what would you do

  • 网络你会怎麽做;你会怎么做;如果你是我,你将如何

what would you dowhat would you do

what would you do


... Cos I'd already know 因为,我已经知道 What would you do 你会怎麽做 if my heart was torn in two 如果我的心碎成两半 ...


沟通... ... “是….”( is, are) 好的问法:“你会怎么做?”( What would you do?) 坏的问法:“你会做X吗?”( Would you do X?…


求助一首英文歌_百度知道 ... What i see is how 我看到的就是我的感觉 What would you do 如果你是我,你将如何? ...


take me away的歌词是什么啊?_百度知道 ... Break me away 粉碎我 What would you do 你的抉择 会是什么 take me away 带 …


- 培训班- 培训学校- 培训机构 -... ... Unit 7. What’s this for? 这是做什么用的? Unit 15. What would you do? 你想做什么? ...


... 如果你在餐厅看见家暴,你会怎麽做( What would you do ) 当美国人看见亚洲人的打骂教育 他们会怎麽做( What would you d


MEYE -... ... making moves to improve 变化提高 What would you do 你能做什么 if you were in my shoes 如果你在我的脚下 ...


lene... ... If I said I love you 如果我说我爱你 What would you do 你会怎样做 What if I don't wanna forget 如果我不想忘记 ...

How about this movis question? What would you do if somone asked you to be in a movie? 你再看看下这个问题怎么样?当有人邀请你演电影有时候你会怎么办?
He wrote a saying on the wall ahead of him and stared at it for some time: What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid? 片刻以后,他又拿起石块在面前的墙上写下一句话,盯着它看了许久:如果你无所畏惧,你会怎样做呢?
If you were one of the 1, 011 billionaires in the world, what would you do with all that money? 如果有朝一日能够跻身为全球1011个亿万富翁中的一员,你将如何运用手中的财富?
If you found a change purse on the playground with quite a bit of money in it and no one saw you pick it up, what would you do? 要是你发现在运动场上有个装着不少钱的钱包而且周围也没有人看着你的话,你会拿走吗?
What would you do if I gave it all to you and I traded in the limelight? 如果我给你所有并且我在聚光灯下交易你将会做什么
What would you do if your boss refused to let you take your holiday at a time convenient for you and your family? 如果你的老板拒绝让你在为你们全家方便的时间休假,你能做什么?
What would you do if I told you that I thought you were giving a very poor interview today? 如果我告诉你,你今天的面试情况很糟糕,你怎么办﹖
would like to ask me that, your grandma treat you so good, what would you do as a reward? 大人们有时候逗我玩,问我,外婆对你这么好,以后你怎么报答外婆啊?
If there were an earthquake here and there were no time for you to run out, what would you do to save yourself? 如果此时在发生地震,你没有时间跑出去,你可以怎样进行自救。
Celia: How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie? 西莉亚:这个是关于电影的问题,如果某人问你拍电影吗,你会怎么做?。
So the question becomes, or should be all along, what would you do if you know you only have one day, or one week, or one month to live ? 最后,最本质的问题,始终应该是:如果生命只剩下一天,一周,或一个月,你要做些什么?
What if you were to run out of money? What would you do? 假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?
If you've liked someone for so long, would you tell her? But she's my teacher! ! ! If you were me, what would you do? 是你们喜欢一个人这么久,你们会对她说吗?她可是自己的老师哦!!!你们如果是我,会说吗?
What would you do with a month and a half worth of time where you could work without any distractions? 用这一个半月的不受任何干扰的宝贵时间,你打算做些什么呢?
So, the question is, if you were to make it even better, what would you do? 所以,问题在于,如果你想要做得更好,你该怎么做呢?
What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? 如果你最好的朋友明天就要逝去,而你从未向他倾诉过你的感受,你会怎么办?
Those are the some of the answers to that age-old question: What would you do if you weren't doing what you're doing now? 这些都是一个老问题的答案:你会做什麽,如果你不是做你正在做的工作?
Raisani believes that good drama must ask a compelling question of the viewer: "What would you do in that situation? " Raisani认为,好的电视剧必须要问观众们一个紧要的问题:“你在那种情况下会怎么做?”
Everyone may be in a bad mood sometimes. What would you do then? Some of my friends would go shop p. . . 每个人都有心情不好的时候,你们都会做什么呢?我的朋友们有的会去逛街买东西,有的会去吃好吃的东西,有的…
At this point, as a leader, what would you do to encourage constructive cooperation from both parties? 这时,作为领导者,你该如何鼓励双方有效合作呢?
I thought you were mocking wizards. What would you do if I mocked the bards? 我以为你在嘲弄法师。如果我嘲弄了吟游诗人你会怎么做?
What would you do if you were the president of the United States? 如果你是美国总统,你会做什么?
What would you do if you were presented with a corporate gift basket as a company incentive? 你会怎么做,如果你献上一份礼物篮公司是一家公司的激励?
What if I wanted to fight? Beg for the rest of my life? What would you do? 假如我想要去战斗?乞求这剩余的生命?你将会怎么做呢?
If you were running a company that produces X and the market was tanking for that product, what would you do? 如果你所经营的公司是生产X产品的,而现在市场对该产品的需求不高,你会怎么做?
what would you do if he asked you to be at his birthday party? 如果他请你参加他的生日聚会、你会怎么做
What if I fell to the floor Couldn't take all this anymore What would you do, do, do? 假如我躺倒在地上?再也不能承受,你会怎么做?
Suppose you were offered a bribe in exchange for a promise, what would you do-receive it or stand by your principles? 假设有人向你行贿,要换取一种承诺,你会怎么做?是接受呢,还是坚持自己的原则?
That said, the good can always be made better. What would you do to improve this Lion bootstrap process? Leave a comment below! 那就是说,好的总可以变得更好。对这个Lion系统的启动设置你还可以做什么改进?留下你的意见吧!
If you were elected, what would you do to support a strong student voice here at school? 如果你被选入学生会,你将如何支持学生们的呼声?