as we can

as we canas we can

as we can

Simon Peter was worth ten Andrews so far as we can gather from sacred history, and yet Andrew was instrumental in bringing him to Jesus. 从圣经的历史和收集到的资料中,我们发现西门复得的价值可能十倍于安得烈。
But we also like the fact that part of the team is based in a different time zone, as we can get work done around the clock. 但是,我们同样对身处不同时区的员工们报以感谢之情,因为我们能够昼夜不停地工作。
"I'll give them as much information as we can possibly supply, because we want to get to the bottom of this, " she said. 她说,“我将尽可能向他们提供资料,因为我们要把这件事弄个水落石出。”
If it's a very large bombing, it's probably going to be a vehicle, so we want to try to identify that vehicle as quickly as we can. 如果是一个巨大的炸弹,炸弹可能就是车辆,因此我们要尽快确认出那部车。
Not all upgrades will have visuals, though we are trying to add as many as we can without making it too tedious or convoluted to tell. 因为我们要在保证避免游戏太过单调或者太复杂,所以并不是所有的升级都有视觉效果,我们现在这个前提下正在尝试着尽力去增加尽可能多的视觉效果。
To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible, To be as much as we can be, we must dream of being more. 为了获得可能,我们需要尝试那些不能为之的事情。想要完善自我,必须梦想更多。
This time the other party is going all out to win -- they're spending twice as much money as we can on radio and TV commercials. 这一次,跟我们对立的政党正在全力以赴地争取在选举中获胜,他们在电台和电视上做广告化的钱比我们能化的要多两倍。
If two Windows computers can see one another, SMB will work between them, so far as we can tell. 如果两个Windows计算机可以互相看到,SMB将在他们之间工作,只要我们能说出来的。
" We got up. I said: " Well, this will be a great honor. We'll send you something just as soon as we can. 我们从椅子上站起身来,我说:“这将是我很大的荣幸,我们将尽快给你一些结果。”
As I said earlier, we like to help as many people at a time as we can. 正如在上文提到的那样,我们希望能够在一个答案中帮助尽可能多的人。
We're not in the office at the moment, but if you leave your name and telephone number we'll get back to you as soon as we can. 我们现在不在办公室,请您留下大名和电话号码,我们会尽快联络您。
STEVE ROACH: "As far as we can tell, all they were trying to do was kindly ask the industry to make changes. " 据我们所知,他们所做的只是试图友好地要求整个行业做出改变。
This is going to be a close election. The only way we can win this time is to work as hard as we can to win over the swing voters. 这次竞选将是势均力敌的。我们要在这次选举中获胜,唯一的办法就是尽一切力量来争取那些至今仍然动摇不定的选民。
We've got to give him as many minutes as we can to make sure we're making a contribution to getting him fit. 我们在尝试让他尽可能地多踢一些时间,并确保这不会影响到他的恢复。
'We are moving as fast as we can, ' said GM's design chief, Ed Welburn, in an interview. 'But you can only speed things up so much. ' 通用汽车设计负责人韦尔伯恩(EdWelburn)接受采访说,我们正在以最快速度前进,但你只能把速度提高这么多。
There is no doubt that gas prices should follow the market, but as we can see, it's far from easy for the government to make changes. 厦门大学中国能源经济研究中心主任林伯强指出,毫无疑问,成品油价应该随市场变动,但正如我们看到的,政府很难做出更大的变化;
There's a desire to do as much as we can, and cram in what would usually be done in a year. 上面希望我们尽可能多做,把通常需要一年完成的工作赶在这段时间做完。
As far as we can judge, h- stopped being an independent unit in the group hw- but did not disappear, for it devoiced its neighbor w. 据我们判断,h-在字母组合hw-前停止作为一个独立的单位,但是它并没有消失,因为它使得它相邻的字母w清音化。
We are very short of money but we'll be all right as long as we can ride it out until pay day. 我们现在很缺钱花,但只要我们能坚持到发工资的那一天,一切都会好起来的。
There's no single definition, just as we can't restrict traditional journalism to what people do in newspapers. 公民新闻并没有单一的定义,就像我们并不能把传统新闻业限定为报纸上的报道一样。
Because we realise how important the progress of your shipment is to you, we provide access to this information in as many ways as we can. 我们了解货运的进程对您的重要性,因此我们将尽最大努力为您提供关于货运进程的信息。
The collapse of Lehman Brothers a year ago has made goldfish out of all of us: we are forgetting the lessons as quickly as we can. 一年前的雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)倒闭事件令我们大家都成了金鱼:我们正试图以最快的速度忘记那次教训。
"We want to leave as quickly as we can, " he said. “我们想尽快离开这里”他说。
The ground outside will be covered in snow, and the Wang family will be warm indoors, trying to get as fat as we can. 那时候,屋外的地面上将会积满了雪,我们王家一家人就在温暖的屋子里吃得胖胖的。
"Keeping Ledley fit will be key this season, " said Spurs boss Harry Redknapp. "We want him on the pitch as much as we can - he's so good. " “这个赛季让莱德利-金保持健康至关重要,”热刺主教练雷德克纳普说道,“我们需要他更多在场比赛,他非常优秀。”
We are trying to make sure we are giving them as many avenues and as much support as we can. 我们正尽最大的努力给他们提供尽可能多的帮助。
"We are focused on bringing the Hailo experience to as many cities around the world as we can as quickly as we can, " he said. 布雷格曼表示,“我们正致力于将Hailo的经验以尽可能快的速度、带到尽可能多的世界其他城市。”
What was and what is and will be on this blue-green ball spinning as fast as we can, with rocks, water, air, you and me. 在这个有岩石、水、空气,有你和我的飞快旋转的蓝绿色星球上,它的前世、今生和未来是什么?。
We can do as much as we can, but it should be in form of stating our position and not waging the war. 我们可以尽量去做,但应先表明我们的立场,而不是以发动战争的形式。
As summer winds down, all of us are trying to squeeze in as much as we can into these last days. 夏风即逝,当你正忙于在最后的日子里整理夏日的忙乱,为未来打算时。