
美 [hi]英 [hiː]
  • pron.他;它(指雄性动物)
  • abbr.【化】元素氦 的符号
  • n.雄性;雄性动物
  • int.
  • 网络氦(helium);贺;彼

复数:they 复数:hes 复数:he's



1.他;它(指雄性动物)a male person or animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified

2.人(指性别未说明或不知道的男性或女性,尤指曾提过的人或泛指某群体)a person, male or female, whose sex is not stated or known, especially when referring to sb mentioned earlier or to a group in general

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... she pron. 她 he pron. aunt n. 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;舅母 ...


氦这一排元素叫钝气(He)氖(Ne)氩(Ar)氪(Kr)氙(Xe)氡(Rn)都要背隔壁左边这排叫卤素氟(F)氯(Cl)溴(Br)碘(I)要背,砈(At)有功夫 …

如果是he)音赫,老姓赫舍里氏,赫叶勒氏,赫叶尔氏,或者赫书氏。黑龙江最大的一支满族赫(he)姓,是凤凰城赫舍 …

...径 (too5 king) 沟通, 或是留落伤害(he)检采会好嘛未完全咧噢 .

御心香帅吧_百度贴吧 ... w接近神 enjoy 6-2 he 人 he 6-1 ...



"There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none, " she said. "It was the right thing to do. " 她说:“我不可能眼看着他死,而自己却留着两个肾。这么做是正确的决定。”
As a gentleman himself, he thought it was only impertinent curiosity to ask where any other gentleman lived. 作为一个上等人,他认为,打听别人住在哪里是无礼的举动,是多管闲事。
'I wanted to live my life and not go die, ' he said. 'So I got up, and I found some ski tracks, and I followed those. “我想活命,不想死……所以我起身,按照节目中介绍的另一条求生技巧,找到一些滑雪道,沿着它们下山,”他说。
He said he had stolen the food because his mother was starving to death and there was barely any food left in the house. 他说他偷食物是因为他的妈妈快饿死了,家里几乎一点吃的都没有了。
He, like the analyst in England, strengthened her observing ego and "was very soothing, " she said. 就像那位英国分析师,他加强了她的观察中的自我而且“很温柔”她表示。
The problem with him was that he was willing to sacrifice principles too easily for political advantage. 他的问题是他愿意为了政治利益而如此轻易地牺牲原则。
As I was eating, one of my wife's colleagues came up and nudged me. You know that your wife is in the White House, he asked. 我正吃着的时候,我夫人的一个同事走了过来,用胳膊捅了捅我,问:“你知道你夫人在白宫吗?”
Escorted off the plane by a Border Services officer in Vancouver, he made a claim for refugee protection and remains in custody. 加拿大边境服务局在温哥华的一位官员护送这名男子下飞机后,该男子提出申请难民保护,至今他仍被拘留。
He was a bully always picking fights-Wall Street, health insurers, oil companies, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. He took on all comers. 他是个好斗之人,从华尔街、医疗保险公司、石油公司到美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),他跟所有人较量过。
As he was of high birth and of a showy person, the vain Julia was not so much in love as to be insensible to his attentions. 由于他出身高贵,又是个惹眼的美男子,朱莉亚虽然别有所恋,却并非深情得没觉察到他的殷勤劲儿。
'I shall pray for you, 'called Alec as he walked away. 'Who knows, we may meet again! ' “我会为你祈祷的,”亚历克一边走一边喊道,“谁知道呢,也许我们还会再见面的!”
He took Hachiko home, he gave Hachiko a warm home. 他把八公带回家,给八公一个温暖的家。
"If You'd seen how bad he was . . . He was skin and bone, too weak to hold his head up, " he said. 他说:“如果你看过他的情况有多么糟糕……他瘦得皮包骨,虚弱到头都抬不起来。”
Actress Tang finally understand well the tree, he waited for her to have been fond of her. 女主角腾井树终于明白,他在等她,一直喜欢她。
If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday. 如果他今天出发,星期五前就能到那儿。
We are all happy for him, as he's always worked hard and well during training, let's hope this was just a starting point. 他在训练中一直很努力,让我们一起希望这仅仅是一个开始。
But he said the funding should be complemented by support from development agencies and governments for research into health systems. 但是他说这笔资助还应该有来自发展机构和政府的配套资助,用于研究卫生系统。
While Jackie was in Beijing this past week, he took time out to record a song for a musical show celebrating China's 100 Years of Cinema. 大哥上周在北京抽空为一场庆祝中国电影一百年的音乐盛典录制了一首歌曲。
He said Huawei aims to be a transparent and politically neutral company: 'We are not a government owned company. . . 余承东说,华为的目标是成为一个业务透明、政治中立的企业。
And when He entered into the house, His disciples questioned Him privately, Why were we not able to cast it out? 耶稣进了屋子,门徒暗暗地问他说,我们为什么不能赶出它去?
He has chosen his place of residence rather to obey the direction of an old humoursome father, than in pursuit of his own inclinations. 他选择了这么一个栖身之地,与其说是出自个人爱好,不如说是为了服从脾气古怪的老父亲的命令。
"She doesn't seem to respond to noise at all, " he says. "It's as if she can't hear. " “她似乎对声音毫无反应,”他说。“好像她根本听不到。”
Hollinghurst knew he would one day have to confront the subject, but wanted to do so on his own terms. 霍林赫斯特知道自己终有一天会面对这个主题,但他希望以自己的方式来描述它。
"My behavior is always correct, and I always try to motivate people, " he said. “我的行为举止一直都很得体,我总是试着激发人们的上进心,”他说。
He was found hanged June 4 in Bangkok in a reported case of autoerotic asphyxiation, but that's not all that needs explaining. 他被报道于6月4日因自慰而在曼谷窒息死亡,并且这还不是需要解释的全部。
Installing the casing, he said, might delay the rescue at least eight more days. 他说,安装升井舱可能会使救援行动至少耽搁八天以的时间。
He gave the initial impetus to a type of painting which, using analogues of music, developed the themes of abstract expressionism. 他最早促进了这样一种类型的绘画,即它通过运用与音乐相类似的手法,发展了抽象表现主义的主题。
He told me that he remembered it the other day, but he said he forgot it the next day. 就在前一天他还对我说他记得这件事,第二天他就说忘了
Next, she slowly takes Michael's hand and checks the wound as he rests his head on her leg. 接下来,她慢慢拿起Michael的手,检查他的伤势,Michael将头靠在她腿上歇息。
WE may certainly say of Gracian what Heine by an amiable fiction said of himself: he was one of the first men of his century. 我们可以坦然地引用海涅在他平易近人的小说中形容自己的话来形容葛拉西安:“他是本世纪第一男子。”