
英 [tai]
  • abbr.〈外(=Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux)洲际航空运输公司
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络泰;国际原子时;鲷



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国际原子时(TAI):以一台原子钟作为时标,无视任何地球运动零类世界时(UT0)及一类世界时(UT1):基于精确测量的地球自转 …

TAI),又称之为「鱼之王样」,日本人嫁娶喜庆时必有鲷。关西人老是说鲷是天下第一鱼,比鲔好吃一百倍,你知关西人 …

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Trust Association InterceptorTAI)是一个 WebSphere Application Server 工具,它在应用服务器 JVM 中运行。它的用途是 …

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China Hymns | 中文圣经 ... Pinghua 王平华 Tai Zhuang 庄 ...

Tai chi eased painful joints and other symptoms of fibromyalgia in a small but well-done study of this ancient Chinese form of exercise. 一个研究中国古代锻炼方法的学术机构发现,太极拳可以缓解关节疼痛和纤维肌痛症状。
Zhang Tai-yan in learning the West, exploring the truth process. Have - degree of capitalism and democracy, said the aspirations and Zhuimu. 章太炎在学习西方,探索真理过程中.曾—度对资本主义和民主制度表示向往与追慕。
Master, your vision. . . your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way. 大师,你的预见…你的预见是对的.太郎越狱了,他正赶过来。
So I decided to take the train to Shanghai and stop halfway at Tai'an for a day to break up the trip and climb Mount Tai. 所以我决定乘火车去上海,并在一天打破这次旅行和爬泰山泰安半途而废。
Anita Mui is not eager to make more money, but just wants to [Share the moment, Share life] with all her fans at Shanghai Tai Mou Tai! 梅艳芳不想多赚钱,只想能在上海大舞台与喜欢她的歌迷一起“分享此刻分享生活”了!
Especially in the fast-paced life of modern society, Tai Chi is one of the best means of fitness regimen. 尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。
It should be noted that circulation chart said the "state-owned enterprise" refers to sinopec or to be explicitly, but no mao tai. 应该指出的是,循环式图表中所说的“国有企业”是指中石化还是指茅台,却没有予以明确。
That you do not have self-knowledge, Tai Gaogu your own strength, you think you and I love it? 你一点自知之明都没有,你太高估自己的力量,你以为我和你在恋爱吗?
Tai Lihua was a beautiful happy child growing up in her hometown in Hubei, but she couldn't hear. 邰丽华是一个美丽快乐的孩子成长在她的家乡湖北,但她什么也听不到。
Patients were randomly assigned to a Tai Chi group or to an attention control group, and both groups had sessions twice weekly for 12 weeks. 这些病患被随机分派到太极组或者注意力控制组,两组每周都有两次课程、为期12周。
The gourd is extremely close to shape and tai chi Yin and Yang, is in geomantic go up to also have the evil spirit. 葫芦的形状与太极阴阳极为贴近,在风水上也有化煞之用。
Sun Tai-ying is still recuperating in Australia, the rest is usually in addition to concentrate on prenatal education. 孙泰英目前依然在澳大利亚休养中,平时除了休息就是专心胎教。
How much is a bottle of Mao Tai wine? 茅台酒一瓶多少钱?
Tai, ah, you cast a big mistake, our hearts how much pain ah! 太康啊,你铸下了大错,我们心中是多么痛苦啊!
Leading by commander Tang, tens of us also traveled by one bus and a few cars to Tian Tai for a whole day visit. 在唐司令的带领下,我们一大车若干小车数十人,也乘兴去到天台游历了一整天。
Visit mount Tai as if climbing the great wall, become the dream of many Chinese. 登临泰山,犹如攀登长城一样,成为许多中国人的梦想。
When Tai Cho arrived, Siu Hor told him to help think of an idea to have Wing Chung return to her. 当泰祖到达时,笑荷向他坦言要他想办法将永中交回给她慢慢教导。
Bright tai colour when playing outside found a being discarded dog, dog very attractive, let the children fondle admiringly. 亮太和彩在外面玩的时候发现了一只被人丢弃的小狗,小狗非常惹人喜爱,让孩子们爱不释手。
Likewise, dancing the tango and tai-chi exercises seem to be helpful and studies are underway to explain the correlation. 同样,跳探戈舞、打太极拳似乎也有好处。旨在解释其相关性的研究活动还在进行。
Unique features include: tai ping molars, it has developed into a wrist "false" the thumb is to adapt to the bamboo of life. 独特的特征包括:大而平的臼齿,它的一根腕骨已经发育成了“伪拇指”这都是为了适应以竹子为食的生活。
Tai Chi Sword is an outstanding branch in the traditional Chinese swordsmanship. With its long history, it has more than ten schools. 太极剑是我国优秀的传统剑术套路之一,历史悠久,主要有十几家流派。
in modern times is the emergence of a democratic revolutionaries, thinkers and master Guoxuezhang bing (No. tai yan ) such a great man. 近代更是出现了民主革命家、思想家和国学大师章炳麟(号太炎)这样的伟人。
Wu Chung-tai, the National Teachers' Union secretary-general, said the exams had failed in their primary task of reducing students' stress. 全国教师会秘书长吴忠泰说,这个考试要减轻学生压力的本意已经失败了。
Know to is the spoilt daughter of a rich household of Tai China, she smiles that is kindly ah, even being euphonic is all temperate several. 得知是泰华的大小姐,她笑得那个慈祥呀,连语调都温和了几份。
On that day, the organ is er yi tai backyard chat with a ya yi him hurriedly to the report, saying that young people have asked to see one. 那天,风琴正在后院陪二姨太聊天,一个衙役急急忙忙地向他汇报,说有一年轻人求见。
Because also be the lower end inside the industry, we have the leader of the Tai Junan that ask a state to give us the introduction first. 因为也是在产业里面的下端,我们先有请国泰君安的领导给我们介绍一下。
" Ginger tea" , The cool and warm in the name two years ago in Shanghai Tai Hong Street, quiet, and a design. 姜茶,这清爽而有温暖的名字在两年前出现在上海泰康路上,安静,同时又具有设计性。
Daddy was holding Chester in front of the mirror he said, " tai ke ai le" and said to Chester, " you are not bad either" . 爸爸抱着小昂站在浴室的镜子前,“太可爱了”,接着对着小家伙说,“你也不错”。
After some time ago wu liang ye, mao tai after ready to produce higher than National Day premise, price increases of 20% to 30%. 继前段时间五粮液提价后,茅台也准备在国庆节前提高出厂价,提价幅度为20%-30%。
The time of Er Ren Tai opera "Moving Westward" was not in Xianfeng period, but in the third or fourth years of Guangxu period. 探讨二人台小戏《走西口》产生的时间,认为它不是产生于咸丰年间,而是产生在光绪三、四年的“丁戊奇荒”期间。