
美 [ˈætrɪˌbjuːt]英 [ˈætrɪˌbjut]
  • n.属性;象征
  • v.把…归因于;认为…属于;认为某人(某物)具有某种特性
  • 网络定语;特征;品质

过去式:attributed 现在分词:attributing 第三人称单数:attributes

attribute blame


v. n.

1.~ sth to sth把…归因于;认为…是由于to say or believe that sth is the result of a particular thing

2.认为是…所为(或说、写、作)to say or believe that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially for saying, writing or painting sth


属性attribute)节点的 nodeName 是属性名称文本(text)节点的 nodeName 永远是 #text 文档(document)节点的 nodeNa…


特性attribute)是被指定给某一声明的一则附加的声明性信息。 在C#中,有一个小的预定义特性集合。


5. 定语 (Attribute) 用来修饰名词或名词性词组。 a) 位置:通常位于名词或名词性词组之前,有时也可放在之后(I want somethin…


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... attractive a. 有吸引力的 attribute vt. 把…归因于 n.属性 audience n. 听众,观众,读者 ...


MPA英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... attractive a. 有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的 attribute n. 属性,品质,特征 auction n. 拍卖 ...


MPA英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... attractive a. 有吸引力的,引起兴趣的,动人的 attribute n. 属性,品质,特征 auction n. 拍卖 ...


2013年4月自考英语二考前答案 ... (bilingual: 会说两种语言的)。 (attribute特质;才能) (dissent: 不同意) ...

In the ARTS Data Model, the entity name is often used as a prefix for attribute names. 在ARTS数据模型中,实体名称经常作为属性名称的前缀。
After the doctor is checked, discover, fetal eye grows to go up in afterbrain , attribute growth unusual. 医生检查后发现,胎儿的眼睛长在后脑上,属于发育异常。
On the surface, the most maintainable approach is to eschew DTOs altogether and get one attribute at a time from the client. 从表面上看,可维护性最好的方法就是完全避免DTO,而采用一次从客户机获取一个属性的方法。
Being able to properly validate and ensure that this attribute's value is always present can be invaluable (no pun intended). 能够正确验证并确保存在属性值是非常重要的(避免出现双关语)。
Indicates that the class to which this attribute is applied is not dependent on whether the context has synchronization. 指示应用此属性的类与该上下文是否有同步无关。此字段为常数。
It is possible for a binding to have more than one associated attribute, as they tend to handle orthogonal activities. 一个绑定可以有多个相关联的属性,因此可以处理互不相关的多个活动。
Attributes apply to all descendants of the element containing the attribute unless overridden by one of the child elements. 属性的值应用于包含该属性的元素的所有子代,但由一个子元素覆盖时除外。
Then specify the value of that attribute as the name of the event handler method that you defined in the code-behind file of the XAML page. 接著将该属性的值指定为您在XAML页面的程式码后置档案中所定义的事件处理常式方法的名称。
It would be nice if thread safety were a binary attribute of a class, and you could just document whether the class is thread-safe or not. 如果线程安全性是类的一个二元属性就好了,您只需要记录类是线程安全还是线程不安全的。
Multiple Attribute identifiers can be specified for a code object if different values are used for the attribute name. 如果属性名使用不同的值,则可以为代码对象指定多个Attribute标识符。
The recommended usage is that this attribute specifies a private nested type that occurs within the type to which the attribute is applied. 建议的用法是此属性指定一个私有嵌套类型,它出现在该属性所应用到的类型中。
The path attribute can be used to identify a specific file or child directory to which unique configuration settings apply. path属性可用于标识特定的文件或子目录,将对其应用唯一的配置设置。
The door is a symbol of space implied by its presence here shows that some changes have taken place in space attribute. 门是一种空间暗示的符号,它的存在表明此处空间属性发生了某种改变。
An attribute value of a particular query result object is disclosed if there is at least one policy that allows its disclosure. 如果至少有一个策略允许公开特定查询结果对象的一个属性值,那么就会公开它。
It loops over a set of elements (selected through the select attribute as well), in this case the various items. 它循环遍历一组元素(也是通过select属性选中的),在本例中是不同的item。
The parent item is not fully loaded because its children attribute is not an array that lists all the children of this item. 父条目不能被完全加载,因为其children属性不是一个列出所有子条目的数组。
If you reload (or reopen) the page, you'll see nothing different at all; the addition of an id attribute has no visual effect on a Web page. 如果重新加载(或者打开)该页面,可以看到毫无变化,增加id属性对网页的外观没有影响。
The attribute of a routine that allows the same copy of the routine to be used by two or more tasks. 例行程序的一种属性,它允许该例行程序的同一个复本可由两个或多个任务使用。
Attribute, when applied to a module, allows the module members to be accessed using only the qualification needed for the module. 属性应用于某模块时,此属性允许仅使用该模块所需的限定访问该模块的成员。
If it is in a database, each row describes a user and each column contains an attribute of that user. 如果这些信息在数据库中,则每一行描述一个用户,而每一列则包含该用户的一个属性。
In an interview, he said it would have been disingenuous to attribute her exit to other reasons. 在接受记者采访时,他说,它已坦诚归因于她的退出其他原因。
Internet Explorer (at least as of version 6) does a fair job, but seems to ignore the display: inline attribute. InternetExplorer(至少是版本6)做得也不错,只是好象忽略了display:inline属性。
This distinction of an attribute having child nodes is important when trying to remove attributes or attribute child nodes. 当试图移除属性或属性子节点时,属性这种具有子节点的特性很重要。
You can also use the template parameter T for an attribute's type, in the same way as it was used for the method's return type. 您也可以使用模板参数T来定义一个属性类型,用同样的方式它也可以用作定义该种方式的回转类型。
I attribute all this to the fact that what should have been for me the happy joyous days of childhood were spent on a chicken farm. 我要把这一切归结于这样一个事实,本该是愉快、欢乐的童年,我却是在养鸡场度过的。
If you don't want the active rule to be reevaluated, you should include the rule's optional no-loop attribute and give it a value of true. 如果不希望这种情况发生,则应该包括rule的可选no-loop属性并将其赋值为true。
Objects by using the name and binding attribute that correspond to all public members or to all members that match a specified name. 方法使用与所有公共成员或与匹配指定名称的所有成员对应的名称和绑定属性来检索。
Indicates that the class to which this attribute is applied cannot be created in a context that has synchronization. 指示不能在具有同步的上下文中创建该属性所应用于的类。
In this usage, the name associated with the id attribute must be unique with respect to all other style IDs within the current document. 这样用时,id属性的值必须与当前文档中所有其他样式ID的名称都不同。
Attribute to marshal the Boolean type to any of the representations shown in the following table. 属性来将布尔类型封送到下表中显示的任何一种表示形式。