that power

  • 网络那种力量

that powerthat power

that power


排舞 那种力量 ( That Power ) - 专辑:艾琳专辑 纯纯 关注 播放 国际排舞七十二拍四个方向那种力量艾琳演示 搜索更多 详情>>

It had sucked all that power up from the localities. 它剥夺了当地地区所有的权利。
It's not simply a redirection of economic power but a question of how that power will be used to shape the global economic order. 这不仅仅只是经济力量的重新定位,还涉及到这股力量将如何被用来塑造全球经济秩序。
After all, what's the point of being a big shot in Washington if you can't use all that power to try to mold the world to your liking? 说到底,如果你不能利用手中的权力去尝试着将世界塑造成你喜欢的模样,那么成为华盛顿的一位大人物又有何意义呢?
Given the frequency with which institutions are collapsing, he would have been keen to invoke that power soon. 在连续遭受金融机构垮台打击后,保尔森迫切需要尽快获得这个权力。
The UF membrane suitable for the water quality of that power plant and its running parameters have been chosen through comparison. 经过比较选出适合该电厂水质的超滤膜及其运行参数。
Despite all that power, all that wealth, he was alone when he finally died -- his ultimate terror realized. 尽管他获得了那么大的权力,那么多的财富,到最后还是孤独地死去他最害怕的事情还是出现了。
But that power comes with a price: Wildcard searches typically take far longer to process than any other search types discussed previously. 但是这种强大是建立在:比其他类型的搜索浪费更多的处理器占用上的。
From a certain angle, it can be said that power of the American president is rather like that of an emperor. 从某种角度讲,不妨断言美国总统的权力颇近于一个帝王的权力。
It seems to have forgotten the power of the media, and the responsibilities that must come along with that power. 媒体工作者似乎已经忘掉媒体的力量,也忘记了伴随这份力量而来应有的责任感;
And immediately Jesus, realizing in Himself that power had gone out of Him , turned around in the crowd and said, Who touched My garments ? 耶稣里面顿觉有能力从自己身上出去,就在群众当中转过身来,说,谁摸我的衣服?。
Now, at a time of turmoil in Washington's ties with Tokyo, American officials are reaching out directly to that power behind the throne. 在如今美日关系动荡之际,美国官员正试图直接联系这位王座背后的大人物。
You think of a way, you say I give money to Hang Leba not OK, Miss said we did not have that power. 你想办法,你说我把钱给杭乐岜不行,小姐说,我们没有这种权力。
The concept is simple, why pay for an entire processor core when a well written website only needs a fraction of that power. 这个概念很简单,为什么一个编写得很好、只需要一部分处理器能力的站点需要为整个处理器核心支付费用呢?
By evening, authorities reported that they had cleared major roads leading to the county and that power was back in some parts of the area. 直到晚上,有官员表示他们已经清理出通往县城的主干道,部分地区的供电设施已恢复正常。
Power present Green indicates that power is present at the power supply and that the system is connected to a power source. 电源存在绿色表示电源在电源存在,而且该系统已连接至电源。
HENRY KISSINGER was guilty of understatement when he said that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. “权力是最好的催情剂”,亨利•基辛格这一说法有轻描淡写之过。
Knowledge is power - economic power - and there's a scramble for that power taking place around the globe. 知识就是力量-既经济力量-这种力量的较量正在全球上演。
Getting all that power out of the relatively tiny 2. 0L powerplant required major revisions to the base unit. 让所有的权力相对微小的2.0升发动机需要重大修改的基本单元。
and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength. 神照着他强大的力量,向我们信他的人显出的能力,是何等的浩大。
I was just a target. Once you give bullies that power, they've really got a hold on you. 你一旦被欺负凌虐的力量所伤害,你就很难再将之摆脱。
Backing up for a moment: Henry Kissinger famously observed that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. 给你点理论支持:亨利?基辛格有过一条著名观察,说最好的壮阳药就是权力。
For all its tacit recognition that power has been flowing eastwards, the west still wants to imagine things as they used to be. 尽管西方已经默认,权力正在流向东方,但他们仍然希望像过去那样设想事情。
His own journals told him what he had once possessed and it became his obsession to regain that power. 他的日记令他为之着魔,但最终成为他恢复力量的困扰。
It seems that power is not always a good thing, especially when there is no interest to earn. 看来权力也见得不时时都是个好东西,尤其是当没有利益好争的时候。
Do not think for a minute that power concedes. 一时一刻都不要以为执政党认输了。
The problem of course, is that power is often not compatible with effective and clear thinking. 但问题在于这种力量无法保证思维的有效性和明确性。
Not long ago, Trumpf was considered part of the Mittelstand, the midsize, family-owned engineering companies that power the German economy. 不久前,德国通快公司还被认为是推动德国经济发展的那些家族拥有的中型工程公司中的一员。
Why? There are already lots of types of renewable energy that power cars and homes, and none of them smell like this! 为什么?已经出现了许多类型的为家庭和汽车供能的再生能源,但没有一种闻起来像这样!
The only sizable accomplishment has been the expansion of a transport line to Uzbekistan so that power can be imported from the north. 这段时间内政府唯一可称道的成就是延长了通往乌兹别克斯坦的运输线,以便于从北亚进口能源。
For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. 因为只有调和矛盾才能无限止地保持权力。