
美 [əˈtætʃ]英 [ə'tætʃ]
  • v.重视;把…固定;认为有重要性(或意义、价值、分量等);缠着
  • 网络附加;附着;系

第三人称单数:attaches 现在分词:attaching 过去式:attached

attach importance,attach value,attach significance,attach blame,attach string



1.[t]把…固定,把…附(在…上)to fasten or join one thing to another

2.[t]~ importance, significance, value, weight, etc. (to sth)认为有重要性(或意义、价值、分量等);重视to believe that sth is important or worth thinking about

3.[t]~ yourself to sb(有时不受欢迎或未受邀请而)参加,和…在一起,缠着to join sb for a time, sometimes when you are not welcome or have not been invited

4.[i][t](使)与…有联系;与…有关联to be connected with sb/sth; to connect sth to sth


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附着(attach)是一个自顶向下的递归操作,父亲节点总是在子孙节点之前创建他们对应的渲染对象(renderer)。void detach() 分离…

新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... atmosphere n. 大气 attach vt. ,缚 attach vt. 喜爱,依恋 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... assure 肯定;确信 attach 附上;依恋 attain 达到;获得 ...


人教版_高中英语_选修9单词 - 豆丁网 ... nectar,n. 花蜜;甘露 attach,vt. 缚上;系上;附加 wasp,n. 黄蜂 ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... appendix 附录 3. attach 贴上;附上;附加 4. confidential 秘密的;机密的 7. ...


普特英语听力_百度文库 ... adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持 attach vt. 系,贴;使附属 avenue n. 林荫道,大街 ...


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She did not attach much importance to these things, she knew they were just a proof that there are other forces than purely material ones. 她没有赋予这些事情多大的重要性,她知道它们仅仅只是一种验证,证明除了有纯粹物质的力量,还有它种势用的存在而已。
The old man did not seem to attach any importance to the question. 那位老人似乎不重视这个问题。
No, this point only aims to attach the importance to pronunciation. It's not always like that. 这个观点,是为了强调发音的重要性。
Our relevant government departments should attach as much importance to IT industry as they have done to the aerospace industry. 我国政府有关部门,应该像重视航天事业一样重视信息产业。
The analysis of the form of Fei's essay reveals that his concept of "Random Writing" is in essence to attach importance to inspiration. 从散文形式上剖析,废名从六朝散文中提炼出“乱写”的观念,其实质是重灵感的创作心理。
It's a flush mount instead of a mid-mount so we need to attach the slide rail to the front-most tab on the side of the machine. 这是机器与机架的齐平式安装,不是中间式安装,所以我们得把滑动轨道固定在机器侧面前端的固定片上。
Under Available Processes, locate the name of the process to which you want to attach the debugger. 在“可用进程”下,找到要将调试器附加到的进程的名称。
finally, schools should also attach great importance to the study of Chinese, making it a compulsory curriculum. 最后,学校还应注重学习汉语的过程中,使它成为必修课程。
Here's a little trick to help you quickly see how attach mode works if you don't have a JSP to call one of your components. 下面是一些诀窍,以帮助您快速查看附加模式的工作方式(如果不让JSP调用您的组件之一)。
At the moment, when you want toe-mail photos you have to open each one in GIMP, reduce the size and then attach it to your message. 现在,如果你想通过邮件发送图片,则必须逐个用打开GIMP裁减,在添加到附件中。
At the bottom of your note, attach homemade coupons that she can cash in for a free massage whenever the mood strikes her. 在字条的底部附上自制的免费票,这样不管何时,只要她心情不好呢,都可以免费的享受到一个按摩。
We can see how much importance that the American attach to sports. 由此可见,美国是多么重视体育的啦德语翻译。
During this process hydrophobic particles attach to air bubbles in solution, which allows them to be separated as froth at the surface. 在此过程中疏水颗粒重视气泡在溶液中,使它们能够将失散的泡沫表面。
The language used in ads differs from ordinary language . A good ad often uses words to which make people attach positive meanings. 广告里所用的语言同普通语言是不同的。好的广告常常使用能引起人们正面联想的词语。
I didn't bother your meaning, but Europe is lusty, he seems to be not to want to see my heel you lonely and attach. 我没有要打扰你的意思,但欧烈,他似乎并不想看到我跟你单独在一起。
Just as you can add or attach new partitions to a partitioned table, you can also remove existing partitions. 正如可以向分区表添加或附加新分区一样,也可以删除现有分区。
If you choose not to enable debugging, the page runs in the default browser but does not allow you to attach a debugger to it. 如果您选择不启用调试,则页会在默认浏览器中运行,但是不允许您向其附加调试器。
But concerns remain over how much money Germany will pledge as Europe's biggest economy, and what conditions it will attach to the funds. 关于最为欧洲最大的经济体德国将会保证、以及什么条件下会附加到资金的忧虑仍然存在。
The poachers attach the spear to a length of rope, throw the spear into a hippo , and then pull out and repeat until the animal is dead. 他们把长矛系在一根长绳上,将长矛掷向河马,再拉回来,并不断重复这个动作,直到河马死去。
The whole incident was so out of the natural that she did not attach too much weight to anything she imagined. 整个这件事情都是这样异常,她对自己心里想的事也就不大重视了。
Just, from that, 3 people have amusement to the suburb attach, didn't take how much bodyguard. 只是,从那一次,三人一起去郊外玩,并没有带多少侍卫。
Attach it to the dismembered leg of an unsuspecting cockroach and listen to its neurons as an iPhone interface creates visualizations. 将它附着到一只毫无戒心的蟑螂的肢解腿上,便能像iPhone界面创造的视觉化一样聆听它的神经元。
I didn't attach a note. It was my way of reestablishing contact with her at a time when she was angry with me. 我没有附上字条,这是在她生我的气时我与她重新建立联系的方式。
Most suspension systems attach the shock to a moving linkage at the top, and a fixed frame mount on the bottom. 大多数避震系统将减震器上端连接在一个可移动的部件,下部则连接在固定的车架部分上。
As the least-benefit owners, the only way to carry out their expectation is to attach to the industry management echelon. 作为权利不平等分配中的“最不利者”,工人只有通过依附于企业管理层才能实现自己的期望。
You were lucky. When I was a kid, if I wanted an EEG, I had to attach my own electrodes. 你太幸福了。我小时候要想做脑电图,电极都得自己带上。
I attach here my picture for you, though I am not all that photogenic, i hope you wouldn't mind. for you to see what i look like. 附件里是我的照片,虽然我不是很上镜,但我希望你不要介意。我想让你看看我的样子。
Attach Balance Sheets of the past years. If the company has less than years of operations, attach information for parent Company. 请附公司近三年资产负债表,如公司经营期未满三年,请附母公司状况。
He considered it was ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to daily routines. 他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。
It would be easy to attach this to a stereotype of women leaders as not in control of their emotions. 很容易会把这联系到一种关于女性领导者的陈词滥调,即她们不擅于控制自己的情感。