
美 [ðer]英 [ðeə(r)]
  • adv.他们的;她们的;它们的;在提及性别不详的人时
  • det.代指之前已经提到的或指向非常明显的一群人或事物的
  • 网络一朵诡异的花;物主代词



1.他们的;她们的;它们的of or belonging to them

2.(在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替 his 或 her)used instead ofhis orher to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... tree 树 142 their 他们(她们,它们)的 143 much 多,很,非常 144 ...


剑桥少儿英语预备级单词表_百度文库 ... our 我们的 136、 their 她/他/ 它们的 137、 food 食物 138、 ...


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At the opposite end of their orbit, transiting planets disappear behind their home star, in an event known as a "secondary transit. " 在轨道相反的一端,凌日行星消失在主星身后,这一事件称为“次凌”。
There is no doubt that the reasons for international investors to consider Sierra Leone as their choice for investment are many. 毫无疑问,对国际投资人来说,投资塞拉利昂的理由是丰富的。
For the husband works so hard that he never knows how much their wife pays for the children. 丈夫在外面努力工作的时候他并不知道他妻子是怎样为儿女付出的。
One day during their exercising, Laverne walked around the prison quietly and found a dilapidated wall, which can be climbed. 有一天放风,拉文不露声色地在监狱里走了一圈,发现一处围墙破旧,可以攀登。
Its no longer the case that somebody can sit, walled up in their castle and wait for the enemy to go away. 人们坐守城堡并加强其防御攻势,等着敌人知难而退的日子一去不复返了。
Their decision to sign onto such a document was surely not taken lightly, and their words should not be so brusquely brushed aside. 他们决定签署这样一个文件,肯定不是轻而易举,因此他们的话不应那么坦然地被置之不理。
Secondly, the data on which the standards calculation based are relatively easy to obtain, which protects their operability. 其次,标准计算过程中依据的数据指标都比较容易得到,这保障了它们的可操作性。
"As blind as a bat" is often heard. Yet they have no trouble flying on the darkest nights and finding their way round very well. 我们总能听别人说“蝙蝠几乎和瞎了一样”,但他们在黑暗中飞行,并且找到他们的航路却没有任何问题。
Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the shoulders of her father. 泪水从他们的眼中流出,她伸出胳膊搂住了父亲的双肩。
Respondents were asked whether or not they text ed 'I love you' to their partner on a regular basis, to which 61 per cent replied yes. 当受调查者被问及,在通常情况下是否曾发送“我爱你”的短信给他们的伴侣时,有百分之61的回答是肯定的。
But sometimes the treatment is so effective that in half of the studies, the mice appeared to be cured of their cancer. 但有时治疗是如此有效,在研究的一半,老鼠似乎是他们的癌症治愈。
Mark Pierpont used to be an important figure in the evangelical Christian effort to help "cure" gay people of their homosexual desires. 马克·皮蓬特曾经是某宗教团体的核心人物,这个团体试图帮助“治疗”那些有同性恋倾向的人。
Their conference was, after all, a warm-up for the full summit taking place in Pittsburgh later this month. 毕竟,这次会议是本月下旬美国匹兹堡G20峰会之前的预热活动。
Some people will use this date and this meaning to tell their special someone that they are the only 'one' in their heart. 有的人会利用这一天这个特别的日子向他们特殊的“某人”表白说“你是我心中的唯一”。
Out in the cold: But the children are called in by their mother before Mrs Snowman has been wrapped up. 寒天雪地:还没来得及给雪人夫人带好围巾,孩子们就被母亲叫回了家。
He said the Palestinians could not form an army or control their own airspace, or sign military agreements with other states. 他要求巴勒斯坦不能组建一支军队或控制自己的领空,或与其他国家签署军事协定。
Obama is absolutely right in his critique, and he's right to call on Republicans to move beyond their enforcement-only rhetoric. 奥巴马评论无疑是正确的,他号召共和党人别重弹加强管理的旧调。
One will not be able to carry their non-ascending spouse, child, mother, father or friend into such a community. 一个人将不能携带他们的无提升配偶,小孩,母亲,父亲或朋友进入这类团体。
Meanwhile, Chinese in other parts of Japan are trying to get out on their own. 同时,在日本其他地方的中国人也在试着自行离开。
They left the village without looking back, focusing their vision on the next mountain peak and the gifts it might have to offer. 他们毫不犹豫地离开这村庄,将他们的远景专注于下一座山峰以及它所可能提供的礼物。
The shop will even consider to put your suggestions in their ice cream menu and then produce a new kind flavor. 最特别的是,这家店甚至会考虑顾客的建议,在他们的产品中增加全新的口味。
For many, they bring back memories of grandma and a time of year when "everybody just drops their sophistication and goes for the heart. " 对很多人来说,这些毛衫可以唤起儿时回忆,也是一年中“所有人褪去世故,表露真心”的时刻。
One of the greatest compliments you can give anyone is to say, "Teach me, please" even if you are an expert on their particular subject. 你能给与任何人的最好赞美之辞之一就是:“请教教我”,即便你是他们这个话题的一位专家。
Get children to come to the front one at a time. The children should read out their sentences and the other children must guess who it is. 每次让几个学生到讲台前来。这几个学生必须说出他们的句子并,其它同学必须来猜测他(她)是谁。
In trying to search out verbal clarity they make their minds mechanical, their life superficial and very often contradictory. 在努力寻求文字清晰的过程中,他们让自己的心变得机械,让自己的生活变得肤浅并常常充满矛盾。
To deal with this, some villains will even try wearing a trench coat over their costume to make it to the front of the bank teller's line. 为了对付这种情况,坏蛋甚至试过穿着大衣然后在银行等候线前再暴露身份。
Try to help initiate their conversation if they both seem unable to pick up the threads and converse after your introduction. 在这个过程中,如果你介绍的双方在互相认识之后陷入冷场,你要尽量帮助他们找到话题。
Just the fact that an entrepreneur got a meeting with one of them was something they brought up in their pitches to venture capitalists. 创业者们有机会跟他们会谈一次都是值得跟风险投资称道的资本。
'But it is a real shame to see that some may not achieve lifelong ambitions because of a lack of faith in their own ability. 不过,看到有些人可能因为对自己没信心而未能实现终身愿望,也着实让人感到惭愧。
None of the other boys would tell the principal about their breaking the window, and Henry had to carry the ball. 其他孩子没有一个愿告诉校长打破窗户的事,亨利只好挺身而出。