till the end

  • 网络直到最后;插曲-于皓之爱;我会陪着你直到最后

till the endtill the end

till the end


to the end 什么意思_百度知道 ... in the end 在最后,后来,终于 till the end 直到最后 to the end 到最后 ...


求和项:downnum_馆档网 ... "TIL KINGDOM COME (巴黎恋人)",0,0,0 "Till The End (插曲于皓之爱)",0,0,0 ...


... That’s all I wanna do 这是我所想的 Till the end 我会陪着你直到最后 I won’t say I didn’t know 我不会说我不晓得 ...


陈奂仁的一首歌的歌词... ... that you're the one 你就是我的唯一 till the end 直到永远 all my friend around me 我周围的朋友 ...

If Spitzer had been, say, a United States senator, he might have been able to hang on at least till the end of his term. 假如说,斯皮策过去当的是参议员,或许,他还能够勉强熬到任期的结束。
Drag out a yarn from a yarn ball, put an ant on it. Loosen the ball as it goes till the end of the yarn . 把一只蚂蚁放到一个毛线球线头上,边爬边松开毛线,让其从头走到尾。
She had opened the garden of love to me, and I must stay by her till the end of time. 是她打开了我爱的园门,我得和她走到山穷水尽。(《老舍全集》)
He said he'd love her till the end of time, ie for ever. 他说天长地久永远爱她。
Well , it really was a great honor to speak to you , and I hoped this gathering will keep harmony till the end . Thank you . 好了,能跟大家聊一聊非常荣幸,我祝愿这个聚会从头到尾充满和谐。谢谢你们。
I would have liked to wear it till the end of my career, but you know, life doesn't depend entirely on us and on our desires. 我很希望能够穿着这件球衣直到退役,但你们知道,生活有时候并不完全是我们所能够决定的。
Well, it really was a great honor to speak to you, and I hope this gathering will keep harmony till the end. 好了,能和大家说几句我感到非常荣幸,我祝愿这个聚会由始至终充满融洽的气氛。
"If I was an old building I would want to be by the ocean. Till' the end of times" . 如果我是一幢老楼,我希望待在大海边。
My lover, it's the greatest glory and joy for me to work for you devotedly till the end of time. 我的爱人,能忠实地为你奉献一生的时光是我的荣耀和欢乐。
As long as stars shine down from heaven , and the rivers run into the sea, till the end of time forever , you are the only love i'll need. 只要星星还会照耀大地,只要河流还驶向大海,直到世界末日,你是我需要的唯一的爱人。
"Why aren't you burning? You're supposed to stay lit till the end. " Saying this, the child began to cry. “你们为什么不亮了呢?你们应该坚持到最后……”说到这里,孩子哭了……
Up till the end of August, Goering did not take an unfavourable view of the air conflict. 一直到八月底,戈林都未对空战抱悲观的看法。
(No one needs you more than I) - When you love somebody, till the end of time. (没人比我更需要你)当你爱一个人时,到时间的尽头…
Mesmerized by your eyes, the window to your soul. I'll love you with every beat of my heart and I swear. I love you till the end of time. 被你的灵魂之窗--眼睛蛊惑,我发誓我会用每一次心跳的力量爱你,我爱你,直到地老天荒!
I'll keep it a secret till the end of the world. 我将把秘密保持到世界末日。
let me tell you, i can't wait till the end of this month! 我得告诉你们,我都有点等不及这个月底的到来了!
(Memory) Darling you know I love you till the end of time. 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到地老天荒。
Life is a continuous walking, till the end, we found that we were just standing at the beginning point. 人生就是在不停的走,走到最后才发现,又回到了起点。
I ride on the wind, brings me where I belong till the end, when it ends to the conclusion. 我愿乘风,由它带我到那属于我的国度,直至天地尽头,也直至世界终结!
Eg. I shall be on holiday till the end of September when I return to London. 我将休假到九月底,之后返回伦敦。
But he accompanies with Ciel, swears to be his sword, his shield till the end of his life. 但他陪伴着夏尔,发誓成为他的剑和盾,直到生命的终结。
You are the candle that shines on the heart of mine till the end of time. 你是照在我心上的一根蜡烛,永不熄灭,直到生命的尽头。
As a result, a smooth and efficient beating operation is realized from the beginning till the end of the beating process. 这样,就可从打浆过程开始直至结束实现平顺且有效的打浆操作。
So it went till the end of the month when even Xiangzi could see that her time had really come. Tigress hardly looked human. 一直闹到月底,连祥子也看出来,这是真到了时候,她已经不象人样了。
He's got till the end of the month to get his research project written up and typed, so he'd better pull his finger out. 他到月底得把研究方案写出来并用打字机打出来,因此他得加紧干。
I am willing to accompany you till the end of the time. Composing love chapters for you through my whole lifetime. 我愿意陪着你直到天荒地老,用一辈子的时间谱写爱你的篇章。
I want to hear you speaking English, telling me stories, being my best friend and love forever. . . till the end of my life. . . 我想听你说英语,给我讲故事,成为我永远的朋友和爱人…直到我生命的尽头…
Known today as the Secret Seaside Gardens of Blackpool, it is open to the public from April till the end of October. 花园如今的名字是黑泽海滨神秘园,每年四月到十月底对公众开放。
Said I'll always be your friend, took an oath I'm-a stick it out till the end. 说过我将永远是你的朋友,发誓我将遵守诺言到最后。
The art of alchemy began in the Middle East and prospered in that part of the world and in Europe till the end of the seventeenth century. 炼金术始于中东,到17世纪末,便盛行于中东地区和欧洲。