
美 [wɪl]英 [wɪl]
  • modalv.谈及将来;要;烦劳别人做事时用;命令时用
  • n.意志;毅力;自制力;意愿
  • v.想要;希望;愿意;喜欢
  • 网络威尔;遗嘱;将要

第三人称单数:wills 现在分词:willing 过去式:willed

strong will
bend will
probably will


1.(谈及将来)used for talking about or predicting the future

2.(表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要used for showing that sb is willing to do sth

3.(烦劳别人做事时用)used for asking sb to do sth

4.(命令时用)used for ordering sb to do sth

5.(含有肯定的意思)used for stating what you think is probably true

6.(叙述一般真理)used for stating what is generally true

7.(叙述在某种情况下是真实或可能的事)used for stating what is true or possible in a particular case

8.(谈及习惯)used for talking about habits


意志障碍的表现有哪些?广州机关医院专家陈美南阐述意志will)是指人们自觉地确定目标,并克服困难用自己的行动去实现 …




遗字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 遗志〖 unfulfilledwish〗 遗嘱〖 lastwords;testament;will〗 遗踪〖 oldaddress〗 ...

四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... wave 挥动 will ;会 work 工作 ...


阳光快乐托管园地 - XUEMEI - 网易博客 ... may 可以,可能 will 将要 want 想要 ...

四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... wave 挥动 will 将; work 工作 ...


《趣味背单词》(免费) - 豆丁网 ... spill( 洒落) 唉!天不从人 will( 意愿) 还是卖肉回家 grill( 烧烤) 先把肚子 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... kiss n. 吻, (风, 浪等)拂 will n. 意志, 决心, 意向, 遗嘱 v.aux. 将, 愿意, 必须 ...

He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any attempt to let him change will only be ploughing the air. 只要打定了主意,他是绝对不会再改变的。你再劝他也只是白费力气。
If it is rolled back, all changes made by that transaction will be discarded; it will be as if the transaction never happened at all. 如果事务被回滚,则该事务所做的所有更改都将被丢弃;就好像该事务从来没有发生过一样。
This does not mean that Cisco's earnings or sales will necessarily grow at a faster pace over the next couple of years than Apple's. 但这并不意味在接下来的数月中,思科的盈利和出售会以比苹果更快的速度增长。
Creating wealth will not be the focal point as it is now, because sharing will become normal, and no one will seek more than they need. 创造金钱财富不再像今天这样重要,因为【分享】将是普遍存在的,而且没有人会拿取超越需求的物资。
The winners will be asked to blog about their experiences a few times a week and write for The Irish Times once a month. 优胜者将在自己的博客上撰写文章,谈论他们的旅行体会,还要为爱尔兰时报撰文。
Work, is not tired, but I feel tired, lack of sleep is always the feeling, coming back from work every time, greed will fall asleep. 工作并不累,但我感到厌倦,缺乏睡眠是一直不变的感觉,每次下班回来,贪婪的沉沉入睡。
Yes, Porsche Assistance will arrange assistance for you since this situation can be a potential hazard if you attempt to drive your Porsche. 是的,保时捷救援将为您安排救援,因为如果您试图驾驶您的保时捷,这一状况可能是一个潜在的危险。
Nothing will be installed at this time. You will be notified when updates are available and ready to be installed. 此时不会安装任何软件。在更新软件可用并可安装时会通知您。
We believe that this will be bound to achieve greater prosperity in the global tourism and development, play an important role in promoting. 我们相信,这次会必将对实现全球旅游业的更大繁荣和发展,起到重要的推动作用。
So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome. 因此千万不要被这些外在巨变和转变的迹象所误导,因为你们可以看到这长远的计划已经得到了保证,会实现正确的结果。
White smoke was heard that a person looked at me and said you think you text, she will be very sad, she said she miss you very much. 后来听见白烟说,看着我一个人在你文后说想你的时候,她也会很难过,她说她也很想念你。
She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble. She said, "If you will just listen to me before doing anything. " 她不想再给他添任何麻烦,她说:“能不能在您采取任何行动前容我说几句话?”
If you know how much money you have left, then you will know how much you can spend. 如果你知道自己还剩多少钱,就会知道可以花多少钱。
He said he was "confident that this will resolve the matter" . 他称自己“相信这将足以解决问题”。
Contrary to what the European Council said, the private sector participation will be a blueprint for bail-outs that are yet to come. 与欧洲理事会所说的相反,私人部门的参与会成为未来纾困的蓝图。
A man, as well as a woman, when excited, will definitely find a glass or even a fork to stroke it or to touch it with his fingers. 一位男士,同样地或者是一位女士,在兴奋地时候,就一定会找来一个玻璃杯或者甚至一把叉子来敲击或者用他的手指触摸。
Toilet flushing is minimal (don't ask)When we drive always at the back of our minds is how much gas we will use up. 当我们开车的时候我们的脑子总在想多少油将会被耗费掉。
She will try again for a son in a year or two, she says. 她说,她会在明年或者后年再努力生个儿子。
While you seem to be the big moneymaker in the relationship, this could suggest that your partner will feel deficient in comparison. 当你是关系内主要负责赚钱的一方时,这意味着你的另一半或许在比较之下感到不足。
"People will receive a text message of a legal notice only after they apply for the service, " he said. 他还说:“人们只有在主动申请了相关服务之后才会收到这类司法短信。”
But she must make sure that this will not harm her by consulting a specialized physician. 但她咨询专业医师确定这不会对她造成伤害。
The shop will even consider to put your suggestions in their ice cream menu and then produce a new kind flavor. 最特别的是,这家店甚至会考虑顾客的建议,在他们的产品中增加全新的口味。
Small Nanjing steamer guarantees that fabrication therefore especially easy to be because of it of flavour will be, very dainty. 南京的小笼包味道之所以特别好,是因为它的制作非常讲究。
I guarantee, " said the salesman in the pet shop, " that this purple parrot will repeat every word it hears. “我保证”,宠物商店的销售员说,“那个紫色的鹦鹉会重复它听见的每一个字。”
The Daily is thinly staffed and will cost less than half a million dollars a week to put out. 《日报》的员工配置简单,那么,每周的出版成本能减少50万美元。
How much compensation will China seek from Myanmar? 中方会向缅方提出多少数额的赔偿?
To deal with this, some villains will even try wearing a trench coat over their costume to make it to the front of the bank teller's line. 为了对付这种情况,坏蛋甚至试过穿着大衣然后在银行等候线前再暴露身份。
Don't act. Your mind will urge you to eat that cake ( "Just a bite! " ) or smoke that cigarette or stop running or procrastinate. 你的思想会劝你吃那块蛋糕(“就咬吧,不要管其他的”)或者抽那只烟吧或者停止跑步或者拖延下来吧。
I hope there will be more good works of him in the future! 我希望他今后会有更多好的作品出现!
Abandoning the old British model is a gamble and no-one knows how it will play out in terms of quality. 舍弃英联邦旧制是一场赌博,没人知道最终的结果会怎样。