
美 [əz]英 [əz]
  • prep.作为;像;当作;如同
  • conj.随着;正如;因为;由于
  • adv.如同;(指事情以同样的方式发生)和…一样
  • n.“A”的复数;阿斯
  • 网络砷;动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis);强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis)




1.像;如同used to describe sb/sth appearing to be sb/sth else

2.作为;当作used to describe the fact that sb/sth has a particular job or function

(AS)在铜中有较大的溶度,但却强烈地降低铜的导电率. 铁 铁在铜中严重地影响铜的导电率,应严格控制. 铅 铅在铜中固溶度 …


...的一种动脉损伤为特征的疾病,血浆总胆固醇水平升高是动脉粥样硬化AS)的主要危险因素,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)尤其 …

强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis)

强直性脊柱炎 极易被误诊强直性脊柱炎(AS)是一种主要侵犯脊柱并可不同程度地累及骶髂关节和周围关节的慢性进行性炎性疾 …


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... hard 努力地 as 作为 at 按照 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1426 run away phr. 逃跑 1427 as conj 因为,由于 1428 eat up phr. 吃完, …

自治系统(Autonomous System)

自治系统号码(ASN)被分配到每个自治系统AS)以便来进行识别。简单的说,每个自治系统是一个单独实体,可以对路由 …

许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... reading-room n. 阅览室 as conj. ,象 yesterday n. & adv. 昨天 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1426 run away phr. 逃跑 1427 as conj 因为,由于 1428 eat up phr. 吃完, …

In the darkness, as he steered toward the faint glow of Havana against the sky, he heard them hitting the carcass again and again. 在黑暗中,他对哈瓦那对天空微弱的灯光指导,他听到他们打的胴体一次又一次。
I remembered sitting at the smaller table with my cousins and siblings, feeling as if I were too old to sit at the kid's table. 我想起了跟我的姊妹和表姊妹们一起坐在小桌子旁,却觉得自己已经很大了,不该坐在小孩的桌上的情形。
But there was an object destined to Shalassa that was never offered as it should have been, and has become the subject of many a tale. 但是,仍有一件预订要奉献给莎拉萨的珍宝一直没有被奉献,并因此成就了许多传说。
Only when he accepted that he would not become a minister, as his father had been, did he turn to art. 他只好接受现实,他永远不会成为父亲那样的牧师,从而转攻艺术。
Understanding how much you are vital to this world as a writer is a powerful motivator. 作为作家,明白自己对这个世界的重要性是一个强大的动力。
He did not want to be attacked by the Christian Church. so he only published it as he lay dying in 1543. 因为他不想遭到基督教会的迫害。他仅在他去世那一年(1543)才发表他的观念。
As part of the project, Mr Clements said he and his colleagues wanted to determine the exact source of the River Tay. 作为计划的一部分,克莱门茨先生说他和他的同事想要精确定位泰河的准确源头。
As you know, rebounding and being explosive near the basket, on defense and on offense. I always have to be ready to jump and rebound. 要知道无论在进攻还是防守中,抢篮板还是篮下强攻时,我都需要随时准备跳起抢篮板!
And now, Suzanne is dead as well, strangled on her late night jog while vacationing with Craig at a vegetarian health resort. 现在,苏珊已经死了的好,她深夜勒死慢跑,而与克雷格素食度假疗养胜地。
I'm now in my 80s, but whenever I think of that look on Dad's face, my heart still feels as if it will swell up and burst. 现在,我已经80多岁了,但是每当我回想起我爸当时的面部表情,我就感到我的心仍然在膨胀着,像是要胀裂一样。
THE decline of the euro is often treated as a matter for exporters alone. 现如今,欧元的走软常常被认为只会关系到出口商。
Writing information in a Word document or spreadsheet is static and is not nearly as easy to edit, resave, and send out revisions. Word文档或电子表格中的信息是静态的,修改起来比较麻烦(编辑、重新保存和发送修订后的文档)。
7 there is no doubt that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be. 毫无疑问,家庭成员之间的关系已经不像以前那么亲密。
Though you won't find puffer fish in the U. S. , many in Korea as well as Japan find some parts of the fish to be delicacies. 虽然你在美国吃不到,但许多韩国人和日本人觉得这种鱼的部分肉质非常鲜美。
Weighing on his decision to leave Harvard, as he told Forbes in 2006, was a talk Mr Gates gave in 2004 to his computer science class. 扎克博格2006年告诉《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志,促使他决定离开哈佛的,是盖茨2004年在他电脑科学班上的一次讲话。
Count thy hardships, thy troubles, even thy disappointments, rather as stepping-stones to know His way better. 将你的困苦、麻烦,甚至失望,均看成是踏脚石,目的是更明了祂的路。
This 30 year old male had a week of visual blurring described as "milkiness" involving the left eye at the age of 13 years. 这位30岁男性患者在13岁时出现过一周的视物模糊,他描述为“乳状浑浊”。
was let go from her job as the director of a pro-bono legal services program for a social service provider, she took on a nanny position. 离开了在一家社会服务提供商担任一个无偿法律服务项目主任的工作后,她接受了一份保姆工作。
Remember that the mere presence of the library definition in a workspace is all that's required to make the tools behave as you intended. 记住您只需让库定义出现在工作区中,这样就能使工具像您预期的那样工作。
She was as unmannerly as she had always been. 她还是象平时那样没有礼貌。
As if the nausea isn't enough, this week you may be noticing increased gas, indigestion, heartburn and general discomfort in you gut. 好像仅仅恶心还是不够的,这一周你可能发觉胃里涨气、消化不良、心痛和全身不舒服。
They were listening intently, and as though looking not at me, but at the pattern of my voice upon the air. 他们全神贯注地倾听着,他们眼睛里看到的仿佛不是我,而是我的声音在空气中传播的样式。
To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem, I might as well cite my own experience. 为了抛砖引玉,我不妨先说说自己的经历。
A few days later, she sat down on him as he was dozing in an armchair. 过了几天,他在扶椅上小憩,她竟坐在了他身上。
But Horizontal scalability isn't cheap either. The application has to be built ground up to run on multiple servers as a single application. 但是,横向扩展也不便宜,因为它需要应用程序进行重新设计,以运行在多个服务器之上,但是对外要表现为一个单一的应用程序。
'I will play in this World Cup as if it is the last chance for me, ' Mr. Park said in a sports blog. 朴智星在一个体育博客上说,本届世界杯我将以抓住最后机会的心态全力以赴。
When he awoke, it was morning but it could just as well have been night. 当他醒来,已是第二天早晨了,但和夜晚也没什么两样。
Verdict: Real or Fake? She looks the same as she did back in the Ally McBeal days. I'm going with real. 结论:是真是假?她看上去像她一样回到《甜心俏佳人》的日子。我真实同行。
We have got to work together as teams and with the FIA to achieve those objectives. 我们必须像一个队伍那样和FIA一起合作,来达到这些目标。
At the opposite end of their orbit, transiting planets disappear behind their home star, in an event known as a "secondary transit. " 在轨道相反的一端,凌日行星消失在主星身后,这一事件称为“次凌”。