to the moon

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to the moonto the moon

to the moon


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"Fly me to the Moon. . . let me dance among the Stars. . . " I hope we never lose our sense of wonder. “带我飞向月球,让我在群星之间尽情舞动”,我希望人类永远不要失去好奇心。
"I love you right up to the MOON, " he said, and closed his eyes. 小兔子闭上了眼睛说:「我爱你,从这里一直到月亮。」
Although Omega had made the first watch taken to the moon, it had become something of a national joke by the 1980s. 尽管Omega作为首个被带上月球的手表品牌,它还是在1980年成为全国的笑柄。
"Whether the US remains the front runner in getting Man back to the Moon is a question the President needs to answer, " Dr McCurdy said. “总统需只要回答美国是否还要保持着人类重返月球的领跑者地位这个问题”医生麦克柯迪说。
But after 1969, the Soviets dropped out of the race to the moon and, like a cancer, the land war in Asia began to devour the budget. 不过,1969年之后,苏维埃退出了登月竞赛。而且就像癌症一样,亚洲的地面战争开始吞噬预算。
To think just a year ago the Moon was supposedly dry. The discovery improves the prospects of future colonisation on or trips to the Moon. 考虑到在一年前人们还认为月球很可能是干的,这一发现提升了将来到月球旅行或居住的前景。
Moses could no more put up with all of the troubles that the Israelites gave him in the wilderness than fly to the moon. 摩西要忍受以色列人在旷野带给他的所有麻烦,简直比登天还难。
The former astronaut says he would like to go back to the moon to see how the American flag he and Neal Armstrong planted there is doing. 前宇航员说,他想回到月球,看到他和尼尔阿姆斯特朗种植有美国国旗是如何做的。
He might as well had said he was moving to the moon. 他如果是要搬到月球上去住大概也是这个效果。
Professional field explorers should be part of every crew sent to the moon, establishing the precedent for Mars exploration. 每个登月小组都应该编制有专业的实地探索人员,为火星探索任务建立先例。
"I love you right up to the moon, " he said, nearly falling over with exhaustion. “我爱你,直到月亮,”他说,几乎用尽了力气。
Flying to the moon takes about three days, but all that speed comes with a heavy price in fuel. 航天飞到月球需要三天的时间,但是这样的速度需要在能源花费巨大金钱。
Orion spacecraft to return to the moon in the United States had the only remaining part of the Constellation program. 奥赖恩飞船是美国原本旨在重返月球的星座计划中硕果仅存的部分。
In this case, the Ares I-X took a ride on one of two crawlers built to carry around the Saturn V rockets that sent astronauts to the moon. 这一次,战神一号X型乘坐的“战车”就是那时的两辆履带车之一,当年它运送的土星V火箭把宇航员送上了月球。
But it wasn't all that long ago that the best minds in the world thought a journey to the moon was utterly impossible. 不过就在不久之前,不少世界上最聪明的人还认为登月不可能实现呢。
Travel beyond earth ceased to hold our imaginations long before Columbia from the instant the first astronauts got to the moon. 从第一位宇航员登上月球的那一刻,早在哥伦比亚号失事以前很久,外太空旅行就不再吸引我们了。
Crater-triggered rolling might have happened to the Moon as well. 环形坑导致的旋转可能同样发生在我们的月亮上。
How big is Venus going to look in relation to the moon or other sky objects? What color? And when in the last weeks time line? 金星与月球和天空中其他物体相比会有多大?什么颜色?最后几周是在什么时候?
The United States and its partners have begun a program to extend human presence in the solar system, beginning with a return to the Moon. 美国及其盟国已经开始了一个旨在扩大人类在太阳系内活动空间的计划,而重返月球就是这项计划的第一步。
The sea smites his own barren breast because he has no flowers to offer to the moon. 大海捶击他荒瘠的胸脯,因为它没有花献给月亮。
DCM concluded his presentation with a humble paean to the moon, accompanied by the soft roll of a timpani to symbolize the march of time. DCM的演讲以谦卑的月亮赞歌,并伴随象征着时间前进的轻柔击鼓而结束。
Dates are still pretty tenuous, but last month another Chinese space official said the country would send a man to the moon by 2025. 具体日期依然非常含糊,而上个月另一位中国航空部门官员说,将在2025年前派人登月。
That day, the President had an interview with her father. Her father was going to the moon by space shuttle. 那一天,总统会见了她父亲,因为她的父亲即将乘航天飞机去登月。
At the beginning of the century, the idea of traveling to the Moon was thought to be crazy. 本世纪初到月球旅行的想法却被认为是狂热的。
George Xenofos, manager of NASA's Innovative Lunar Demonstrations Data program, said he expected one or more teams to make it to the Moon. NASA的“月球创新示范数据计划”的经理,说他希望有一个或多个团队能登上月球。
It was the year Americans dedicated themselves to sending man to the moon before the end of the decade. 那一年正好是美国致力于在六十年代结束前把人类送上月球的一年。
Rockets can fly far out into space. Rockets have already taken men to the moon. One day they may be able to go anywhere in space. 火箭能够飞出地球进入太空。火箭已经载人到了月球。会有那么一天,它们也许能够进入太空的任何地方。
Men can today travel through space to the moon, though only a very small number of them have done so. 人们今天可以穿越空间到月球上,虽然只有很少的一部分人可以去做这件事。
In trying to return to the moon, NASA has often echoed Apollo, the most popular space program ever. 在试图重返月球的过程中,美国宇航局经常从曾经最受宠爱的太空计划阿波罗找到知音。
Fly (let) me to the moon and let me play among the star. 带着(让)我飞到月球上去,我想在星星之间游戏。