
美 [prɪˈper]英 [prɪˈpeə(r)]
  • v.准备;筹备;配制;预备
  • 网络备料流程

第三人称单数:prepares 现在分词:preparing 过去式:prepared

prepare report,prepare worst,prepare food,prepare plan,prepare dinner
prepare meticulously



《Friends》词汇表B ... certificate n. 证书, 证明书 prepares v. 准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 immune adj. 免疫的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... certificate n. 证书, 证明书 prepares v. 准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 immune adj. 免疫的 ...


麦凯图 ... 成品库 END PRODUCT 备料流程 PREPARES 制作流程 MRNUFRCTURE ...

The hostess is preparing, she did not have prepares you to arrive completely, could make her to feel extremely awkwardly. 女主人正在做准备,她还没完全准备好你就到了,会使她感到非常尴尬。
And the president's trip, in part, was a chance to put the best possible face on the situation there as he prepares to leave office. 布什总统此行,在某种程度上,有可能在他离任之前让这里的局势尽可能更好一些。
Sitting back in his chair, he smiles and prepares his application to be deployed to the world; two hundred files, for a simple forum. 靠在椅子上,他微笑着准备把这个程序——一个由200多个文件构成的小型论坛——发布到互联网上。
The cell prepares for meiosis just as it does for mitosis. But as the DNA condenses, each chromosome finds its homologous counterpart. 细胞减数分裂的准备同有丝分裂一样。但是,随着DNA的浓缩,每个染色体都会与其同源染色体配对。
Sebastian Schnuelle checks one of his dog's paws as as he prepares to leave the Nikolai, Alaska checkpoint March 9. 塞巴斯蒂安Schnuelle检查他的狗的爪子之一,他准备离开尼古拉,阿拉斯加检查站3月9日。
Testing your strategy by restoring a set of backups and recovering your database prepares you to respond effectively to a disaster. 通过还原一组备份并恢复数据库来测试您的策略,为有效地应对灾难做好准备。
Li will join the team in Napa Valley, Calif. , for a week-long stay as it prepares for the 2007 season. 李超然将在加利福尼亚的纳帕山谷与球队会合,并在突袭者备战2007赛季的时候与球队共处一周。
You know what the topics are going to be, so prepares what you would like to say in advance. 你知道话题会是什么,就提前准备你想说的。
On the same day that Henry starts his new job at Global Dynamics, Jack's ex-wife Abby prepares to take Zoe home with her to Los Angeles. 就这亨利重返全球动力局,开始新工作的那一天,杰克的前妻艾比出现了--她此行是来带祖伊回洛城的。
Prepares the set of commands for a specified item prior to showing it, by calling any event handlers that might be set on the. 事件设置的任何事件处理程序,以便在显示指定项之前准备该项的命令集。
This prepares the loop to process the next block with an initial vector equal to the result of the first block. 于是循环可以用与第一块的结果相等的初始矢量处理下一块。
Now the party is all the more anxious as it prepares to celebrate, on July 1st, the 90th anniversary of its founding. 这几天CPC则比以前更加焦虑,因为他正准备着建党90周年的周年庆祝。
The size of the audience also explains why so much is at stake for China as it prepares to host its first Olympics. 观众的规模还说明,在中国首次筹办奥运会的过程中,为何会有如此多的利弊需要权衡。
We are ready to make a very important announcement that prepares the ground for our formal first contact with you. 我们已经准备了一个非常重要的公告,这将为我们正式的接触打下基础。
But even as she prepares to turn 70, she has every reason to expect she'll be around for at least another two decades. 但即使她很快就要过第70个生日,她完全有理由再享受预计至少二十年的生活。
teacher prepares sugar, salt, tangerine powder, sand, bean for the children. please put them into water and see what will happen. 老师为小朋友准备了糖,盐,橘子粉,沙子,豆子,请你们放入水中,看看有什么现象发生。
The surface receiving mechanism detects the plunger when it arrives at surface and, through the control system, prepares for the next cycle. 当柱塞到达地面时地面接收机构对柱塞进行检测。同时,通过控制系统准备下一个循环。
Huang, as he prepares to graduate, can look back on his gaokao experience with satisfaction, but knows that his joy is far from universal. 黄志敏,由于他快要毕业了,他可以轻松地回望他的高考经历,但是他的乐趣远远不是独一无二的。
It brings you up-to-date and properly prepares you for doing business within the international market TODAY. 它将以最新的最适用的知识武装你,使你能够在国际市场上游刃有余。
The Apec meeting has come at a difficult moment for Mr Bush as he prepares for a fresh political battle with Congress over Iraq. 此次亚太经合组织会议的召开时间,对布什而言是个艰难时刻,因为他正准备与美国国会就伊拉克问题展开新一轮政治较量。
It all goes back to the body's need for a special pre-waking hour, when it prepares for morning. 这一切都可以追溯到我们的身体需要一个特殊的预先醒来时间,为我们的早晨做准备。
A certificate in this field prepares you for an entry-level position as a technician with a surveying firm. 拥有此领域的证书,你就可以作为一个初级测量技师进入测量公司。
The PGCE prepares graduates for teaching through an intensive one-year full-time programme or two years part-time programme. 为毕业生成为教师做准备的PGCE课程,通过一年的集中全职课程或者两年的业余课程。
taxes This unit prepares the reports that the company must file with the various government ( local, state, and federal) agencies. 税务。该部门处理公司必须存档于不同的政府(当地政府、州政府及联邦政府)机构的文件报告。
Stretching allows you to improve the range of your movements and also prepares your body to physical performances. 拉伸可以加大你的运动范围,让身体表现更强劲。
We offer intense training, weekly workshops, and a career development program that prepares our staff to be tomorrow's business leaders. 我们提供密集培训,每周召开的专题讨论会,和职业发展项目来帮助我们的员工成为明日的商业领袖。
Note that this doesn't really connect to the SOAP Web service - it only prepares some internal fields of this component. 注意,这样并没有真正连接到SOAPWeb服务——这只是准备好了该组件的一些内部字段。
As he prepares to meet his future trainer, a series of devilish howls from the cave causes him to dash forward to the rescue. 当他准备迎接自己的未来教练机,一系列的恶魔嚎叫从洞穴的原因他短跑着救援。
This is the heart of the XML client: It prepares XML messages from data exported by an accounting package. 这一部分是XML客户机的核心:XML可以从计费程序包导出的数据中生成XML消息。
Dance is an important part of training as it prepares you for the types of movements required in gymnastics. 舞蹈是训练中的一个重要部分,因为它为你完成体操所需要的各种动作做了准备。