
美 [æsk]英 [ɑːsk]
  • v.问;请;请求;需要

第三人称单数:asks 现在分词:asking 过去式:asked

ask question,ask favor,ask permission,ask advice,ask price
ask politely,ask calmly,casually ask,constantly ask,repeatedly ask


As the case wrapped up last week, Mr. Evans was asked if he thought a not-guilty verdict would remove his neighbors' suspicion. 上周此案宣布结束,当时伊万先生被问及他是否认为无罪释放的结果可以帮助解除邻居们对他的怀疑。
He said that he'd been visited on the bridge by a foreign psychiatrist who asked him if he might draw a picture of whatever came to mind. 他说,曾经有外国精神病专家来桥上找过他,问他能不能画一幅图,画下那一刻出现在他脑海里的东西。
17 and asked her to have much sorrow, especially a taste in the heart. (it is) with? 问君能有几多愁,别是一番滋味在心头。(这究竟是不是原配啊?)
Asked if the programme to Ukraine could be increased at all he said: "Never say never, but it would depend on the evolution of events. " 在被问及针对乌克兰的计划资金是否有可能增加时,他说:“不能完全排除这个可能,但这将取决于情况的发展。”
Whereupon the Brahmani asked Mathur to arrange a conference of scholars who should discuss the matter with her. 于是,女婆罗门要求马图尔安排一个学者研讨会,与她讨论这个问题。
When we came to the foot of the steep route, my honey asked me to give him the baby, because he did not want to let me feel too tired. 当我们来到陡峭路段的山脚下,老公要我把宝宝给他,因为他不想让我太累。
Asked at the time about his use of the term "young boys" , Mitterrand said he called all men "boys" and it did not refer to minors. 当时,密特朗被问及他使用的“年轻男孩”一词,他说他把所有的男人都称为“男孩”,这并不是指未成年人。
He asked for her phone number, and she wrote it down on the front of his notebook. 他要了她的电话号码,她把它写在他的笔记本封面上。
Zilkha then asked a former Microsoft colleague, who told him that the company would meet or exceed the earnings estimates, the agency said. 奇尔克哈向一名前微软的同僚求证,因而获知微软业绩将符合或超过预期。
He brought the flowers himself, and I should have asked him in, if I had been sure what was going on upstairs. 他今天亲自把鲜花送过来,我本应该请他进来的,但因为不知道你们在楼上干什么,就没让他进来。
When asked in the interview if he had ever paid a woman to spend the night with him, Berlusconi replied: 'No, naturally. 在采访中被问到他是否曾花钱请女人来和他过夜时,贝鲁斯科尼回答道,当然没有。
All the kids were laughing and making fun of him. The emperor asked everyone to quiet down. 下面的人都开始嘲笑他,皇帝要大家保持安静。
When asked what he thought of the train's speed of 240km per hour, he said: "it's really fast, it's the speed that we (our reform)need. " 当他被问到对火车速度每小时240公里有什么看法时,他说:“那真的是很快了,那就是我们(改进)所需要的速度。”
Among those who said he was compelled to attend the rally was a 46-year-old laborer who asked not to be identified. Among那些谁说他被迫参加集会是一个46岁的工人谁要求不透露姓名的老。
Angie asked me if I could make a guest blog answering one of her client's question. Angie问我,是否也可以写一篇博客来回答她一个顾客的问题。
"I would only go if the President asked me to leave for the good of the club, " he continued. “只有当主席告诉我说你的离开是为了俱乐部时,我才会走”,他补充道。
Asked to choose, from all this fleet, the vessel to carry me on a month-long cruise in pursuit of blue whales, I would not have hesitated. 若要我从这里所有的船中挑选一艘来载我出海追寻蓝鲸一个月,我也会毫不犹豫地挑这艘。
He said he has asked city officials to draft restrictions limiting when people are allowed on city property. 他说,他会要求市政府官员起草有关限制人们使用公共财产的权利。
It was noted that he had said the discussion of other business was useless until the peace he asked for was given. 大家还注意到,在他提出的和平要求得到满足之前,对别的事情的讨论就等于白搭。
She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence. 她请求他们不要当着她讨论这个问题。
Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station. 其中一个工人装模作样地问道,在被带往警察局之前,是否可以打一个电话。
"She asked me to make her a dress for a visit to Tunisia, " he said. “她让我为她出访突尼斯做一套衣服,”阿拉亚说。
Surprised, the flight attendant and the copilot asked what he said to her that finally convinced her to move from her seat. 副机长和服务员都非常惊讶的问机长他是如何说服她离开座位的。
The cute doctors asked us out for tomorrow, and I said yes. 这位两位帅哥大夫约我们明晚出去,我答应了
After sustaining a severe injury through a fall, she asked for her Bible and read a Gospel account of one of Jesus' healings. 经过持续严重损伤通过一个秋天,她问她的圣经,并宣读了一份福音帐户之一的耶稣的愈合。
When asked if the Fulham boss was one of the best English managers in the game, Wenger was unequivocal. 当问到是否这位富勒姆老板是英国最出色的足球主帅之一时,温格毫不含糊。
After all, the survey asked which activity they would give up for a week. 毕竟调查的提问前提是“放弃使用一周”。
You and some of the students. They were asked about how much TV they watched and why. 你和一些学生们,被问及花多少时间看电视,以及为什么?
I work to help people's dreams come true. That's in part what he, what Bruce asked of me as a member of the Council. 我的工作就是帮助人们梦想成真,从某种程度上说这正是布鲁斯邀请我加入‘父亲委员会’所要做的。
Home, Lou mayor to cook for a question, I always said he never mistreated, and asked him exactly want to do. 回到家中,卢市长找来厨师问话,说本人历来不曾亏待他,问他到底想干什么。