的尺寸大小。
This game let me know: As long as you insist, and has worked hard and struggle to victory will be waving to you. 这次比赛让我知道了:只要你坚持了,努力了,奋斗了胜利就会向你招手。
For a space of time that seemed to her as long as she had been upon the earth, she sat huddled over the cold stove. 她蜷缩着坐在清冷的火炉旁待了一段时间,她觉得这段时间似乎和她活在世上的时间一般长久。
S. was designed so that you can easily figure out how to get to any city in the country as long as you know how top read a map. 美国的公路结构设计的只要你能读懂地图,就可以很容易地找到如何到达国家的任何一个城市的路。
We see that it was so green and as long as you put rubber on the track, lap times improve a lot and the balance improves a lot as well. 我们看到这条赛道太新而只要你在赛道上弄上些橡皮那么圈速就会提升很多而且车的平衡也会提高。
As long as you are going, why not take me with you? 既然你要去,为什么不带我一起去。
As long as you're trying to be good, you can do whatever you want. 只要你尽力了,就表示你可以做任何你想做的事情。
Foreword: A frustration is a new premise. As long as you are willing to, any frustration will become a turning point to surpass oneself. 引言:一个失意,就是一个新的已知条件。只要愿意,任何一个失意都会成为一个超越自我的契机。
It was "as long as a galley, " and was filled with local goods for trade -- including cacao beans. 它“大得如同一艘战舰”,装满了用于做生意的当地货物,其中包括可可豆。
And a hilarious mirror of our culture's ability to rationalize any kind of behavior, as long as it boosts the bottom line. 并且,它也是对我们的文化具有将任何行为合法化的能力的滑稽写照,只要这种行为可以提升道德底线。
As a matter of fact, as long as you can deal with this emergency well, your leader will not mind accepting your own method. 事实上,你的领导可以接受你采用你自己的方式来解决这个紧急情况,只要你能处理得圆满。
I am relieved, as fireworks can not always be hung in the sky, as long as had been brilliant, why did not persist in this day of fireworks? 我释然,就像烟花不可能永远挂在天际,只要曾经灿烂过,又何必执着于没有烟花的日子呢?
He promised Susan that each morning and evening he would ride the bus with her, for as long as it took, until she got the hang of it. 他答应苏珊只要她答应,他每天早晚会陪同她一起乘车接送她上下班,直到她熟悉了路,能够独立为止。
A man may legally beat his wife with a leather strap as long as it is less than 2 inches wide. 丈夫可以用皮带抽打妻子,只要皮带宽不超过2英寸,即为合法。
This means that as long as Shanghai's CPI increase did not occur for two years, Wal-Mart employees will be "substantial" growth. 这意味着,只要上海的CPI涨幅不出现连续两年大增,沃尔玛的员工收入将有“实质性”增长。
The strip seems to have settled into pretty regular updates, and I hope Ellie lasts at least as long as the Mars Exploration rovers. 这部作品的更新相当规律,我希望Ellie的故事能和火星探测车之旅一样长久。
Taking your eye off the ball is OK, as long as you re-focus, and get back on track. 暂时转移你的注意力没有问题,只要你可以重新集中精力,即时回眸。
So as long as you work for your boss , don't be tricky , work had and use more of your brain to be a good staff . 所以你既然给老板打工,那就不能存有丝毫的侥幸心理,干活的时候就要认认真真地干,多动脑筋做一名好员工。
Don't take to heart every thing you hear. Don't spend all that you have. Don't sleep as long as you want. 不要把你听到的所有东西都记住,不要花掉你所有的钱,不要随心所欲地睡觉。
It does not matter how much the environment changes, as long as we face it with calm and composure, we will certainly find a solution. 不论外在环境如何改变,只要内心安稳、冷静面对,一定能找到解决问题的办法。
Do the dancer of life, as long as the heart is still, the show did not end. 做生命的舞者,只要心跳还在,演出就没有落幕。
Boys must win the support of his good, but it is not always good, as long as when he was sick to take care of him on the list . 收服男生就得对他好,但不是时时都好,只要在他生病的时候照顾他就行了。