the brain

  • 网络大脑;脑魔;头脑

the brainthe brain

the brain


英文原版图书资源推介--闵行区图书馆数据详细页 ... Whales 《海豚》 The Brain大脑》 Space 《空间》 ...


cult片介绍(转) ... Brain Damage (坏脑) The Brain脑魔) The Kindred (试管人魔) ...


他的朋友都将其称作“头脑”(The Brain),并且在听说扎克伯格会为此得到百万美元时激动不已。他们希望假如交易达成,扎 …


科学网—How to... ... Unit 8 You Go Your Way,I'll Go Mine 各走各的路 Unit 9 The Brain 人脑 Unit 10 Going Home 回家 ...


让-保罗·贝尔蒙多 参与影片 按年代显示 ... 谋杀犯 The Scarlet Buccaneer 大头脑 The Brain 大盗智多星 Ho! ...


ABC of Latin Part I - Cha-cha ... The body - the Temple( 自我保健法) The brain( 运用大脑) Character,Posture 特色与姿势 ...


鲨鱼大之梦想国度4000G资源库-记录片系列 ... 太空飞行器 Space Planes 大脑演化 THE BRAIN 搜寻海底城 The.Hunt.For.Atala…


视听资源 ... 家有跳狗 my dog skip 大脑神经 The Brain:Our Universe Within - The Miraculous Mind 大脑知识与教学 Eric jensen ...

'It's almost as if they're in some kind of identity crisis. In a sense it's keeping the brain in a sort of time warp. ' “他们好像陷入了某种身份认同危机。从某种意义上说,这似乎让他们的大脑产生了时间错位。”
"The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm, " he said. “一个电脑,因为它目前存在的复杂性可能比少的蚯蚓的大脑,”他说。
Rather than putting the brain back in the body, Harvey decided to keep it, ostensibly for study. 最终哈维也没有把大脑放回尸体里,而是保留下来以做研究之用。
A second relationship between the executive and default networks may be reflected in how the brain switches from one to the other, she said. 另一重关系,她表示,反映在大脑如何在执行系统与默认系统间互相转换。
Even more intriguing, he says was that love activated different parts of the brain than the normal analgesic pathways. 更令人觉得有趣的是,他说比起普通的用止痛的方法爱情更能使大脑的不同部位活跃起来。
What was so astounding was that we saw the movement part of the brain get active, even though there was no movement possible. 令人震惊的是我们看到了大脑活跃时控制动作的那部分,即使其实是没有动作的。
The brain used to be thought of as the body's master clock, sending signals telling organs when to operate. 大脑曾被认为是人体的主时钟,它发送信号告诉器官何时开始工作。
Viral myocarditis in the video ads, phone Expanded popcorn so that people do not know if the phone can damage to the brain. 在病毒性心肌炎的视频广告,手机膨化爆米花使人们不知道,如果手机可以损害到大脑。
Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up. 剑桥大学的研究人员已经分析了人脑的结构并且还算出了脑细胞会消耗多少能量。
Those signals travel up to the brain stem and then the hypothalamus, telling the body to stop eating. 这些信号依次传输到脑干和丘脑下部,指示身体停止进食。
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office. 服这器官妙得很,它从你在早上起床的一刹那时就开始工作,而且直至你进入办公室为止,是不会停止(工作)的。
The company wants to see if the software, which trains visual-related parts of the brain, will lower accident rates among older drivers. 该公司想通过这种训练大脑视觉有关部位的软件来降低老龄司机的事故率。
A number of other researchers propose that they might be used for intercellular communication in the brain. 很多其它的研究人员指出肽激素或许被用于大脑内细胞与细胞间的信息传输。
Different parts of the brain control logic and speech, as anyone listening to an air head endlessly blather on realizes. 大脑的不同部位控制着逻辑和讲话,因为任何一个人都听过笨蛋无休无止地讲废话。
The research will help scientists to understand how the brain conducts the symphony of activity that leads to sexual climax in a woman. 此项研究能帮助科学家了解女性大脑是如何处理这些性刺激并最终将这些刺激转化为性高潮的。
At its heart is serotonin made by the gut, not the brain, whose role outside the brain had been a mystery. 发现的核心在于消化道中生成的复合胺,这种复合胺在脑外的作用一直是一个谜。
The face of things, it is necessary to consider Doss cooked, it is necessary to think more about, this is the only advantage to the brain. 面对事情,真的就要多斯熟虑,要多思考,这是要脑子的唯一好处。
Languages appear to exercise the brain as if it were a muscle and flexibility links directly to the development of digital literacies. 语言对大脑的锻炼就像肌肉和灵活性,直接关系到数字文化的发展。
"We found a strong overreaction from the emotional centers of the brain, " Walker said. 我们发现大脑的情绪中枢强烈反应过度。
This position he held until 1876, when overwork induced an affection of the brain and eyes, and he had to travel for his health. 他担任这个职位一直到1876年,这年过度的工作使得其脑部和眼睛受到严重影响,他不得不为他的健康开始旅行。
Gene treatment Patients with Parkinson's have reduced levels of a chemical - GABA - in part of the brain known as the subthalamic nucleus. 接受基因疗法治疗的帕金森病患者中,化学物质GABA水平有所降低,该化学物在脑部也被称为氨基丁酸。
Claims that the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is influential in determining sexual orientation, have yet to be substantiated. 大脑中被认作为“脑下丘”的那部分对性取向的决定有影响的主张已经被证实。
The brain works not by dint of its bulk properties but because neurons are wired up in amazingly specific and idiosyncratic patterns. 脑的运作靠的不是它的大小,而是神经元极其专一与特殊的连线模式。
Oxytocin breaks down in the gut, so oral administration has no effect on the brain. 催产素会在胃肠道中被破坏,因此口服对脑产生不了作用;
The parts of the body controlled by this Charkra are the pineal gland, the brain, and the entire nervous system as a system. 这个轮也同方向感有关。身体被这个轮控制的部分是松果腺,大脑,和整个神经系统。
For millennia the question of free will was the province of philosophers and theologians, but it actually turns on how the brain works. 对绝大多数人来说,对自由意志的怀疑是哲学家和理论家的事,但其实它事关大脑如何工作。
The news came after he suffered a seizure. Doctors found a glioma, a growth in the supportive tissue of the brain. 这条消息是在他入院后传出来的,医生发现了一个长在大脑结缔组织的神经胶质瘤。
That, he says, suggests that it may perform the same types of visual processing that takes place in the brain. 这个现象,他说,暗示了它(系统)可能和大脑运行的是相同的视觉处理程序。
Spread in the brain any voice that reach, just up and down the Han bone send out of the collision voice is still so irritating to the ear. 脑海中传来阿凡达的声音,只是上下颌骨发出的碰撞声依然那么刺耳。
Parkinson's, a neurological disorder in which some of the brain cells that control movement die, had made him unable to walk. 帕金森氏症是一种因某些控制人体行动的脑细胞死亡而造成的神经紊乱综合症。