too small

  • 网络太小;太小了;太小的

too smalltoo small

too small


苏教版小学四年级英语复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... look at 看 too small 太小 too long 太长 ...


Learn Basic Chinese on line, Beginners... ... Too big 太大了 Too small 太小了 Thank you 谢谢 ...


上海冈瓦纳自然网-- 请欣赏可购买贝壳标本 ... cute (很酷的) too small太小的) freak (畸形的) ...


英语单词表(外研社新标准一年级起) - 豆丁网 ... dad 爸爸 too small 小的 party 聚会 ...


跟小小孩说英语_keke_新浪博客 ... *Oh,it's too big. 喔,这件太小了. *Too small. 这件又太小了. *Try it on. 试试看这件. ...


请问一些有关於球鞋店... ... 太大了唷 *** too big! 太小了唷 *** too small! 这是最大的 size *****this is the biggest size! ...


购物表达补充内... ... 16. It's too big. 英语学习太大了。 17. Too small. 英语太小。 18. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。 ...


电影微视听附讲解《战鸽... ... in the Struben... Berkleyhampshire area. 在斯鲁本... 伯克利汉普郡地区 Too small. 个子太小了 ...

The supplied buffer was too small to hold all the objects in the enumerator or to read a string property. 提供的缓冲区太小,无法容纳枚举器中的所有对象或读取一个字符串的属性。
The first problem, at least in the case of LBG, is that the extra capital promised is too small to deal with a serious crisis. 第一个问题,至少在劳埃德银行集团(LBG)案例中有,是预期的额外资本太少而无法应对严重危机。
The hole was much too small for Timmy Tiptoes' figure. They squeezed him dreadfully, it was a wonder they did not break his ribs . 那个洞对提米脚尖儿的体形而言太过小。它们很可怕地强把他塞进去。那是个奇迹,它们没弄断他的肋骨。
The company of the prophets said to Elisha, 'Look, the place where we meet with you is too small for us. 先知门徒对以利沙说,看哪,我们同你所住的地方过于窄小
Even if you've got an idea that really appeals to you, it might be too big or too small for a semester or a year. 即使你得到了一个真正是自己挖出的问题,但让它在一个工作周期或一年的时间内完成可能时间太长或太短。
There is always the chance that you will take a too-small portion of what later turns out to have been much the best course. 总会出现这种可能:某道菜你吃得太少,结果后来才发现这几乎是最好的一道菜。
Those were the stories that stayed with you. . . that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. 这些有意义的传说都在你的心里,即便你年龄太小还无法了解。
The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. 这位妇女尽可能地靠近孩子,甚至自己也想钻进箱子里去,只是箱子太小了。
Anderson went to his own room. He decided that number 12 was too small. He decided to ask the landlord for a large room. 安德森回到自己房间,觉得12号房太小了,决定找店主换一个房间。
He look'd very dull at my saying so, which it seems was, because he thought the Boat too small to go so far. 听了我的话,他楞住了。看来,他似乎是嫌这船太小,走不了那么远。
But I want to leave with you. I mean, you think this town is too small for you? 但是我想和你一起走,我的意思是,你觉得这个小镇对你来说太小了,不是吗?
Your count-offer seems to be a little tide if so our profit margin will be too small. 你的还盘似乎有点高,如果这样,我们的利润空间将非常小
It tells us to think of all matter as waves, and yet in all objects that surround us these matter waves are far too small to be seen. 它告诉我们要将所有的物质视为波动,然而,我们周遭物体的物质波却短得看不见。
She says her hands were too small at the time for the usual cleaning brush, so she had her mother make her a miniature one. 她说,她的双手在为平时的清洁刷的时间太少了,所以她有她的母亲让她一个缩影之一。
This cage is too small for a monkey , but you might be able to use it to capture another animal . 这个篮子太小以至装不下一只猴子,但你可以用它来捕获其他动物。
Your counter-offer seems to be a little tight. If so, our profit margin will be too small. 贵方的还盘是不是太低了些,如果这样的话,我方的利润额就太小了。
Glens: Thanks. We moved into this space about a year ago. Our other office was too small. It wasn't big enough to accommodate our staff. 格伦:谢谢。我们是大约一年前搬到这里来的。原来的办公室太小了,不够我们的员工用。
As the store clerk reverently lifted the object out of the case, I knew it would be too small. 当店员恭敬地从柜台里取出这个物品时,我知道它肯定太小了。
Arcee's alternate mode was felt to be too small for her to be an effective warrior, so she got two partners, Chromia and Elita. 不过阿尔西的变身车太小,影响她的作战效果,所以她又有了两个伙伴:克劳利亚和艾丽塔。
Sometimes the change due to weather, too cold or too hot or too soft as bamboo, bamboo is too small, flute body are easy to rupture. 有时由于天气的变化,太冷或太热或由于竹质过嫩,竹节过少,笛身都易破裂。
Several countries are finding that they are too small to run an independent currency (although this does not seem to be true of Britain). 有几个国家觉得他们的市场太小不足以运行一个独立货币,虽然拿英国来说似乎并非如此。
Mr Houben said: 'All that time I just literally dreamed of a better life. Frustration is too small a word to describe what I felt. ' 胡本说:“那段时间我一直梦想着更好的生活,挫败两个字无法说尽我的感受。”
I am thinking about trying on this light summer suit. But I am afraid it is just a little too small for me in the shoulder. 我正考虑要试一下这套浅色夏装,可是我担心肩部有些窄。
There was some noise and crying about this. The sweets were too small for the big birds: they did not last. 为了吃糖,又吵吵起来了,对大鸟儿来说,糖太小了,不经吃。
"The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, " he said in his inaugural address. 他在就职演说中这样说道,“我们今天要问的问题不是到底政府太大还是太小,而是政府能不能有效率的工作。”
He wants to tell her about the film he saw in health class about how the embryonic heart is too small to hear, even with amplification. 他想跟她说一部他曾经在生理卫生课看过的一部影片,那是讲胎盘初期因为太过弱小,即使是借助扩音器也无法听到它的心率声。
Knight found the kittens, still too small to open their eyes, and brought them back to the vet along with Jolie. 奈特发现了小猫们,把它们和卓琳一起带回到兽医处。小猫们很小,眼睛都还没睁开。
The next day, the chief editor had a private talk with me. She said I was performing well but the paper was too small a place for me. 第二天,主编就找我谈话了,他说我的表现还是不错的,不这对我来说这叫报社实在是座小庙。
Before long the camel ran back out of breath and said to the tiger, "Oh, your palace is too small for you to live in, my king. " 骆驼很快便气喘吁吁地跑回来了,它对老虎说:“我的国王,您的宫殿对于您来说,实在是太小了,都没法住。”
If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. 如果你觉得你太渺小而难有所成的话,也许你躺在床上的时候从来没有受到蚊子的困扰。