at the moment

  • na.“for the moment”的变体
  • 网络此刻;现在;目前

at the momentat the moment

at the moment


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 at the moment 此刻,目前 at this rate 照此速度 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... by mistake 错误地 at the moment 现在,此刻 for a moment 片刻,一会儿 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 at the moment 此刻,目前 at this rate 照此速度 ...


初三英语单词表_爱问知识人 ... n63.moment. 瞬间;片刻n the moment 此时;现在 69.yesterday 昨天;昨日n. ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... mix up 混全,混淆;搞糊涂 at the moment 此刻,目前;那时 for the moment 暂时;目前 ...


have ever been 的用法?_百度知道 ... to make matters worse 更糟的是 at the moment 眼下,目前 floor space 地板的面积 ...


初二英语下册短语 - 豆丁网 ... talk about sth.with sb. 与某人谈论某事 at the moment; 此时此刻 make sb do sth. 使某人做某事 ...


初中英语复习——词组归纳_英语网 ... at the foot of 在...(山)脚下 at the moment 在此刻 at the same time 与时同时 ...

I really hate to ask but I'm short of cash at the moment. Can you lend me some money? 我本不想开口,但是我现在手头有点紧。你能借点钱给我吗?
Becky, it's understandable that at the moment you feel as if it's over. 此刻你有一切都结束的感受是可以理解的。
at the moment, i feel as if all the medals i won have taken away . 每当这时,我都有一种我赢得的所有勋章突然被全部摘走的感觉。
How do you reach a balance between life and career? How much percent of your energy is on career at the moment? 您是怎么找到生活和事业的平衡的呢?您现在花多少精力在事业上?
SPIEGEL: The impression we have at the moment is of a breathtaking acceleration of history, similar to the fall of the Berlin Wall, in 1989. 镜报:我们当下的印象是历史正以惊人的速度加速前行,与1989年的柏林墙倒塌非常相似。
Ronnie is going through a rough patch at the moment. The media are always hounding him. 罗尼经历了一段非常艰难的路程,媒体总是抓住他不放。
At the moment the book you want is at the bottom of the pile, and can't be got at. 你要的那本书现在压在那一堆书的最下面,拿不着。
At the moment when Gavroche was relieving a sergeant, who was lying near a stone door-post, of his cartridges, a bullet struck the body. 正当伽弗洛什在解一个倒在界石附近的中士身上的弹药包时,一颗子弹打中了那尸体。
Jobs are scarce at the moment, so you've got to be realistic. 工作机会现在很少,所以你必需现实一点。
When invited to say what he is reading at the moment, a writer always mentions a book no one has ever heard of. 如果请他说,现在在读什么书,作家总会提到无人读过的书。
But at the moment, it may take a bit more effort. Be prepared to stay up late. 而现在看来,似乎需要多做些努力了,你要为工作到深夜做好准备。
The iron content of the egg yolk was twice as high as it should have been, too. But at the moment the matter of the iron was neglected. 蛋黄中的铁含量也高出正常含量的两倍,但此时铁的问题没有引起注意。
At the moment, do not know how to express my feelings. 此刻,不知道该怎么表达我的心情。
I would say it's a bit of a special group at the moment because normally there are one or two players who make it at Arsenal. 我会说现在这是有点特别的团队,因为正常情况下也就有一两个球员能为阿森纳效力。
But I've got the record at the moment and I'd like to keep hold of it for as long as possible. 但是现在记录在我名下了,我也希望能够一直把它保持下去。
He said: 'We have six piglets, or weaners, at the moment and we decided to put two of them out to Longa. 他说:“我们养着6只猪崽,当下我们决定将其中的两只放养到龙格岛上去。”
"You've got strong jewellery demand in Asia and strong safety buying of gold in the West at the moment, " he said. 他称,“目前,亚洲珠宝需求和西方国家避险黄金买盘均强劲。”
At the moment we are trying to get enough players for a Sunday kick around at chou ma soccer pitch . 现在我们也希望找到足够的人数,在每星期日踢球。
But at the moment this is only a think about it "experimental thinking" and did not become a reality, it is unlikely to become reality. 但是目前这还只是一个想想而已的“思想实验”,并没有变成现实,也不太可能变成现实。
You know, how I was excited at the moment the simple solution I recommended was proved to be work! 在我推荐的那个简单的解决方案被证明有效的那一刻,我好激动哦!
Love we must have the other salt, she gives us the infinite power of our physical and mental state of excitement at the moment. 爱情是我们必需的另一种盐,她给我们带来无穷的力量,使我们的身心时刻处于亢奋状态。
'Maybe it's been a fashion no no but it's a fashion OK at the moment. ' 也许这谈不上什么先锋时尚,但在目前而言,还是一种说得过去的潮流。
I guess I just have to wait for a call-up. But at the moment I am still playing for England so it's a bit of a difficult situation. 我认为我必须得等待召唤,但是目前,我依旧为英格兰踢球,因此这是一个困难的局面。
As it stands right now the euro is falling for a reason and neither of those variables look good at the moment. 按照现在情况,欧元有下跌的理由,而且目前上述因素都不是很好.(今年)能跌到1.30下方吗?
It's been a long long time since Rino Gattuso played a game with Milan as he's dealing with eye problems at the moment. 里诺因为眼睛的疑难杂症已经很久没有为米兰踢比赛了。
At the moment, Tha Na Lang is just a bright, shiny railway station; there is not much in the way of a village or town or anything else here. 目前,ThanaLang还只是一个阳光明媚的车站,暂时还没有太多村庄和小镇或其他内容。
The company is going through a tough time at the moment. 该公司目前正在经历一段艰难的时间。
We do not know at the moment, but XDR-TB is rare. 目前我们尚不清楚,但是XDR-TB是罕见的。
Some of the statistics seem to paint a surprisingly benign picture of the industry at the moment, but the reality seems at odds with this. 一些统计数据似乎为当前的私人股本行业勾勒出了一幅出人意料的美好图景,但现实似乎并非如此。
At the moment, the MDGs that guide as well as measure development do not even mention things like justice and people's security. 当前,对发展情况加以引导和测算的千年发展目标甚至根本没有提及诸如正义和民众安全等事项。