power station

  • n.发电厂;发电站
  • 网络动力火车;电力站;发电所

复数:power stations

power stationpower station

power station


1.发电厂;发电站a building or group of buildings where electricity is produced


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动力火车Power Station),台湾窜起的摇滚流行歌曲合唱团体,是华研国际音乐旗下的歌手,由两位成员尤秋兴与颜志琳组 …


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土地词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... power plant 发电厂 power station 电力站 praya lot 海旁地段 ...


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机械英汉词典(P-4)-机械资讯-马棚网(第2/30页) ... power stage 功率级 power station 动力站 power steering 动力转向 ...

It will take at least two years to get the power station up to its full capacity of 51MW and lay vulnerable new transmission lines. 水电站达到全容量51mw和拉上脆弱的新的电线将至少需要两年的时间。
Up to 20, 000 tonnes of coal a week is dug at the site and the bulk of it goes to the Aberthaw power station, near Cardiff. 每周矿井出产高达20000吨的煤,并散装运到Cardiff附近的Aberthaw电站。
He said the power station process would not produce bad odours and the only discharge seen would be water vapour. 他指出,发电厂的发电过程不会产生有害气味,其唯一可见的排放物就是水蒸气。
It remained unclear how much radiation had escaped from the power station, or how far it had spread. 目前尚不清楚福岛第一核电站泄漏了多少核辐射,也不清楚辐射范围有多广。
The ship power station is the heart of electric power system on board, effecting on the safety at sea and economical benefit of the ships. 船舶电站是船舶电力系统的核心,对船舶的安全航行和经济效益有重要的影响。
The result of test shows that this control unit meets the need of the power station. Now, three generators are working well. 调试结果表明,本文设计的航机发电控制器满足现场电站的要求,现在,电站三台机组已全部正常发电。
Large scale diversion tunnel is often adopted when building a hydraulic power station between high mountains or in canyons on a great river. 在高山峡谷的大江大河上修建水电站,往往需要大尺度导流洞。
The time it takes to plan and build a nuclear power station tends to be longer than most politicians are in power. 设计和建造一家核电厂花去的时间要比大部分政治家掌权的时间要多。
We chose water power station, come up to say from a certain meaning and had already chosen dedication. 我们选择了水电厂,从某种意义上来说,就已经选择了奉献。
You can find it on the bank of the Dnieper, several kilometers far from the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Station. 它位于聂伯河岸边,距基辅水利发电站数千米。
He said HEU is now carrying out the demonstration tests of the 40 kW trend power station in Zhoushan sea area of Zhejiang province. 目前,该校正在浙江省舟山海域进行40kW潮流电站示范测试。
It was the first time that such a precaution had to be taken at a British nuclear power station. 这是有史以来第一次一个英国核电厂采取这样的预防措施。
This furnace is only used for experiments at present, but could be used to produce steam for a power station. 虽然现阶段该炉只是用来实验,但有可能成为通过蒸汽形式发电的电厂。
The only nuclear power station in Atlantic Canada is the Point Lepreau station on the north shore of the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick. 加拿大只有一座核电站位于新布伦瑞克芬迪湾的北部海滨,即莱普罗角核电站(PointLepreau)。
In such a situation, it would be easy for the mine to exploit the power station by suddenly jacking up the price of coal. 在这种情况下,煤矿很容易通过突然推高煤价而剥削发电站。
For the first time the project of the Volga hydroelectric power station was considered in the beginning of the last century. 上世纪伊始,在伏尔加河上建一座水电站的设想便提了出来。
Now I have two tall screen monitors, side by side, and I feel like the operator of a nuclear power station. 于是我现在有了两台“高屏”显示器,“肩并肩”摆在一起,我感觉自己就像核电站的操作员。
There was also a suggestion on Wednesday that more workers may be brought to help save the power station. 周三则有另一项建议称可以向电站派遣更多的工人。
Permanent underground storage is only one of the options for dealing with CO2 captured at a power station. 永久储存于地下只是对由发电厂捕捉到的二氧化碳处理的选项之一。
However, high radiation prevented a police fire truck from getting close enough to the power station to be effective. 然而,高辐射让一架警用消防车难以靠近核电站有效喷水。
An evaluation of safety is done to a generator rotor cracked in a power station by the way of a fracture mechanics. 本文就发电机转子本体开裂事件,用断裂力学分析方法对其安全性进行了评价。
A staggered cylindrical array represents a major structural form of heat exchangers for a solar energy based thermal power station. 叉排圆柱阵列是大型太阳能热电站换热器的重要结构形式。
The engineers were in Baghdad to carry out repairs at a power station. They were seized by unidentified gunmen late Monday. 上周一,这些工程师被不明身份的枪手劫持,他们当时在巴格达的一个发电所执行修理任务。
It is suggested that greenhouses could be built on this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in to supply the heat they need. 有提议表明,温室也应该建立在这样的地方,因为可以向温室泵入发电站产生的废气,来提供温室所需要的热能。
We were in Ukraine, in Chernobyl. It was exactly the place where they later built the [infamous] nuclear power station. 我们在乌克兰的切尔诺贝利,就是后来建造了那座臭名昭著的核电站的地方。
Edison then built a factory for the production of his light in Menlo Park, and an electric power station in New York City. 爱迪生在门洛园建造了一家生产电灯的工厂,并在纽约市建成了一座发电站。
Workers are battling to contain radiation from the power station amid signs it may be continuously leaking into the sea. 工人们正在奋力遏制福岛核电站的辐射泄漏,有迹象表明放射性物质可能仍在向大海泄漏。
"For the next two to three years with gas supplies and power station availability, we are in a plentiful position, " Buchanan said. 在未来的两到三年内,由于天然气供应和发电厂数量充足,能源供应处于一个足够的状态。
A: Then you need only a few truck loads of fuel at a nuclear power station instead of many train loads of coal. 那么一座核电站你只需要几卡车的燃料,鹅不食许多类火车的煤。
If electricity could only be transmitted over short distances, the power station would have to be built near our location. 如果电只能短矩离传,电站就得设在我们井场附近。