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赵孟(fu)艺术馆”及“湖笔与名人名家书画展”的开馆、开展,“湖笔文化论坛”、第十届全国文房四宝艺术博览会、全国《新文入画 …

Fu Ying, China's deputy foreign minister, said China was committed to investing in European bonds and was ready to help Portugal. 中国外交部副部长傅莹表示,中国承诺投资欧洲债券,并愿意帮助葡萄牙。
Cnooc President Fu Chengyu said the agreement will help the company secure cleaner energy to support China's economic development. 中海油总经理傅成玉表示,这一协议有助于公司获得更为清洁的能源以支持中国经济发展。
The first stop of his visit was Chengdu and he made a special visit to the Thatched Cottage of Poet Du Fu. 他此次来访第一站是成都,专门去参观杜甫草堂。
Even there's no more Han Fu. I read a news and a woman who wore Han Fu was assaulted by Chinese as they thought it's Japanese clothes. 而且连汉服都没了,我看到个新闻说有个女的穿了汉服,却被中国人攻击,因为他们以为她穿的是日本的衣服。
Mrs. Wu Sun-fu stared at the waving blue curtain over the door, then parted her lips to call her sister back, but changed her mind. 吴少奶奶瞪眼看着房门上那一幅在晃荡的蓝色门帘,张大了嘴巴,似乎想喊,可是没有出声;
Five died of illness Fu, Liu should be happy to leave no stone unturned five-fu returned to the body of his hometown. 五富因病身亡,刘高兴想尽一切办法要把五富的尸体运回家乡。
40 years of age, 5 days a week, office place in Chi Fu Tun, wages N. . . 40岁以下,每周工作5天,办公地点在芝罘屯,工资面议。
Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody . 至六朝,题材多样、篇幅短小的咏物小赋已成为赋中大宗。
Wu Sun-fu frowned and was just going to say something, when he heard a sigh. 吴荪甫皱着眉头,正想说话,忽然听得少奶奶叹一口气。
A Chinese vice commerce minister, Fu Ziying, said the case, far from deterring foreigners, would improve the investment environment. 中国商务部副部长傅自应说,此案不会吓跑外国人,而是会改善投资环境。
"I should have brought him with me to work, " Mrs. Fu wailed, as she sagged into her husband's embrace. "He didn't want me to leave him! " “我真该带着他一起去上班,”付女士呜咽着,倒在丈夫的怀抱里,“他不想我离开他!”
Then, writing means of Chun and Qiu was always used in Du Fu's poetry, is one of the important reasons of his poetry was named poem history. “春秋笔法”的大量使用,也是杜诗获得“诗史”称号的重要原因之一。
One day, the sun just rising from the sea, Kua Fu on the edge of the East China Sea starting from the beginning step of his daily journey. 一天,太阳刚刚从海上升起,夸父就从东海边上迈开大步开始了他逐日的征程。
Fu said the evening: tea time came to me and said she was there, and the first to let you not find her. 付乾说:红袖傍晚的时候来找我,说她还有事情,先走了,让你不要找她。
Mahong Lee father was informed that the disease hard to save their own newsji ben Hankow, prescribedma fu xiang died on his way to Peking. 马鸿逵得知老父为救自己劳累染病的消息,急奔汉口,遵医嘱转北平途中马福祥病逝。
Friends will be devoted specifically to see him go so far away, Jerry Yan Fu do not shallow. 普通朋友会专门跑这么远来专门看他,这小子艳福不浅呢。
Fu Lan Qi boutiques "win-win Fortune" elite investment plans with you to work together to build international brands! 富兰琪精品衣饰“共赢财富”精英投资计划与您一起携手共进,打造国际知名品牌!
Jing-Chu network news (AFP) with China as the only two players to be called "masters" who can be against Marco Fu shows. 荆楚网消息(楚天都市报)同为中国选手中仅有的两位能称得上“大师”的人物,傅家俊对可谓惺惺相惜。
Mrs. Wu Sun-fu leaned back in her chair, her head resting on the top of the back and her eyes brimming with tears . 吴少奶奶往后仰在椅子里,她的头靠在椅背上,眼泪满了她的眼眶。
No way, artisan secretly sent his wife to see YuHao wife, take her, JinChai gave her to ask the reason YuHao fu-gong temple shaking. 不行,工匠秘密派遣他的妻子看到浩的妻子,带她,金钗给她问原因浩福宫发抖。
Gentle as breeze as she was, Miss Fu once impressed me with her severe attitude. 就是这样一位春风般和蔼的老师,有一次竟很严厉。
The edible on the table is all similar each time she likes, white fu ling sees in the eye, disgust just a little dissipation some. 桌上的食物每一样都是她喜欢的,白茯苓看在眼里,怨气稍稍消散了些。
White fu ling curtate eyebrow Shu eyes path, fool her to this so long guy to have no the fewest bit good facial expression. 白茯苓横眉竖目道,对这个骗了她这么久的家伙没半点好脸色。
I do not know how it is, and suddenly happy like a child, all of a sudden sorrow was like the Yuan Fu. 我也不知道自己这是怎么了,忽然开心的像个孩子,忽然忧伤得有如怨妇。
Insulted, Du Fu left the city to the outskirts and lying on the ridges of the field, poured out his sentiments towards Heaven. 杜甫蒙受羞辱,就出城到郊外,仰躺在田埂上对天浩叹。
"I mail you to return to. " Fu although it has already beaten steer appliance to open toward the direction of her house. “我送你回去吧。”傅惟其已经打方向盘朝着她家的方向开去。
Detong Dakini and Hong Fu, he did not mark his refinements, only mentioned that the title of the third chapter had been modified. 茶桶空行和虹福,他没有标示出他润饰的地方,仅提到第三章的标题已修改。
In her comments, Ms. Fu conspicuously echoed some of the arguments that Chinese economic policy makers have been making for months. 在评论中,傅女士高调地回应了一些中国经济政策制定者争论了数月的问题。
Wu Sun-fu sprang to his feet, the colour draining from his cheeks. 吴荪甫直跳了起来,脸色也变了。
It's hard to recognize whether a blood donator is an MSM or not, which may cause a problem on the long-term, Fu said. 傅强表示,献血者是不是有性行为的男同性恋,真的很难从表面来判断,所以,从长远来看,这也是一个问题。