prefer to

  • un.较喜欢;宁愿:
  • 网络更喜欢;宁可;倾向于

prefer toprefer to

prefer to


英语介词归纳 - 逍遥士的日志 - 网易博客 ... lead to 导致 prefer to 宁可,更喜欢 turn to 求助于 ...


初中英语常见动词短语的集中_初中英语 ... point to 指向...... prefer to ... 宁愿(选择);更喜欢 quarrel with (和某人)吵架 ...


预制语块(十)_ILoveEnglish_新浪博客 ... equip with 配备,装备 prefer to 较喜欢,宁愿 one in four 四个中有一个 ...


英语介词归纳 - 逍遥士的日志 - 网易博客 ... lead to 导致 prefer to 宁可,更喜欢 turn to 求助于 ...


求 to doing sb的短语_百度知道 ... accede to, 同意,就任 prefer to, 倾向于 adjust to, 使自己适应于 ...


和丫丫一起从新概念... ... to get a good view of: 看...有更好的视野 prefer to情愿做... love/like doing sth. : 喜欢做某事 ...


Unit 19 A freedom fighter-周南中学 ... learn…by heart 记住 prefer to 喜欢干…… in praise of 称赞、歌颂 ...

I prefer to call off the meeting on account of boss's absence. 我倾向于取消会议因为老板不在。
A truly great or beautiful interior can indeed be called a work of art, but some would prefer to call such an interior a "great design" . 一个真正伟大的、美丽的室内的确可以称为的作品,而有些人会喜欢叫这样一种心灵的“伟大的设计论”。
Ranking : Till now I still don't know how high a rank the heroes can reach . I prefer to see some of my heroes reach the top rank . 我至今不知道这些英雄们最高可以升几级。我比较喜欢我的一些英雄升到最高级。
Chartering a professionally crewed yacht costs up to a million dollars a week, so some billionaires prefer to buy their own. 包租一艘配备专业船员的游艇,每周的费用高达100万美元,因此一些亿万富翁宁愿自己买一艘。
Those experiencing otherwise find their stories are not welcomed by the general public who would prefer to think otherwise. 那些有着其他体验的人发现他们的故事不受一般大众欢迎,公众宁愿不这样想。
This would be all right if I were a hermit, but since I enjoy the company of others, I prefer to be an "early bird. " 我若是个隐士这一切还好,但是既然我喜欢与人相处,我更愿意当一只“早起的鸟儿”。
If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart. 如果可能的话,我更愿意在这个时候陪着你,跟你坐在一起面对面地谈心。
who has 23 goals so far this season , would prefer to win both awards to round off one of the best seasons of his career . 象牙海岸前锋本赛季已经攻入23球,很有可能在他职业生涯最出色的赛季赢得金靴和冠军的双重桂冠。
Finally, you might prefer to use the directory when you only want to see sites that have been evaluated by an editor. 除此之外,选择使用网页目录,让您只察看已经过编辑群审核过的优良网站。
Rather than demote some participants to a "second class" of virtual participation, he would prefer to have everyone participate virtually. 与其让一些参与者降级至“普通等级的”不到场的实时参与,他更愿意每个人都是这样。
Much like the above archetypes, those of this nature may prefer to be alone and focused inward, listening to one's own guidance. 就像上文中的原型,这些人会宁愿独处并内在聚焦,来聆听自身的引导。
If I must deceive myself, I should prefer to stay on side of confidence, for I shall lose no more there and shall suffer less. 假如我非欺骗自己不可,我宁愿是在信心方面,因为我在其中不会失去更多,反而会因此少点痛苦。
the U. S. might eventually prefer to see APEC become a mechanism to bind Pacific Rim nations into a NAFTA-style trade family. 但美国最后是希望亚太经合组织成为一个将太平洋边缘国家团结在一起的机制,有如北美自由贸易区一般的大家庭。
The lack of such a policy indicates that company leaders prefer to stick to a hierarchical approach to getting things done. 缺乏此类政策表明公司领导更喜欢坚持采用层次结构方法来完成工作。
Just as there will always be those who prefer to sit in the dark, brooding over everything they have lost. 就好像总还是会有一些人,他们更喜欢坐于黑暗之中,沉思着他们所失去的一切。
Midwayer Chief Bzutu: "We are here, and we are ready to commence just as soon as you prefer to open your mouth and speak. " Midwayer行政Bzutu:“我们在这里,我们准备开始只是只要你愿意打开你的嘴说话。”
With both of these advantages and disadvantages of the use of a car in mind, I, personally, prefer to have my own car for work arid play. 权衡利弊,我个人还是喜欢能拥有自己的车来上班和娱乐。
'I would certainly prefer to be endorsed by a very large majority rather being the European candidate pushed by the Europeans, ' she said. 拉嘉德说,我当然希望能得到大多数国家的支持。我不希望自己只是一个由欧洲国家推选出的欧洲候选人。
"I prefer to talk about football, " he said. "Managers cannot be talking about the speculation all the time. " 老贝说,我更愿意谈足球,教练可不是一直猜着过日子的。
So if I say that to the players, I cannot do something that will create a problem for me for next season, so I prefer to laugh and forget. 我对我的队员这样说了,我也不能犯同样的错,为了我的下赛季,因此我只有笑和忘记。
I prefer to think of the future as a 'don't know', whereas before we thought there was no chance at all. 之前我们认定已经毫无机会了,但我宁愿认为将来是‘未知’的。
"I prefer to keep a brotherly relationship with you rather than one of father and son, " he said. “我喜欢与你保持兄弟关系而不是父子关系。”他说。
Before coming to power, he said he would prefer to serve only one five-year term. 在祖马上台以前,他曾说过只想在位一个任期。
Peter Petritsch, one of its owners, said he was happy to talk to Merlin, but would prefer to rent the wheel rather than sell it outright. 摩天轮的拥有者之一,皮特·比奇斯赫对于梅林娱乐集团非常满意,但他更愿意出租而非出售摩天轮。
She said the average consumer would prefer to purchase apps through a well trusted source such as Apple. 她说,一般消费者更愿意通过可靠的来源购买应用服务,比如苹果的应用程序商店。
But I would like to try a different kind of life. I prefer to be on the ball. 但是我想尝试另外一种生活,一种忙碌的生活。
How you organize your files in a library depends on the needs of your group and on how you prefer to store and search for your information. 如何组织库中的文件取决于小组的需要以及存储和搜索信息的首选方式。
Chinese people also prefer to deal with people we know and trust, because we hardly trust people who we do not know. 同样,中国人也是很倾向于同认识或者信任的人打交道,因为我们很难信任陌生人。
The hedge funds that own half or more of the German group would prefer to see cash returned to shareholders. 拥有德国集团半数以上股份的对冲基金更愿意得到现金回报。
As you may well know, there are times. . . almost constantly, in fact, where I prefer to look at the world through the bottom of a glass. 正如你们知道的,有时候……或者说一直以来,我都愿意从玻璃杯的底下看世界——朗姆酒。