
美 [məˈmɔriəl]英 [məˈmɔːriəl]
  • n.纪念物;纪念品;纪念碑(或像等)
  • adj.纪念的;悼念的
  • 网络纪念馆;记忆的;纪念仪式


national memorial
build memorial


1.[c]纪念碑(或像等)a statue, stone, etc. that is built in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous person who has died

2.[sing]~ to sb/sth纪念物;纪念品a thing that will continue to remind people of sb/sth


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... sculpture n. 雕塑;雕刻 memorial n. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念仪式 go for 为……去;努 …


8000词必记词根_百度文库 ... memory 记忆 memorial 纪念日,纪念物 milit 兵 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... member n. 成员,会员 memorial a. 纪念的;记忆的 memory n. 记忆;回忆…


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... member n. 成员,会员 memorial n. 纪念馆 memory n. 回忆,记忆 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... member n. 成员,会员 memorial a. 纪念的;记忆的 memory n. 记忆;回忆…


高三英语单词 列表_百度知道 ... sculpture n. 雕塑;雕刻 memorial n. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念仪式 go for 为……去;努 …


8000词必记词根_百度文库 ... memory 记忆 memorial 纪念日,纪念物 milit 兵 ...

At the beginning of the end of the light all grand celebration, the years of the life will be turned into a memorial. 当初光终了了这一辈子的隆重的庆典,年月会化作一辈子的记念。
And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. 天使说,你的祷告,和你的周济,达到神面前已蒙记念了。
Then he said there was more, and advised me to speak to the other friends who had helped arrange the memorial service for Henry. 然后他说还有一个,并让我问问帮着一起操办亨利葬礼的朋友。
pine grove wAS to be seen the argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon AS a memorial of the earliest enterprise at sea. 在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念。
The memorial hall exhibits some of Mr. Mao Dun's belongings and pictures of him, displaying Mr. Mao Dun's colorful lifetime. 这纪念堂展出了茅盾先生的一些遗物以及一些跟他有关的图片,展现了茅盾先生丰富多彩的一生。
They Balmoral question for some time . . . but a few days later they still insisted on participating in the mother's memorial service. 他们问一段时间巴……但几天之后,他们仍然坚持参加了母亲的纪念仪式。
Truly I say to you, Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done shall also be told as a memorial of her. 我实在告诉你们,普天之下,无论在什么地方传扬这福音,也要述说这女人所行的,作为对她的记念。
At a memorial service in England, Dean met a group of American Titanic enthusiasts who invited her to a meeting in the U. S. 在英格兰举行的一次追悼会上,迪安遇到了一批美国的泰坦尼克号爱好者,他们邀请她参加在美国举行的一次会议。
Some use it as an opportunity to help the boys understand what Memorial Day is all about. 有的人说可以借这个机会帮助我们的孩子们了解将士阵亡日的真正意义。
Then, remembering me in his loneliness, he will suddenly know of this testament, and I ask him then to inscribe it as a memorial to me. 他在孤寂时想起我的那一刻,会突然体会到这份遗嘱的内容,我盼望他能将此铭记在心,当作对我的纪念。
"From the moment Langbehn and the children arrived at Jackson Memorial Hospital, they encountered prejudice and apathy, " the suit claims. 诉状还称:“从Janice和她的孩子们到达杰克逊纪念医院之后,他们遭遇到偏见与冷漠。”
He provided no details of a Los Angeles memorial, and said any tributes in Australia would be up to the family. 他没有提供洛杉矶悼念活动的细节,又谈到澳大利亚的悼念活动由其家人决定。
The memorial is expected to be attended by Silicon Valley luminaries and others close to Mr. Jobs, said the invites. 受邀者说,预计硅谷名人和其他与乔布斯过从甚密的人会出席周日的这个纪念活动。
They had come out of the stream by the memorial, wind through the open area by the bench and go up the path from where I just came. 它们来自碑畔的溪水中,绕过石椅旁的空地,又走上我刚下来的山路。
Among the funerals and memorial services was a remembrance for a rabbi and his wife who were killed in the attacks. 在很多葬礼和追悼会中,有一个是为了纪念在袭击事件中丧生的犹太教拉比和他的妻子。
You guys! Memorial Day is just a week away -- I'm so excited. That means I can start wearing my white wigs again. 大家好,阵亡烈士纪念日只有一周就要到了——我兴奋得难以言表,这意味着我又可以戴那些白色的小玩意儿。
Others suggested that the lot where her home stands could be turned into a small memorial park, a pocket of green among the concrete. 有人建议把她房子的位置改建成一个小的纪念公墓,混凝土城市中的一块小绿地。
The last two activities in winter , one of them was the visiting to the memorial of Lu Xun, the other may be about some exercises. 上两次的实践活动,一次是11.19造访鲁迅纪念馆,另一次大概是定向越野之类吧。
It is a great honor for me to have been invited by the London School of Economics to deliver this Hayek Memorial Lecture. 我很荣幸,能应伦敦经济学院(LSE)之邀,来此发表哈耶克纪念演讲。
SH: yup. She came for her mother's memorial. 恩,她来祭拜她妈妈。
Can there ever have been a more appropriate memorial to a writer than the new Samuel Beckett bridge that opened in Dublin on 10 December? 到现在为止对于一位作家的纪念有什么能比12月10日在都柏林通车的新萨米尔贝克特桥更合适的呢?
Now, 10 years later, Allen was one of the young stars who performed at a memorial concert for Princess Diana in London on July 1. 如今,10年过去了,在7月1日伦敦举行的戴妃纪念音乐会上,艾伦是参加表演的年轻歌星之一。
It was given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son. 这是他的妈妈,阿琳,作为她儿子光荣的纪念品送给我的。
Around the time of my grandfather's memorial service, I had learned a lot of interesting things about him, too. 在我祖父的追思会期间,我也听说了很多关于他的有趣的事。
Mr Obama met survivors and was attending a memorial service in the small town of Joplin, where the tornado struck a week ago. 奥巴马总统与幸存者会面,并参加了一周前遭遇袭击的小镇Joplin的葬礼。
At a memorial service for a distinguished British journalist a few years ago, one of his editors said that he could "make words dance. " 几年前在一个著名的英国记者的纪念仪式上,他的一位编辑说他可以“使文字跳舞”。
This serves as a huge blow to the traditional lineage of the memorial and has adverse implications with regard to losing out on history. 这对泰姬陵的传统延续性来说是个巨大的打击,并且会对其历史特征产生恶劣影响。
For the address he gave at last night's memorial service for the victims of the Arizona shootings was elegiac, heartfelt and deeply moving. 昨晚在亚利桑那州土桑市枪击案的纪念活动中奥巴马的演讲显得如此悲恸、诚挚和打动人心。
All this made me painfully aware that we had no memorial for his mother, no place we could go to talk about her. 这一切让我痛苦地意识到,艾玛没有坟墓,我们甚至连个追思她的地方都没有。
And as they came out of the memorial, the Navy had flown a Vietnamese flag from the boat waiting. 当他们从纪念馆出来时,海军在等待他们的船上挂起了一面越南国旗。