
美 [bit]英 [biːt]
  • v.打;超过;射;走出
  • n.跳动;节拍;抢先;悸动
  • adj.垮掉;完了;累极了;属于“垮掉的一代”的
  • 网络打败;敲打;拍子

过去分词:beaten 第三人称单数:beats 现在分词:beating

beat boy,beat opponent,beat record,beat odds,beat bush
easily beat


比赛in game

1.[t]~ sb (at sth)(在比赛或竞争中)赢,打败(某人)to defeat sb in a game or competition


2.[t](informal)~ sth控制to get control of sth

太难be too difficult

3.[t](informal)难倒to be too difficult for sb

更好be better

4.[t]~ sth比…更好;赛过;胜过to do or be better than sth


5.[t](informal)~ sth避免;逃避to avoid sth


6.[i][t]敲打;锤砸to hit sb/sth many times, usually very hard

心脏;鼓;翅膀of heart/drums/wings

7.[i][t](使)规律作响,作节奏运动to make, or cause sth to make, a regular sound or movement


8.[t](用叉等)快速搅拌,打to mix sth with short quick movements with a fork, etc.

使金属成形shape metal

9.[t]把(金属等)锤成;敲打(成…)to change the shape of sth, especially metal, by hitting it with a hammer, etc.

开辟路径make path

10.[t]~ sth (through, across, along, etc. sth)踏出,踩出(道路)to make a path, etc. by walking somewhere or by pressing branches down and walking over them


beat about the bush

拐弯抹角地讲话;绕圈子to talk about sth for a long time without coming to the main point

beat sb at their own game

赢某人的看家本领;打败某人的强项to defeat or do better than sb in an activity which they have chosen or in which they think they are strong

beat your brains out

绞尽脑汁;反复推敲to think very hard about sth for a long time

beat your breast

捶胸顿足(尤指对自己的作为刻意表示悲伤或愧疚)to show that you feel sorry about sth that you have done, especially in public and in an exaggerated way

beat the clock

提前完成任务(或跑到终点等)to finish a task, race, etc. before a particular time

beat it

滚开;立即走开to go away immediately

beat a path to sbs door

使门庭若市;蜂拥而至;使成注意焦点if a lot of peoplebeat a path to sb's door , they are all interested in sth that person has to sell, or can do or tell them

beat the rap

逃脱惩罚to escape without being punished

beat a (hasty) retreat

(仓促)逃走;(慌忙)撤退to go away or back quickly, especially to avoid sth unpleasant

beat time (to sth)

(随着音乐)打拍子to mark or follow the rhythm of music, by waving a stick, tapping your foot, etc.

beat sb to the punch

抢先下手;抢在前面to get or do sth before sb else can

can you beat that/it!

难以置信;太不像话used to express surprise or anger

if you cant beat them, join them

打不赢,就投靠if you cannot defeat sb or be as successful as they are, then it is more sensible to join them in what they are doing and perhaps get some advantage for yourself by doing so

off the beaten track

远离闹市;偏远far away from other people, houses, etc.

a rod/stick to beat sb with

用以责备或惩罚某人的事实依据(或把柄等)a fact, an argument, etc. that is used in order to blame or punish sb

take some beating

难以超越to be difficult to beat

英文字根_百度百科 ... 38、barr = stick 棒,栏 40、bat = beat ,击 42、biblio = book 书 ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... bearing n. 关系,联系 beat vt. 打败 bedraggle vt. (在泥水中)拖湿 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... beard n. 胡须 beat n. 敲打,拍子 beautiful adj. 美丽的 ...


58:拍子beat) 小节的单位时值小节的拍子结构以拍子记号(time signayure)表示。62:和声(harmony) 不同高度的乐 …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... beast 野兽 beat 敲打;跳动 beaten 疲惫;破败 ...


假面骑士Fourze_百度百科 ... 剪刀 Scissors 节拍 Beat 流星锤 Chain arrays ...

字典中 薄 字的解释 ... (1) 通“迫”。迫近;接近[ approach] (3) 通“博”。搏;拍;击[ beat] (5) 减少,减损,减轻[ reduce] ...

During the 'altered state', the part of each person's brain that controls the nervous system began to beat together. 在这一“变化状态”中,每个人大脑中控制神经系统的那一部分就会开始同步运作。
This season has been a bit strange. We have done really well against all the top teams but have sometimes struggled to beat the others. 本赛季有些奇怪,我们在对阵强队的比赛中表现很棒,但在与弱队的比赛中遭遇到很多困难。
IBM's solution seems to be the most mature so far being based on Watson technology, an AI system that beat two of the best Jeopardy! IBM的解决方案是迄今为止看起来最为成熟的,基于Watson技术,这是一个AI系统,它打败了两名今年的Jeopardy!
Although Nichols, 35, said he hasn't noticed any negative effects, his wife says he looks beat up and run down. 尽管35岁的尼科尔斯自己没意识到睡眠不足对他产生的不良影响,他妻子却称他经常看上去精疲力竭的,非常疲劳。
You know how when you listen to rock, rap, or any popular music, it's easy to clap your hands with the beat. 当你听摇滚乐、饶舌乐,或是任河流行乐时,跟随节奏用手打拍子很容易。
How much money do you want? Would you believe if it if I beat you to death with money. 你要多少钱,你开口,信不信我今天用钱砸死你!
One of the reasons it beat the mark was that it wasn't forced into discounts as it had been in recent years. 业绩超预期的一大原因是,该品牌没有像前几年那样被迫低价甩卖产品。
For a start, they are not simply trying to beat an index. Instead, their goal is to increase their clients' wealth in absolute terms. 首先,它们不仅仅是要超越某个指数,相反,它们的目标是要增加客户财富的绝对值。
Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez had one of his top scouts in Bari on Wednesday night to see Italy beat Scotland. 利物浦主帅拉法·贝尼特斯星期三晚上出现在意大利击败苏格兰的巴里赛场进行考察。
But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door. 但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。
May be in violation of regulations, Juanzi do not agree, Wang Jinyang hand would beat her, his mouth still swore. 可这违反了规定,娟子不同意,王金扬手就要打她,嘴里还骂着。
Rodriguez was a starter when Liverpool beat Everton in a feisty Merseyside derby at the beginning of the month. 本月初利物浦莫西塞德德比击败埃弗顿比赛中,罗德里格斯是其中一员。
It's easy to beat ourselves over it, but this approach is not going to help. 战胜它是很容易的,但是这个办法并不奏效。
If he dare bully you again, I'll help you beat the devil out of him. 要是他敢再欺负你,我就帮你狠狠地揍他一顿。
A gang of muggers beat the living daylights out of him. 一帮劫匪把他狠狠地揍了一顿。
The hot African sun beat down on her; her truck sat in the street with a cargo of guns and ammunition and land mines. 太热了。她的卡车就安静地停在街上,上面装了一车枪支,弹药和地雷。
When he said we were trying to make a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beat us to it. 当他们说我们在企图愚弄他的时候,我惟有嘟哝着说:造物主早已抢先了我们一步啦。
I'm gonna beat you to death with all that's left of your daughter. 我要用你女儿的骨头打死你
She was as tired as I was of our side getting beat and treating defeat as evidence of moral virtue and superiority. 我们民主党人总是把遭受打击和挫败看成道德高尚和地位优越的证明,希拉里和我一样对这种态度感到厌烦。
Robbie: Well, you've got to run up and down with us in the market holding a frying pan with a pancake in it and try to beat the other teams. 罗比:你得手持煎锅,锅中盛块薄饼,和我们一起在市场来回跑,要跑得比其他队伍快。
But if you take a look at this video, you will see that he beat Reese badly and left her to bleed to death. 但如果你看一下这段录像,你就会发现他确实把Reese打成重伤,并且任由她留在原地流血至死。
He paused and looked at me, that look that always made my heart skip a beat. 他顿了一下然后看着我他看我的那种眼神总是使我的心砰砰直跳。
As the sun beat down on the tiny sculptures they stooped and slumped, lending an ephemeral quality to the already very cool installation. 当太阳击败了他们的小雕塑弯下腰下滑,贷款质量的一个短暂的安装已经非常冷静。
And as I was talking with him, Steve said to me, you know Robert, if I can beat this cancer, I win. 他对我说:安珀,若我能胜过这癌症,我就赢了。
Her dark eyes watched the dance hungrily from her position behind a tall fern, and he felt his heart beat faster. 她站在一棵高大的植物后面,用她那黑眼睛渴望地望着舞池,然后他感到心跳加速。
loudly cri your name, Ev'ry beat of my heart. I want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same. 都在呼喊你名字。如此渴望和你一起,内心的每一次跳动。噢,希望你希望你能有同样的感觉。
Irritated, mom beat me with the spoon for pig feeding and spread the pig feed all over me. I did not cry, just filled with hatred. 妈妈气得用喂猪的勺子打我,弄了我一身的猪食,我没有哭,心里只有恨。
He was like the abusive boyfriend who beat you up and then apologized after promising to pay up front next time. Really. 他就像个有暴力倾向的男朋友,一次次把你打个鼻青脸肿之后又一次次道歉说决不再犯会好好对你。
As you can see, I have no arms so I can't beat you, and I have no legs so I can't run away from you. 你看,我没胳膊,所以我不会打你的,而我又没有腿,所以我不会一人跑丢下你的。
Dear friend, i miss you so much! i wanna beat the living shit out of you and feed it to your mother! 亲爱的朋友,我很想念你,我想把你的屎活活的打出来然后为给你娘吃!