
美 [əˈʃɔr]英 [əˈʃɔː(r)]
  • adv.向(或在)岸上;向(或在)陆地
  • 网络在岸上;上岸;向岸上



1.向(或在)岸上;向(或在)陆地towards, onto or on land, having come from an area of water such as the sea or a river


英语词汇的奥秘 ... abed 在床上 ashore 向岸上,在岸上 afield 在田里,在野外 ...


六级单词表_百度文库 ... ascribe vt. 把…归于 ashore ad. 在岸上,上岸 ass n. 驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... abed 在床上 ashore 向岸上,在岸上 afield 在田里,在野外 ...


英语专四词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... artillery n. 炮的总称,炮兵的总称 ashore adv. 向岸地,在岸上地 asphalt n. 沥青 ...


刘一男重点单词串讲记录 - 豆丁网 ... arc— 角度,尖形 30. ashore 在岸上;到岸上 share vt. 切分, ...


NK-words1 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... ascertain 确定,查明,弄清 ashore 上岸;在岸上,向岸上 assassinate 暗杀,行刺;中 …

Not long after, a huge fish, as big as a hill, floated up in the middle of the sea and was washed ashore by the waves. 不久之后,在海中央浮出了一条很大的鱼,这条鱼大如山丘,随著海浪飘流到海滩上。
If you were on a voyage and the ship anchored in a harbor, you might go ashore for water and happen to pick up a shellfish or a plant. 如果你在航海旅行,而船在某个港口靠岸,你有可能上岸取水,顺便捡拾贝壳或挑选一棵盆栽。
So he left the arena and drove down to the boat that would take him ashore off the island where he had been testing his artillery. 因此他离开活动场所,开车来到一条船边,这条船将带他离岛上岸,他一直在这座岛上测试他的大炮。
I swim ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a whole pocketful of money and an excellent breakfast! 我游上了岸,夺了她的马,大摇大摆地骑走了。我用马换来满满一口袋银钱,还美美地吃了一顿早饭!
I carried the cats ashore on the raft, but as for the dog he swam ashore himself, and was a trusty servant to me for many years. 我抱着猫在木筏上岸,但他的狗自己游上岸,并且是值得信赖的仆人多年给我。
The Rat brought the boat alongside the bank, made her fast, helped the still awkward Mole safely ashore, and swung out the luncheon-basket. 河鼠把船划到岸边,靠稳了,把仍旧笨手笨脚的鼹鼠平安地扶上岸,然后扔出午餐篮子。
Vernon said that as he watched the tsunami come ashore, he was unable to divorce the scientist in him from the humanist. 弗兰克说,当他观看到海啸逼近的时候,他不能使自己从科学家和人道主义者中脱离出来。
"None of those other boats could have got ashore to give word of the wreck, " said the oiler, in a low voice. “其他的船没有一艘能够抵达海岸,把拖船遇难的消息通知他们,”加油工低声地说道。
It was too large to dock at Mombasa, Kenya, but could anchor in deep waters to allow the crew to come ashore in a smaller boat, he said. 因为船太大了,没法进入肯尼亚的蒙巴萨码头停靠,只能锚泊在深水,让全体船员乘小船上岸。
a year ago thousands of tennis shoes, aluminum briefcases and children's toys washed ashore, drawing crowds of treasure-hunting residents. 去年千余双网球鞋、铝制公文包和儿童玩具被冲上岸,引来了大群陶宝的居民。
They were unable to classify it, and, being scientific men, they climbed into the whale-boat alongside and went ashore to see. 她们没有分清到底属于哪类动物,可是她们都是研究科学的人,是以就划了个捕鲸船到岸上察看。
Captain Warfield gave in, but as the boat shoved off he stood up in the sternsheets and shook his fist ashore. 沃菲尔德船长让步了,可是当他们的小艇离岸时,他从尾座上站起身,又朝岸上晃晃拳头。
General Patton, a specialist in tank warfare, got ashore on Normandy coast. The Normandy landing campaign was pushed up to its climax. 坦克战专家巴顿将军登上诺曼底海滩——登陆战役被推向高潮。
The bottle was washed ashore a year later in Dunkettle, only a few miles from his family home. 一年后,漂流瓶被海水卷上了邓肯特岸边,仅仅距离伯克家几英里。
Make sure that you take al your possessions ashore with you and leave nothing on the ship. 下船时,务必带上你所有的物品,不要遗忘在船上。
They were very pleased to see some gulls flying in the sky, full of hope that they would soon get ashore. 看到天空中飞过的只只海鸥,他们非常高兴,心中也燃起了希望:海岸已经不远了。
Even if later on he meet love at first sight of the girl, he gave it up that the impulse of debarkation looking for the first lover ashore. 即使后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。
There was an enormous explosion ashore; and the small boat, gathering way, rocked as the hot shock wave reached them. 岸上发生了巨大的爆炸,当热冲击波到来时,正在加速驶离的小船摇晃起来。
In the case of the situation off Somalia, developments ashore are probably the only way to resolve this problem in the long term. 就索马里海域的局势而言,促进当地发展很可能是解决该问题的长远亦是唯一之计。
Miskelly said the penguin appeared healthy and well fed, with plenty of body fat, and probably came ashore for a rest. Miskelly说这只企鹅展现了它的健康和好胃口,以及厚厚的身体脂肪,上岸也许只是为了小憩一会。
Black oil is washing ashore, at least one person drowned in the viscous oil slick, and efforts to clean up the mess are floundering. 黑色的油污冲刷着海岸,至少有一人在黏稠的浮油中溺死,清理残局的工作目前困难重重。
Seek blood narration in a moment, memorize, this material absences to be secretly to carry ashore, tin not make anyone understand. 马上去找血源,记住,这件事要暗中进行,不能让任何人知道。
At a harbor used by fishermen, the thieves tie up the boat and leap ashore, where they disappear. 盗贼们将船绑在一个渔民专用码头,上岸消失了。
I presently imagined that some European ship must have been cast away upon their coast , and the boat might get loose, and drive ashore . 我马上联想到,这一定是什么欧洲船只在他们海岸上出了事,那小艇被风浪打脱下来,漂到岸上去了。
The Warden clapped his big hand on the young man's shoulder, then jumped ashore and went on to another boat. 水保用他那大而厚的手掌,拍了一下年青人的肩膊,从船头跃上岸,走到别一个船上去了。
In March this year, I saw on TV another whale had been washed ashore, this time at Hangzhou Bay where I used to work. 今年3月,我看到一则电视报道:在杭州湾,那是我曾经工作过的地方,同样发生了鲸鱼搁浅的事情。
The storm's currently forecasted track takes it over the Outer Banks and along the U. S. East Coast before going ashore over New England. 目前风暴的预测线路将会经过外班克斯岛,在到达新英格兰之前沿东海岸移动。
and during those days she had seen him only twice, in a short and hurried way, when he had come ashore on duty. 在这几天里,她只见到哥哥两次,而且他上岸来公务在身,刚刚见面,便匆匆别去。
Barry weakened to a tropical depression as it came ashore in Florida, cancelling all storm warnings and watches along the Gulf Coast. 当“Barry”台风到达佛罗里达海岸时减弱成热带低压,当局取消了所有风暴警告,在海湾沿岸观察其动向。
Reports of the crabs washing ashore began around Christmas, but it wasn't until the recent few days that they've been piling ashore. 关于螃蟹冲刷上岸的报道大约是在圣诞节左右开始的,然而还没有到最近几天,它们已经成堆地躺在海滩上。