at dusk

  • na.在黄昏时刻
  • 网络傍晚;黄昏时分;薄暮

at duskat dusk

at dusk


高一英语必修1单词_百度知道 ... dusk 黄昏 at dusk 在黄昏 thunder 打雷 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... dusk 黄昏傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder vi 打雷雷鸣 ...


我能给多音字注音并组词_百度知道 ... [under an unlucky star] 生来命运不好,福分不大 [at dusk] 傍晚 [poor soil] 贫瘠的田地 ...


高一英语必修一词... ... 18.face to face 面对面地 dusk 黄昏时分 a first or second language 作为第一或第二语 …


薄的多音字组词有哪些 - 精华知识 - 搜搜问问 ... 10. 薄命[ under an unlucky star] 11. 薄暮[ at dusk] 12. 薄情[ fickle] ...


带“日”字的词语 。_百度知道 ... 日冕[ corona] 日暮[ at dusk] 日暮途穷[ be on its last legs] ...

Birdlike, he retired at dusk, lying on the bare floor with a wooden block under his head like a pillow. 他像小鸟一样,黄昏就寝,用木板作枕头,躺在光秃秃的地板上。
There will be a thundershower at dusk. Take an umbrella with you to work. 傍晚有雷阵雨。上班时带把伞吧。
He had led her to the rendezvous in a hovel on the city's outskirts, leaving Onn just at dusk. 他俩在薄暮时分离开安城,他领着她来到郊外一间约定好的小茅舍。
Once he even materialized before her as she was walking up the stairs at dusk . 有一回,她在朦胧的暮色中上楼,他甚至是在她面前显灵。
Fishing boats are streaming into the harbour at dusk, their masters calling out to one another. 黄昏时分渔船驶进港口,船长们互相招呼着。
Chaoyang Men Wai Street, at dusk into the night, rush hour traffic flow in and out of the center of Beijing, contrast. 北京市朝阳门外大街,黄昏入夜、交通高峰时段,进出北京市中心的汽车流量,对比鲜明。
And even now, the view from Waterloo Bridge at dusk is enough to make me pull over for a few minutes of silent gazing. 即使是现在,黄昏时分从滑铁卢桥上看到的风景还是会让我停下自行车,静静地凝视片刻。
Sparse woods at dusk, fresh twigs coming out of old trunks, the budding wickers, all give a both warm and chilly sense of early spring. 疏林与薄暮,老干新枝,柳条抽芽,描画了乍暖还寒的意境。
It was fully a week before the villagers noticed that no lights were appearing at dusk in the windows of the cottage under the trees. 整整一个星期过去了居民们才发现黄昏时刻树荫中那农民的棚屋里没了光亮。
As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 November, they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents. 这两个孩子十一月一日黄昏划船经过红树林时发现一具裹在地毯里严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述其父母。
Walking along the path in the countryside at dusk, I enjoy the company of my old cow. 走在乡间的小路上,暮归的老牛是我同伴。
At dusk, mother and son began to fidget up, while her son before her face were posted in the windows of the flat, Zhang looked at. 黄昏时分,母子俩开始坐立不安起来,而儿子在窗玻璃前把脸都贴扁了,张望着。
A long time ago to embrace the place where I was born has not at dusk, day and night staggered, turnover times of the heart. 很久以前拥抱我出生的地方已经不在,日日夜夜白天黄昏的交错,时代更替了心底。
At dusk of a summer day when the sun was still burning, people gathered at the riverside. 一个夏日的傍晚,五时刚过,烈日余威尚存,市民们便已三三两两向江滩聚集。
Within 200 kilometers of the caldera, most sunlight would be blocked out, so the sky at noon would look like that at dusk. 火山臼周围200公里内,大多数的阳光会被遮蔽,使中午的天空看来就像是黄昏。
Much like the small lights humans like to hang at Christmas, everything sparkled at dusk in this time period. 就象人类喜欢在圣诞节悬挂的小蜡烛,在当时,每一件事物在黄昏都闪耀着。
Chaoyang Men Wai Street, at dusk into the night, rush hour traffic out of the center of Beijing's cars, contrasts. 北京市朝阳门外大街,黄昏入夜、交通高峰时段,进出北京市中心的轿车流量,对比鲜明。
When I was a child, I was always afraid of darkness, because dark birds flew in the sky at dusk. 3小时侯,我总是害怕天黑,因为傍晚天空里飞过的都是黑色的鸟。
Who will be in the dawn, the rain falls the dream at dusk, often respond to your miss, tolerate you to your smile, willful stupidly. 谁还会在黎明梦醒,雨落的黄昏,不差分毫的回应你的想念,容忍你的任性,笑对你的拙笨。
After five hours, we at last pull up to our inn, along the steep, narrow main drag of Angangueo at dusk. 五个小时后的黄昏时分,巴士终于停在我们的旅馆前。
One day, at dusk when most people got off work and the traffic congestion reached the peak, I slipped into a bus quietly. 在傍晚下班、交通最拥堵的时候,鬼使神差地,我挤上了一辆公交车。
As an example, one of the best shots I have ever taken was of a body of still water at dusk. 举个例子,我认为我拍的最好的一张照片就是黄昏时分一片静静的湖水。
The buildings use a horizontal gradient fill effect that darkens near the base of the buildings to mimic the light at dusk . 建筑使用水平渐变填充效果,该效果在接近建筑地基处变暗,以模仿黄昏时的光线。
Referring to this relationship, Manet noted Leonardo da Vinci's advice to a disciple to closely observe how faces changed at dusk. 在谈到这一关系,马奈指出达芬奇的意见,一个弟子,密切观察面临黄昏改变。
At dusk, the sun shines out my quest with shadow, the hot air has been gradually subsided, slightly sore feet, slowing progress. 傍晚黄昏,夕阳斜照出我那道相随而伴的孤影,空气中的燥热已渐渐沉寂,微微发酸的双脚,放缓了前行的步伐。
Go up a hill in the morning, return at dusk, the scenery in four seasons is different, and that is happy too infinite to have To the limit. 早晨上山,傍晚返回,四季的景色不同,而那快乐也是无穷无尽的。
Albert would not sleep alone. He would drop everything at dusk to find Leopold. 艾伯特从不单独睡,一到傍晚,它就会放下一切事情去寻找利奥波德。
At dusk the train deposited many passengers at Irkutsk, from where they could explore Lake Baikal or take trains into Mongolia and China. 日暮时分,列车在伊尔库茨克上了许多旅客,在这个地方可以出发去贝加尔湖探险,也可以转车前往蒙古和中国。
One day I saw a raccoon up in a tree at dusk. 有一天黄昏时,我看到一只浣熊在树上。
Her voice is as gentle as breeze, the spring breeze at dusk sweeping across the lake far on the top of remote mountain. 她的声音也轻柔得像是风,黄昏时吹动远山上池水的春风。