
美 [pɑlm, pɑm]英 [pɑːm]
  • n.手掌;手心;棕榈树
  • v.把…藏在手中(尤指玩戏法)
  • 网络奔迈;棕榈油;掌状物

复数:palms 现在分词:palming 过去式:palmed



n. v.

1.手掌;手心the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers

2.棕榈树a straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top, growing in tropical countries. There are several types of palm tree, some of which produce fruit.


have sb in the palm of your hand

完全控制某人;把某人攥在手心里to have complete control or influence over sb


奔迈奔迈(PALM) CENTRO 2李贞贤手机壁纸


手字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 手札〖 autographletter〗 手掌palm〗 手杖〖 walkingstick〗 ...


各种花的英文?_百度知道 ... 蒲葵--------- -----Chinese fan-palm 棕榈- -------------palm


Flickr: linkway88's Photostream ... A stream ~ 小溪 Palm ~ 棕榈树 Kayaks ~ 独木舟 ...


New Page 1 ... palm kernel 棕榈仁粗粉 palm 棕榈油 palm stearic 棕榈硬脂酸 ...


P开头的单词记忆中国记忆力训练网 ... panic n.恐慌,惊慌 palm n.手掌,手心;掌状物 paw n.脚爪 ...


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... palace 宫殿,华丽大厦 palm 手掌,手心,棕榈(树) pamphlet 小册子 ...

Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart. 面向太阳的方向,双脚并拢站立,双手胸前合十。
And he gathered unto him the children of Ammon and Amalek, and went and smote Israel, and possessed the city of palm trees. 伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人,去攻打以色列人,占据棕树城。
If it isn't possible to comfortably touch the floor with the bottom hand or fingertips, support the palm on a block. 如果下面的手或手指不能舒服的接触到地板,用瑜伽砖来支撑手掌。
Then he asked if he could read my palm. I gave him my left hand and he proceeded to put me together like a three-piece puzzle. 而后他问我能否看看我的手相。我让他看左手,而后他将我组合起来,就像拼图。
By a simple trick like this, palm trees, sandy beaches, and blue, clear skies had been brought into the studio! 通过一个简单的诀窍,棕榈树、沙滩、和蓝色,晴朗的天空被带进工作室!
In a piece entitled "The Keeper of Sheep" , painted palm fronds sit on a white box at the bottom of a white stick. 一个名叫“牧羊人”的雕塑作品:白色枝条编织而成的底座像只白盒子,里面插了一些上了色的宽大的棕榈叶。
Why the palm is paralytic the meeting is unexpected paralytic , and still lasted to have two weeks quickly, one up-to-date? 为什么手掌麻痹会突然间麻痹,而且还持续了快有两个星期,一直到现在?。
Strangers meet, as there was no malicious each other, hands on hunting down the sticks or stones, for the other side feel palm. 陌生人相遇,如彼此并无恶意,就放下手中狩猎用的棍棒或石块,让对方摸摸掌心。
I threw my hands out to brace the fall, and my hand drove into a broken tree branch beneath it, opening a hole in the middle of my palm. 我伸手想要阻止下滑,却撑到一根破树枝,手掌正中开了个洞。
Feel I lay down on the white beach, the sun through a palm leaves to me ~ ~ ~! 感觉自己就躺在那白色沙滩上,阳光透过棕树叶射到我的身上~~~!
His wife was looking out of the window. It was quite dark now and still raining in the palm trees. 他的妻子正望着窗外。天很黑了。雨水仍打在棕榈树上。
He holds one hand up, the palm open and ready to smack her, again, and Lenny says, "You're taking outside assignments, aren't you? " 他举起一只手,手张开准备再打她,莱尼说,“你在接外面的活儿,是不是?”
A memorable way to think about this action whilst you are swimming is to visualise a smiley face drawn on the palm of your hand. 一个令人难忘的方式去思考这个动作,而你在游泳去想象在你的手掌有画一个笑脸。
Theformer are casually wrapped by closing the palm on a wrapper with a dab of pork and vegetable filling as if crumpling a sheet of paper. 前者是随意包裹关闭棕榈油的包装与民建联的猪肉和蔬菜如crumpling填写一张纸。
Then stretched out his hands, like the water in the palm of your hand, but they always from my fingers go. 然后伸出双手,想把雨水捧在手心,但它们总是从我的指缝里流走。
We walked on, I could feel the cold, as if someone's icy hand was palm-down on my back. 我们再往前走,我感觉到天气的寒冷,就像有人用冰冷的手掌按在我的背上。
to see a world in a grail of sand , and a heaven in wild flower. hold infinity in the palm of your hand, etinity is an hour. 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,一朵野花中看到天堂,把握在手中的就是无限,一小时就是永远!
See it as if there have been many spirit, my mood also immediately warmed up, completely opened my palm, let it began to free waving wings. 看到它仿佛有了许多精神,俺的心情也随之活跃起来,彻底翻开我的掌心,让它开始自由挥动着翅膀。
He bought eight thousand acres in a little town which he said would be the only Dutch town where you can see palm trees. 他在一个小镇买下八千畂地,他说:这里会成为唯一的荷兰城。
With its palm trees, beautiful beaches and five-star resorts, Hainan Island is often nicknamed "Haiwaii of China" . 美丽的海滩,碧绿的棕榈树,豪华的五星度假酒店,海南岛一直以来就是中国人心中的夏威夷。
"I keep a picture of him in my wallet, " Vassello testified in court in West Palm Beach, Florida. 法瑟罗在佛罗里达西棕榈滩的法庭上作证时说:「我都把牠的照片放在皮夹里。」
Even before HP (HPQ) bought Palm, webOS was a fine operating system, but it failed to draw a critical mass of developers. 即使在惠普(HP)收购Palm之前,WebOS也是一款不错的操作系统,但它并没能吸引到足够的开发者。
Hands. Stockton has disproportionately long fingers, allowing him to palm the ball out of a dribble. 双手。老斯的手指超乎寻常的长,他能运球的时候把球抓住。
Two years later he provoked a storm when he (temporarily) replaced some of the cocoa-butter in the company's chocolate with palm oil. 两年后又引起了一场风暴,临时将公司巧克力使用的原料可可油换成了棕榈油。
His aspect was worried, and his head was as bald as the palm of my hand. 他神情忧郁,头象我的手掌那样光秃。
And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. 在这一天,我们婚礼的这一天,我向你承诺,我承诺将我的心放在你的掌心。
Tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves a swell in the sea, Full moon, like the heart-throb of the world. 今晚棕榈叶间有一股骚动,海也涌起波涛,满月如世界的心悸动。
Taking their cue from the innocent Johnny, they sat down on the fallen palm trunks and waited. 他们从天真的约翰尼身上得到启示,坐等在倒下的棕榈树干上。
Spray some of the specialized chemical (that turns into a make-shift writing surface) on the palm of your hand and doodle with the pen-end. 喷雾专门化学一些(即曲折的转变成为一个使书写表面)在你的手和涂鸦的笔底手掌。
Initially, the only way I could communicate was to spell out words, one letter at a time, on the palm of my girlfriend's hand. 最初,我所能和外界交流的方式就是一个字母一个字母地在女友的手掌心里拼出单词。