
美 [fil]英 [fiːl]
  • linkv.感到;觉得;手感;体会到
  • v.感到;认为;摸;以为
  • n.感受;摸;触摸;手感
  • 网络感觉

过去式:felt 第三人称单数:feels 现在分词:feeling

feel good,feel bad,feel ill,probably feel,well feel
feel pain,feel cold,feel need,feel warmth,feel shame


健康、不适、愉快、悲伤等well/sick/happy/sad, etc.

1.觉得;感到;体会到to experience a particular feeling or emotion

留下印象give impression

2.给…感觉;有印象;感受到to give you a particular feeling or impression


3.摸起来;手感to have a particular physical quality which you become aware of by touching


翻译:How do you like the food?_百度知道 ... turns : 旋转,轮换,变质 feels感觉,觉得 smeels : 闻起来 ...


翻译:How do you like the food?_百度知道 ... turns : 旋转,轮换,变质 feels : 感觉,觉得 smeels : 闻起来 ...

《Friends》... ... forth adv. 往前, 向外 feels vt. , 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为 felt n. 毡, 毡制品, (造纸用的)毛布 ...


关于一道英语选择题 初三的_百度知道 ... seem 似乎 feels 感到 looks 看上去 ...


《Friends》... ... forth adv. 往前, 向外 feels vt. 摸, 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为 felt n. 毡, 毡制品, (造纸用的)毛布 ...

From the inside, it feels like anxious butterflies, trying to get out. 而在我内心深处,这感觉就像是有一些焦虑不安的蝴蝶试图从我的皮肤下飞出来似的。
I have some amazing memories from Silverstone over the years and it feels really sad that this might be the last time that we race there. 过去几年我在银石有着激动人心的过往回忆,想到这或许是我们最后一次在这里比赛就心疼。
A princess to see the clown's performance feels very interesting, often dressed as a country girl to see clowns, she was happy the clown. 一个公主看到小丑的表演觉得很有趣,就经常打扮成一个村姑去看小丑表演,她被小丑的快乐所带动。
My dream is to dance freely on a big stage, where I feels like that I'm granted a pair of wings and I could flying freely on a broad plain. 在一个很大的舞台上自由舞蹈是我的梦想,站在那里我好像插上了翅膀,在广阔的平原翱翔!
He feels it a duty to help the disabled community. in the community. 他感到有义务帮助社会中的残疾人。残疾人。
I allow her to apply a thick layer of make-up to her face because she is meeting her mother and feels the need for protection. 我允许她在脸上化着浓浓的妆,因为她正与她母亲相见,感到需要采取一些保护措施。
When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels. 但忍无可忍的瑞秋最终决定赶往伦敦对罗斯一诉衷肠。
I don't know if he feels guilt, but he knows that Harry is growing up, and I think this is all part of the education of Harry Potter. 我不知道他是否感到内疚,但他知道哈利长大了,而且我想这就是哈利·波特所有需要学习的。
The little boy quickly run across the street. Cotton feels very soft. I'd like him to do me a favour. “那个小男孩很快地跑过马路”“棉花摸起来很软”“我想请他帮我一把”“你喜欢游泳吗?”
To see that he can pass on something he used to love because he feels secure in his decision is a great attribute. 看到他因坚持自己的决定,而能够放弃曾经最爱的东西,这可是件好事。
And also remember: If a woman feels a strong ATTRACTION for you, then the rest of the equation isn't as important. 并且记住:如果一个女人从你那里感受到强烈的吸引力,那么其他都不重要。
The Space Theater's panoramic screen attracts many visitors. Watching the film "Flying, " the audience feels as if it is in the film, too. 身历其境是太空剧场最吸引人的花招,它放映的全天域影片「翱翔」,使观众感觉也跟著剧中人飞了起来。
Dr: But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you' re under a cloud. Now just a few questions. 玛:但如果乔那仍然觉得你不开心,那一定是有些问题还没解决。
It is no use getting your entire family to sit around the dinner table if it feels awkward because no one is talking. 一家人围坐在餐桌前如果因为觉得尴尬而彼此不说话就没有意义。
Wenger feels Allardyce has brought stability after inheriting a team in the relegation zone when he took charge in December 2008. 温格认为,阿勒代斯在08年年底接手布莱克本之后给球队带来了稳定,而在他接手前布莱克本正处于降级区。
It feels all right. But if it were a darker color, I'd like it better. This seems too light for winter. Do you think you could get me one? 感觉不错。但是如果颜色深一点,我会更喜欢。这件冬天穿颜色似乎太浅了。你可以多给我介绍一些吗?
He feels even more like a man when he advances in the direction of his fears, as if sailing on the winds of an inner scream. 当他战胜恐惧时,就像一个在暴风雨中航行的勇士一样,让他更像一个男人了。
The Libyan intervention feels like a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age. 干预利比亚行动给人的感觉更像是这首老歌的最后一次回放,而非开创一个新时代的大胆宣言。
And if you praise her for her hair style or the color that suits her to a T, she feels very much flattered. 如果你为了她的发型或者再适合她不过的颜色称赞她,她会感到非常非常的得意。
The company is trying to create an environment in which everyone in the company feels a sense of belonging and pride. 公司正努力创造一个人人都有归属感和自豪的工作环境。
When ready to step the piece up a notch make sure all four parts of base technique are thoroughly practiced and one feels in control. 当你准备好练习更难一点的曲目时,要保证你认真彻底的练习好了四项基本技巧同时能够控制住他们。
Maybe such a premise would be good for a college thesis, but in execution here it merely feels tired and a bit contrived . 也许这样一个命题适合做大学论文,但是在音乐制作中却显得异常疲惫而且还有点做作。
I start to wonder if he just feels sorry for me and is including me in his plans out of kindness, because I'm on my own. 我开始怀疑他是否只是替我感到遗憾,所以好心地把我加入到他外出的计划中,因为我是孤身一人。
Be sure to check out the privacy settings when posting your resume and do what feels right for you--and for your future career. 在网上发简历时记得要查看下隐私设置,然后设定对你和你未来的职业来说比较合适的状态。
Replete with a golden sky, with crackling river water and bubbling marshes that dot the land, it feels like a Romantic artist's canvas. 充满与金黄天空,与脆皮加点土地的河水和起泡的沼泽,它感觉像浪漫艺术家帆布。
and the process of storytelling can affect how one feels about what happened even up to a week later. 故事讲述的过程可以对即便是已经发生了一周以后,人们的感受产生影响。
And we all make our choices Like a blind man feels his way, And the choice I've made is simple: Passion over pain. 我们都使我们的选择就像一个瞎子觉得他的方式,而我所做的选择很简单:激情过的痛苦。
She feels they all regard her as inferior: the one not good enough, or loved enough, to be his wife. 她感觉,所有人都把她看成是下等人,一个不配做他的妻子、不配被爱的人。
I wish that someone would shine a beam of light in his eyes and ask him why he feels this way. 我真希看有人能让他的眼前亮一束光,问问他为什么要嫉妒。
A man of strong will feels in control of his own life while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to his fate. 意志坚强的人主宰自己的人生,而意志薄弱者甘愿受命运摆布。