
美 [ˈtutər]英 [ˈtjuːtə(r)]
  • n.导师;家庭教师;指导教师;私人教师
  • v.进行单独(或小组)辅导;任…的私人教师;指导;当家庭教师
  • 网络家教;助教;辅导员

复数:tutors 现在分词:tutoring 过去式:tutored

tutor student


n. v.

2.导师;指导教师a teacher whose job is to pay special attention to the studies or health, etc. of a student or a group of students

3.(负责成人教育或在学校里有特别任务的)教师a teacher, especially one who teaches adults or who has a special role in a school or college

5.课本;(尤指)音乐课本a book of instruction in a particular subject, especially music


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... trite a 陈腐的(像被磨破了一样) tutor n 保护人,导师 intuitive a 直觉的 ...


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... Teen Talk 青少年论坛(节目名称) tutor 家庭教师 original 新颖的 ...


各种职位英文翻译 - GOGO的日志 - 网易博客 ... 幼教 Preschool Education 家教 Tutor 医生(中、西医) Medical Doctor ...


英语选修7单词表 - 豆丁网 ... essay n. 文章;散文 tutor n. 导师;助教;家庭教师 △ revise vt. 复查;修正;复习 ...


GRE词汇精选(核心词汇) ... tussle 扭打,搏斗;争辩 tutor 助教;监护人;v.辅导 tuxedo 礼服,无尾礼服 ...


教师、辅导员(tutor)作为促进者在PBL中,学生是积极主动的学习者,而这并不意味着忽视教师(辅导员)的作用. 教师(辅导员)能否 …


考博英语词汇 ... turtle n. 海龟;甲鱼 tutor n. 家庭教师,指导教师 twilight n. 黎明;黄昏;曙光;暮色 ...


  辅导老师(tutor)会跟学生互动,答疑,帮助学生把讲座上学到的知识融会贯通,让我忘记了国内“填鸭式”的英语教学。刚开始读 …

Unfortunately the tutor teacher decided I was one of the candidates to be the runner, and he decided to give us a quiz. 不幸的是我成了传信员的候选人之一。导师决定给我一个难题猜猜。
It is difficult to me to imagine what I will shout to my tutor if I were to fail first lot time. 假若我考试再不及格,那就很难设想该怎么向老师交待了。
As you gather up the broken china, your teenage son calls to remind you he needs a ride to the math tutor's house in less than an hour. 当你整理破碎的瓷器,你年幼的儿子的叫喊让你想起在不到一个小时的时间里你需要把他送到数学家庭老师的家里。
Once upon a time there was a man who was quite well-off, but illiterate. Thus, he got a tutor to teach his son how to read and write. 从前有一个人,家里很有钱,只是一个字也不认识,于是请了个教师,教他儿子读书。
If I'm lucky enough to be selected as your English family tutor, interest cultivation would be the very first task I'm supposed to do. 如果我被选作您的英文家庭老师的话,那对对您英语学习兴趣的培养将是我要做的首要任务。
Though my Latin tutor had never ventured to trouble me with the proofs of his theory, yet up to this day I do not disbelieve it. 虽然,我的拉丁文老师从来不曾拿他的理论来为难我,然而,今天我不能不相信它。
Later on her tutor Anne Sullivan (Anne Sullivan), she learned to speak, and began to communicate with others and accept education. 后来凭借着她的导师安妮·莎莉文(AnneSullivan)的努力,她学会了说话,并开始和其他人沟通并接受教育。
and he guessed that she nursed a secret disappointment at having been invited out in London to meet a clergyman and a French tutor. 他猜想她心中正暗自感到失望,因为在伦敦被邀请去见一个牧师和一个法国教师而失望。
And after I had work for a month, I can say, yes, not too bad, but, I prefer to be a tutor in a university, that will be better. 实习了这一个月以后,我可以说,是的,还好,但是我觉得高校老师更好。
Later cancelled her tutor Annie Sullivan (Anne Sullivan) of effort to make the she learned to "talk" , and began to communicate with others. 后来籍着她的导师安妮·沙利文(AnneSullivan)的努力,使她学会“说话”,并开始和其他人沟通。
Our tutor at university is always shouting at us about getting good grades. I hate going to see him. 我的大学导师总是冲我们大喊大叫,嫌我们的分数不理想,我最不愿见他。
TUTOR: Not always. Particularly in a team situation, and I think it's important to think in terms of that type of working environment. 不一定。尤其是在一个队伍的情况下,我认为队伍相信在这种环境中工作很重要。
Tutor's care is the glim of her eyes, and the untamed light of all our life in the experience world and a eternal ideal world. 导师的关爱,是每一堂课那慈爱一眸的瞬那,是我们一生一世经验世界和永生永世理念世界的不灭时光。
"What are you talking about? " my tutor stared at me with surprise. 你在说什么?我的老师惊讶的盯着我。
Last October, Thiessens found a tutor to instruct him for an hour a day, five days a week. 去年十月,西塞斯找到了导师,指导他每天学习一小时,每周五天。
After discussing the matter with her parents and the language tutor, Rhiannon decided to undergo an operation to correct the condition. 在与父母及语言导师商量后,莱安诺决定进行一个矫正手术。
He began to ransack his tutor's desk for a piece of wax, or twine, necessary to his work. 他开始掏他老师的书桌,要找一点做手工所需要的蜡和麻线。
My own Tutor, he tried to kill me, that's the truth. 我的老师想杀我,我说的是事实。
You do not need to spend hours a day with your tutor. A few hours a week, or even one hour a week, can be enough to keep you on track. 你不需要一天花费数个小时和你的家庭教师呆在一起,一周几个小时,甚至一周一个小时或许就足以使你走上正轨。
She said she wanted to continue her studies, and a schoolroom was made available in the palace for her and her Japanese tutor. 她说想要完成自己的学业。溥仪就在皇宫里给她建立了课堂,并请了一名日本老师。
One can understand how such a tutor can get pupils, for these poor creatures do not often get the chance of making a choice. 我们可以理解这种家庭老师会怎样地去招揽学生,因为这些可怜的小东西不大会有自己选择的机会。
The last century sixty's, at the age of sixteen, I heard that Guizhou is invited to the tutor, luck, the results were bruised, nobody cares. 上个世纪六十年代,十六岁的我听说贵州有人请塾师,就去碰运气,结果碰得鼻青脸肿、无人理会。
The time for the arrival of our tutor is over by just a few minutes. 我们老师预定到来的时间已过,几分钟了,他还没来。
Contact us and tell what you think, so that foreigners tutor to help you progress! 联系我们,告诉您的想法,让老外家教来帮助你进步!
Teachers type a message into a computer and the virtual tutor then reads the message out to the pupil in their native tongue. 教师只要在电脑上输入一段信息,这位虚拟的助教就是将它翻译以后,以声音的形式用学生的母语传达给学生。
Her poor, little, look like much, but she was relying on a strong and noble mind, self-esteem self-reliance, became a tutor. 她贫穷、矮小,貌不惊人,但她凭着一颗坚强高尚的心灵,自尊自立,当上了一名家庭教师。
He wants to look for a tutor to help him with his studies. 他想找个家庭教师在学习上帮助他。
"Lazy rich kids who had been mucking around, and coming up to exam time realised they needed help" , is how one tutor describes his pupils. 一个家教老师这样评价他的学生“他们就是些懒散的富家子弟,平时游手好闲,考试之前才找来老师临时抱佛脚”。
"Throughout the 18th century and earlier, " Kissinger resumes, like a patient tutor, "armies had marched up and down through Flanders. " 基辛格像一位耐心的导师一样继续解释道:“18世纪前以及整个18世纪,各路军队在弗兰德进进退退。”
White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my Enlish. 我尊敬的导师怀特经常提醒我要利用每一个机会提高英语水平。