
美 [θæŋks]英 [θæŋks]
  • int.谢谢;(接受好意)好的;(婉言谢绝)不用了
  • n.感谢;谢意;感激
  • v.“thank”的第三人称单数
  • 网络多谢;致谢;谢谢你

express thanks,give thanks,accept thanks,say thanks
sincere thanks


1.~ (for doing sth)(表示感激)感谢,谢谢used to show that you are grateful to sb for sth they have done

2.(接受好意)好的,谢谢a polite way of accepting sth that sb has offered you

3.(婉言谢绝)不用了,谢谢a polite way of refusing sth that sb has offered you


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... fine (身体)好的 121 thanks 谢谢(只用复数) 122 thank 谢谢 124 ...


暗黑破坏神Ⅲ_百度百科 ... /give 给予 (小键盘数字 2) /thanks 感谢 (小键盘数字 3) /sorry 抱歉(小键盘数字 4) ...


英文商务邮件开场白&结尾 ... system operator 系统操作员 thanks 多谢 thanks for sharing 多谢你与我分享 ...


三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Thank 感谢 Thanks 致谢(复数单位) Thirsty 口渴 ...


豆瓣电影标签: 人与动物 ... 子熊故事 / 熊的故事 / The Bear 对不起,谢谢你 / Sorry,Thanks 大卫·拉斯彻 David Rasche / ...


精灵语入门手册 -想飞的自由-搜狐博客 ... Many thanks 多谢 Thanks 谢了 I thank you 我感谢你 ...


现代遗传学(赵寿元) - 生物 考研论坛 ... Thank you! 谢谢 看一下 thanks 谢谢了 thanks 谢谢 看一下 ...


CSS参考手册v4.0.1_web前端开发参考手册系列 ... 阅读及使用指引 The Use Guides 鸣谢 Thanks 捐赠 Contribute ...

But at least, thanks to the large number of jobs it is (temporarily) creating, the census may help lift the economy a bit. 但至少,感谢这次普查制造了大量的就业机会,尽管是暂时的,也将帮助政府缓解一定的经济压力。
Man back: Thanks, teacher stared at it, say class. 老兄回:谢了,班主任盯着呢,下课再说。
So as you leave Wellesley today, take with you deep thanks for the courtesy and the honor you have shared with Mrs. Gorbachev and with me. 所以,今天,当你们离开韦尔斯利时,请对你们与戈尔巴乔夫和我共同分享的这段时间的荣耀表示深深的感谢。
The foreigner comes and is now using the meeting room, I have to have her left for a while, thanks for your help. 老外来公司占用了会议室,我得客气的请她离开一下,麻烦帮个忙。
It has been a long time forming. Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering. 这是个长期的形成过程,绝大多数的议会席位很安全地掌握在两政党之一的手中,多亏了不公正划分选区。
I believe you were about to ask me to choose a cocktail. Fortunately, thanks to computer-savvy alcoholics, there's an app for that. 相信你马上就要让我点一种鸡尾酒了。幸好,拜嗜酒的电脑通们所赐,正好有开发这应用。
And Thanks for the trouble you took from her eyes. I thought it was there for good, so I never really tried. 谢谢你带走她眼中的烦恼。我原以为那些烦恼永不会消失,所以我并不曾真地去问她。
This thanks giving, take a moment or two to thank people for all that they have done and still do for you. 这个感恩节,花一点时间或感谢他们为你所做的事情,而且仍然还在为你所做的事情。
many thanks for your lovely gift. it's really a most magnificent gift which I shall always cherish as a token of our friendship. 非常谢谢你送的可爱礼物,它很精美,我将永远珍视它为我们友谊的象征。
Now, please let me take advantage of your 50th birthday to express my thanks to you for your great efforts to bring me up. 现在,请让我好好利用你的50岁生日,感谢你给我你的努力。
Oh~thanks, Celia. Long time on see, You know, It's been a long time since your last call. Been good? 噢~谢了,很久没见,你知道,从我们上次打电话已经很久了,最近好不好?
The wind business is booming, and the company said last week that it had swung into profit in 2006, thanks to an 8% rise in revenue. 风力发电业欣欣向荣,而上周该公司表示,2006年由于总收入增长8%,已实现扭亏为盈。
Mr. Heathcliff, I believe, had not treated him physically ill; thanks to his fearless nature. 我相信希刺克厉夫先生在肉体上不曾虐待过他;多亏他有无畏的天性。
THANKS to a mix of luck and good decisions, the economic apocalypse that loomed over central and eastern Europe seems to have been averted. 凭借一点运气和一些正确的决策,中欧及东欧似乎已避免了金融崩溃。
But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching into which you were delivered. 感谢神,你们从前虽然作罪的奴仆,现今却从心里顺从了你们被交于其中之教训的规模。
Mr. Deripaska bought out his partners in Rusal, which had ample cash flow thanks to rising metals prices and low taxes. 德里帕斯卡买下了他在Rusal的合伙人手中的股份。由于金属价格不断上涨、税费较低,Rusal有着充裕的现金流。
I had a conference call with him the other day &he has a great sense of humor! Hes a Very cool guy. . . Thanks for supporting him! 有一次我跟他打了个电话会议,他非常有幽默感!(插花:某人爆笑~)他是个非常非常酷的男人…谢谢你支持他。
She did not leave in a hurry until she had kissed the baker's hand to express her thanks. 她并没有急于离去,她向面包师表示了感谢,并亲吻了面包师的手之后才向家走去。
The meeting comes at a time when the dollar index is near its recent lows, thanks to the stumbles of the U. 此次会议召开之际,美元指数正徘徊于近期低点附近,原因是美国经济困顿以及美国联邦储备委员会的扩张性货币政策。
She thanks him, saying nothing about the fact that she has no tub and no access to anyone else's tub. 她谢过了他,说想要试一试,而绝口不提她没有浴盆,从别人那里也借不到。
Thanks. -You know, just between you and me, my money's on you to win the FedEx Cup. -Oh. That would be huge! 谢谢。-你知道,只在你和我之间,我已经下注赌你能赢联邦快递杯(高尔夫球赛)。-哦。那太慷慨了!
Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。
America's economy grew more quickly partly because its population rose by almost 1% a year, thanks to immigration and a higher birth rate. 美国经济增长速度更快,部分原因是因为移民以及较高出生率导致其人口年增长率几乎为1%。
nevertheless, he made a significant and lasting mark on the Journal thanks to his predilection for the use of proper language. 不过,他作出了重大和持久的印记日刊感谢他偏爱使用恰当的语言。
Thanks to this report, we are beginning to see some patterns and beginning to get some answers. 多亏这份报告,我们开始看出一些模式并得到一些答案。
First of all thanks to my leadership Lijun my care and attention and provided me with such a good work environment. 首先感谢我的领导励君对我的关心和重视,为我提供了这么好的工作环境。
If the inquiry is from a regular customer, a direct and polite reply, with an expression of thanks, is all that is necessary. 如果询盘的是老客户,那么仅仅需要一个带有谢意的直接的礼貌的回复就可以了。
The economy, always volatile, has grown at double-digit rates, on average, since he took power, partly thanks to funds from Delhi. 一直波动的经济,自库马尔执政以来也以平均两位数的速度增长了,当然还是要感谢来自德里的贷款。
But in that hour of trial he gave thanks -- because he believed America would weather the storm and emerge into a new era of liberty. 但是他感激磨难,因为他相信美国一定能渡过难关,并走进新自由时代。
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. 就拿着这五个饼,两条鱼,望着天,祝福,擘开饼,递给门徒。